编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 21:00-21:10 | 讨论 |
Discussion |
Yi Yang
The Affiliated Hospital of Southeast University
2 | 21:10-21:20 | 讨论 |
Discussion |
Dechang Chen
Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine
3 | 21:20-21:40 | 讨论 |
抽签 |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 08:00-08:20 | 讨论 |
ECMO概论 |
Discussion |
2 | 08:20-08:50 | 讨论 |
ECMO生理 |
Discussion |
3 | 08:50-09:15 | 讨论 |
ECMO置管技术 |
Discussion |
4 | 09:15-09:55 | 讨论 |
V-V ECMO原则与实践 |
Discussion |
5 | 09:55-10:35 | 讨论 |
V-A ECMO原则与实践 |
Discussion |
6 | 10:50-11:20 | 讨论 |
ECMO相关并发症 |
Discussion |
7 | 11:20-11:50 | 讨论 |
ECMO撤机策略 |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 13:00-13:30 | 讨论 |
ECMO抗凝管理 |
Discussion |
2 | 13:30-14:00 | 讨论 |
超声在ECMO中的应用 |
Discussion |
3 | 14:00-14:30 | 讨论 |
ECMO镇痛镇静管理 |
Discussion |
4 | 14:30-14:45 | 讨论 |
血管通路建立 |
Discussion |
5 | 14:45-15:00 | 讨论 |
气栓 |
Discussion |
6 | 15:00-15:15 | 讨论 |
膜肺功能障碍 |
Discussion |
7 | 15:15-15:30 | 讨论 |
ECMO驱动故障 |
Discussion |
8 | 15:30-17:30 | 讨论 |
据抽签结果定-讲者8人(每人15分钟) |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 08:00-08:45 | 讨论 |
支气管镜在重症患者中的应用 |
Discussion |
2 | 08:45-09:30 | 讨论 |
支气管镜操作流程ABC |
Discussion |
3 | 09:30-10:15 | 讨论 |
支气管镜下的呼吸道解剖及表现 |
Discussion |
4 | 10:30-11:15 | 讨论 |
支气管镜肺泡灌洗术与操作注意事项 |
Discussion |
5 | 11:15-12:00 | 讨论 |
支气管镜操作并发症及管理制度 |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 13:00-13:25 | 讨论 |
支气管示范操作 |
Discussion |
2 | 13:25-13:50 | 讨论 |
支气管镜辅助气管插管 |
Discussion |
3 | 13:50-14:15 | 讨论 |
支气管镜辅助气管切开 |
Discussion |
4 | 14:15-14:40 | 讨论 |
经气管镜肺泡灌洗和毛刷刷检 |
Discussion |
5 | 14:40-15:05 | 讨论 |
经支气管镜异物取出 |
Discussion |
6 | 15:20-17:20 | 讨论 |
理论考核-8人(每人15分钟) |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 08:00-08:10 | 致辞 |
开班式 |
Dechang Chen
Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine /
Yan Kang
2 | 08:10-08:40 | 培训讲座 |
讲座1:血流动力学管理的基本原则 |
隆云 | 中国医学科学院北京协和医院 |
Yun Long | Peking Union Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences | ||||
3 | 08:40-09:10 | 培训讲座 |
讲座2:流量指标:ScvO2和GAP |
隆云 | 中国医学科学院北京协和医院 |
Yun Long | Peking Union Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences | ||||
4 | 09:10-09:40 | 培训讲座 |
讲座3:氧输送与氧代谢 |
郑瑞强 | 江苏省苏北人民医院 |
Ruiqiang Zheng | Northern Jiangsu People's Hospital | ||||
5 | 09:40-10:10 | 培训讲座 |
讲座4:目的指标:乳酸 |
杜微 | 中国医学科学院北京协和医院 |
Wei Du | Peking Union Medical College Hospital |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 10:30-11:00 | 培训讲座 |
讲座12:血流动力学治疗:液体及液体反应性监测技术 (模拟病例) |
虞文魁 | 南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院 |
Wenkui Yu | The Affiliated Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital of Nanjing University Medical School | ||||
2 | 11:00-11:30 | 培训讲座 |
讲座13:血流动力学治疗:血流动力学监测参数指导血管活性药物(模拟病例) |
尤勇 | 南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院 |
Yong You | The Affiliated Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital of Nanjing University Medical School | ||||
3 | 11:30-12:00 | 培训讲座 |
讲座14:血流动力学治疗:血流动力学监测参数指导正性肌力药物(模拟病例) |
陈鸣 | 南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院 |
Ming Chen | The Affiliated Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital of Nanjing University Medical School |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 13:30-14:00 | 培训讲座 |
讲座5:心功能曲线与ABC理论 |
崔娜 | 中国医学科学院北京协和医院 |
Na Cui | |||||
2 | 14:00-14:30 | 培训讲座 |
讲座6:静脉回流曲线 |
翟茜 | 山东大学齐鲁医院 |
Qian Zhai | |||||
3 | 14:30-15:00 | 培训讲座 |
讲座7:容量反应性:原理,方法和指标 (模拟病例) |
何怀武 | 中国医学科学院北京协和医院 |
Huaiwu He | Peking Union Medical College Hospital | ||||
4 | 15:00-15:30 | 培训讲座 |
讲座8:心室动脉耦联及动态动脉弹性的意义 |
汤铂 | 中国医学科学院北京协和医院 |
Bo Tang | Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Science |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 15:50-16:20 | 培训讲座 |
讲座9:右心功能评估(模拟病例) |
杨向红 | 浙江省人民医院 |
Xianghong Yang | Zhejiang provincial people's hospital(People’s Hospital of Hangzhou Medical College) | ||||
2 | 16:20-16:50 | 培训讲座 |
讲座10:血管外肺水 |
王郝 | 首都医科大学附属北京积水潭医院 |
Hao Wang | Beijing Jishuitan Hospital | ||||
3 | 16:50-17:20 | 培训讲座 |
讲座11:动态预测血流动力学监测技术及应用案例 |
杜微 | 中国医学科学院北京协和医院 |
Wei Du | Peking Union Medical College Hospital | ||||
4 | 17:30-18:00 | 答疑 |
答疑 |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 08:00-08:35 | 讨论 |
重症超声的基本原理 |
Discussion |
2 | 08:35-08:55 | 讨论 |
超声基础技术 |
Discussion |
3 | 08:55-09:20 | 讨论 |
重症肺部超声基础:切面与征象 |
Discussion |
4 | 09:20-09:45 | 讨论 |
重症心脏超声基础:切面与操作 |
Discussion |
5 | 09:45-10:10 | 讨论 |
重症超声与容量评估 |
Discussion |
6 | 10:10-10:35 | 讨论 |
心包与心脏超声评估 |
Discussion |
7 | 10:35-11:00 | 讨论 |
重症超声在休克诊治中的应用 |
Discussion |
8 | 11:00-11:25 | 讨论 |
重症超声与呼吸衰竭诊治 |
Discussion |
9 | 11:25-11:45 | 讨论 |
重症创伤与FAST |
Discussion |
10 | 11:45-12:05 | 讨论 |
血管穿刺及评估 |
Discussion |
11 | 12:05-12:20 | 讨论 |
心脏超声 |
Discussion |
12 | 12:20-12:35 | 讨论 |
肺部超声 |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 13:30-16:00 | 讨论 |
据抽签结果定-讲者10人(每人15分钟) |
Discussion |
2 | 16:00-17:30 | 讨论 |
据抽签结果定-讲者6人(每人15分钟) |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 08:00-08:25 | 讨论 |
CRRT原理与模式 |
Discussion |
2 | 08:25-08:50 | 讨论 |
CRRT规范化与质量控制 |
Discussion |
3 | 08:50-09:15 | 讨论 |
CRRT 抗凝 |
Discussion |
4 | 09:15-09:40 | 讨论 |
CRRT置换液配置与管理 |
Discussion |
5 | 09:40-10:05 | 讨论 |
CRRT剂量选择与参数设置 |
Discussion |
6 | 10:20-10:45 | 讨论 |
CRRT容量管理 |
Discussion |
7 | 10:45-11:10 | 讨论 |
CRRT电解质与酸碱平衡调控 |
Discussion |
8 | 11:10-11:35 | 讨论 |
CRRT营养管理 |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 13:00-13:25 | 讨论 |
CRRT适应证与时机 |
Discussion |
2 | 13:25-13:50 | 讨论 |
CRRT并发症与处理 |
Discussion |
3 | 13:50-14:05 | 讨论 |
CRRT血管通路的建立 |
Discussion |
4 | 14:05-14:20 | 讨论 |
CRRT血管连接操作流程 |
Discussion |
5 | 14:20-14:35 | 讨论 |
CRRT血管通路护理与管路维护 |
Discussion |
6 | 14:35-14:50 | 讨论 |
CRRT常见报警与处理 |
Discussion |
7 | 14:50-15:05 | 讨论 |
CRRT在ECMO中应用操作 |
Discussion |
8 | 15:05-15:20 | 讨论 |
CRRT枸橼酸抗凝操作 |
Discussion |
9 | 15:30-17:00 | 讨论 |
根据抽签结果定6人(每人15分钟) |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 10:30-11:30 | Workshop |
Workshop 1: 中心静脉压波形、动脉波形和意义与病例分析 |
2 | 11:30-12:30 | Workshop |
Workshop 2:Swan -Ganz:原理、方法及病例讲解 |
崔娜 | 中国医学科学院北京协和医院 |
Workshop | Na Cui |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 13:30-14:30 | Workshop |
Workshop 1: 中心静脉压波形、动脉波形和意义与病例分析 |
2 | 14:30-15:30 | Workshop |
Workshop 2:Swan -Ganz:原理、方法及病例讲解 |
崔娜 | 中国医学科学院北京协和医院 |
Workshop | Na Cui |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 15:50-16:40 | Workshop |
Workshop 3:微创血流动力学监测技术及病例:FloTrac/PiCCO |
胡波 | 武汉大学中南医院 |
Workshop | Bo Hu | ||||
2 | 16:40-17:30 | Workshop |
Workshop 4:微循环可视化监测:SDF |
徐前程 | 皖南医学院第一附属医院(皖南医学院弋矶山医院) |
Workshop | Qiancheng Xu | ||||
3 | 17:30-18:00 | 答疑 |
答疑 |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 08:00-08:45 | 讨论 |
据抽签结果定-讲者3人(每人15分钟) |
Discussion |
2 | 08:45-11:25 | 讨论 |
据抽签结果定-讲者16人(每人15分钟) |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 08:00-09:00 | 讨论 |
据抽签结果定-讲者4人(每人15分钟) |
Discussion |
2 | 09:00-12:00 | 讨论 |
据抽签结果定-讲者12人(每人15分钟) |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 08:00-08:30 | 培训讲座 |
讲座9:右心功能评估(模拟病例) |
杨向红 | 浙江省人民医院 |
Xianghong Yang | Zhejiang provincial people's hospital(People’s Hospital of Hangzhou Medical College) | ||||
2 | 08:30-09:00 | 培训讲座 |
讲座10:血管外肺水 |
王郝 | 首都医科大学附属北京积水潭医院 |
Hao Wang | Beijing Jishuitan Hospital | ||||
3 | 09:00-09:30 | 培训讲座 |
讲座11:动态预测血流动力学监测技术及应用案例 |
杜微 | 中国医学科学院北京协和医院 |
Wei Du | Peking Union Medical College Hospital |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 10:00-10:30 | 培训讲座 |
讲座12:血流动力学治疗:液体及液体反应性监测技术 (模拟病例) |
虞文魁 | 南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院 |
Wenkui Yu | The Affiliated Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital of Nanjing University Medical School | ||||
2 | 10:30-11:00 | 培训讲座 |
讲座13:血流动力学治疗:血流动力学监测参数指导血管活性药物(模拟病例) |
尤勇 | 南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院 |
Yong You | The Affiliated Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital of Nanjing University Medical School | ||||
3 | 11:00-11:24 | 培训讲座 |
讲座14:血流动力学治疗:血流动力学监测参数指导正性肌力药物(模拟病例) |
陈鸣 | 南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院 |
Ming Chen | The Affiliated Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital of Nanjing University Medical School |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 14:00-14:30 | 培训讲座 |
讲座5:心功能曲线与ABC理论 |
崔娜 | 中国医学科学院北京协和医院 |
Na Cui | |||||
2 | 14:30-15:00 | 培训讲座 |
讲座6:静脉回流曲线 |
翟茜 | 山东大学齐鲁医院 |
Qian Zhai | |||||
3 | 15:00-15:30 | 培训讲座 |
讲座7:容量反应性:原理,方法和指标 (模拟病例) |
何怀武 | 中国医学科学院北京协和医院 |
Huaiwu He | Peking Union Medical College Hospital | ||||
4 | 15:30-16:00 | 培训讲座 |
讲座8:心室动脉耦联及动态动脉弹性的意义 |
汤铂 | 中国医学科学院北京协和医院 |
Bo Tang | Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Science | ||||
5 | 16:00-16:30 | 答疑 |
答疑 |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 08:00-11:00 | 讨论 |
据抽签结果定-讲者12人(每人15分钟) |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 08:00-08:45 | 讨论 |
据抽签结果定-讲者3人(每人15分钟) |
Discussion |
2 | 08:45-12:00 | 讨论 |
据抽签结果定-讲者13人(每人15分钟) |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 08:00-08:50 | Workshop |
Workshop 3:微创血流动力学监测技术及病例:FloTrac/PiCCO |
胡波 | 武汉大学中南医院 |
Workshop | Bo Hu | ||||
2 | 08:50-09:40 | Workshop |
Workshop 4:微循环可视化监测:SDF |
徐前程 | 皖南医学院第一附属医院(皖南医学院弋矶山医院) |
Workshop | Qiancheng Xu |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 09:50-10:40 | Workshop |
Workshop 5:头脑风暴1:休克的早期诊断与类型识别 (模拟病例) |
彭倩宜 | 中南大学湘雅医院 |
Workshop | Qianyi Peng | Xiangya Hospital, Central South University | |||
2 | 10:40-11:30 | Workshop |
Workshop 6:头脑风暴2:不同休克类型,同一治疗流程 (模拟病例) |
李莉 | 中南大学湘雅医院 |
Workshop | li li | ||||
3 | 11:30-12:20 | Workshop |
Workshop 7:头脑风暴3:器官灌注为导向的休克治疗 |
张丽娜 | 中南大学湘雅医院 |
Workshop | Lina Zhang | Xiangya Hospital of Central South University |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 13:30-14:30 | Workshop |
Workshop 5:头脑风暴1:休克的早期诊断与类型识别 (模拟病例) |
彭倩宜 | 中南大学湘雅医院 |
Workshop | Qianyi Peng | Xiangya Hospital, Central South University | |||
2 | 14:30-15:30 | Workshop |
Workshop 6:头脑风暴2:不同休克类型,同一治疗流程 (模拟病例) |
李莉 | 中南大学湘雅医院 |
Workshop | li li | ||||
3 | 15:30-16:30 | Workshop |
Workshop 7:头脑风暴3:器官灌注为导向的休克治疗 |
张丽娜 | 中南大学湘雅医院 |
Workshop | Lina Zhang | Xiangya Hospital of Central South University |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 08:00-08:10 | 致辞 |
嘉宾致辞 |
康焰 | 四川大学华西医院/华西天府医院 |
2 | 08:10-08:20 | 致辞 |
嘉宾致辞 |
陈德昌 | 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院 |
Dechang Chen | Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine | ||||
3 | 08:20-08:30 | 致辞 |
嘉宾致辞 |
罗凤鸣 | 四川大学华西医院 |
Fengming Luo | West China Hospital, Sichuan University | ||||
4 | 08:30-08:40 | 致辞 |
嘉宾致辞 |
汪劲松 | 四川大学 |
Jinsong Wang | |||||
5 | 08:40-08:50 | 致辞 |
嘉宾致辞 |
李大川 | 国家卫生健康委医政司 副司长 |
Dachuan Li | National Health Commission Medical Administration Bureau | ||||
6 | 08:50-09:00 | 致辞 |
嘉宾致辞 |
杨兴平 | 四川省人民政府 |
Xingping Yang |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 09:30-10:00 | 大会报告 |
重症医学:提升质量 引领未来 |
陈德昌 | 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院 |
Plenary Lecture |
Intensive Care Medicine: Elevating Quality, Leading the Future |
Dechang Chen | Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine | ||
2 | 10:00-10:30 | 大会报告 |
培训与教育:助推重症医学发展 |
康焰 | 四川大学华西医院/华西天府医院 |
Plenary Lecture |
Training and Education: Driving the Advancement of Critical Care Medicine |
3 | 10:30-11:00 | 大会报告 |
科学研究与学科高质量发展 |
管向东 | 中山大学附属第一医院 |
Plenary Lecture |
Scientific Research and High-Quality Development of the Discipline |
Xiangdong Guan | The First Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 11:00-11:30 | 大会报告 |
ICU Design and Outcomes |
Lauren R. Sorce | SCCM主席 |
Plenary Lecture |
ICU Design and Outcomes |
Lauren R. Sorce | Ann&Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago | ||
2 | 11:30-12:00 | 大会报告 |
Antimicrobial stewardship – what it is and why every ICU needs it |
Plenary Lecture |
Antimicrobial stewardship – what it is and why every ICU needs it |
Jan De Waele | European Society of Intensive Care Medicine - ESICM |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 12:20-12:25 | 致辞 |
主持致辞 |
Host and address |
2 | 12:25-12:40 | 专题会 |
心功能不全的自我代偿与治疗 |
徐磊 | 天津市第三中心医院 |
Self-Compensation and Treatment of Cardiac Dysfunction |
Lei Xu | Tianjin third central hospital | |||
3 | 12:40-12:55 | 专题会 |
心肾综合征 |
吴健锋 | 中山大学附属第一医院 |
Cardiorenal syndrome |
Jianfeng Wu | The First Affiliated Hospital,Sun Yat-sen University | |||
4 | 12:55-13:00 | 总结 |
总结致辞 |
summary |
Concluding remarks |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 13:30-13:45 | 专题发言 |
ICU患者谵妄预防和应对:护士如何做 |
陈丽花 | 广州医科大学附属第一医院 |
Symposium |
Preventing and Managing Delirium in ICU Patients: The Role of Nurses |
Lihua Chen | |||
2 | 13:45-14:00 | 专题发言 |
ICU患者的约束:减少和优化流程 |
倪洁 | 复旦大学附属华山医院 |
Symposium |
Restraints in ICU Patients: Minimizing and Optimizing Procedures |
Jie Ni | |||
3 | 14:00-14:15 | 专题发言 |
ICU患者的睡眠和休息:护士需要关注 |
彭小贝 | 中南大学湘雅医院 |
Symposium |
Sleep and Rest in ICU Patients: Nurses' Focus and Care |
Xiaobei Peng | |||
4 | 14:15-14:30 | 专题发言 |
ICU的护患交流:可以变单向为双向 |
丁新波 | 武汉大学中南医院 |
Symposium |
ICU Nurse-Patient Communication: Transforming Unidirectional to Bidirectional |
xinbo ding | |||
5 | 14:30-14:45 | 专题发言 |
ICU患者的口干口渴:识别和改善 |
江榕 | 南昌大学第一附属医院 |
Symposium |
Dry Mouth and Thirst in ICU Patients: Identification and Improvement |
Rong Jiang | |||
6 | 14:45-15:00 | 讨论点评 |
提问和讨论环节 |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 15:00-15:07 | 论文发言 |
A Multimodal Educational Program to Enhance Nurses' Proficiency in Delirium Recognition in a PICU |
何珊 | 重庆医科大学附属儿童医院 |
Oral Presentation |
A Multimodal Educational Program to Enhance Nurses' Proficiency in Delirium Recognition in a PICU |
shan he | Children’s Hospital of Chongqing Medical University | ||
2 | 15:07-15:14 | 论文发言 |
ICU患者压力性损伤风险评估工具准确性的网状Meta分析 |
马艳 | 中国人民解放军空军军医大学第一附属医院 |
Oral Presentation | Yan Ma | ||||
3 | 15:14-15:21 | 论文发言 |
Effect of Early Mobilization on the Development of Pneumonia in Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury in the Neurosurgical Intensive Care Unit: A Historical Controls Study |
耿新 | 暨南大学附属第一医院 |
Oral Presentation |
Effect of Early Mobilization on the Development of Pneumonia in Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury in the Neurosurgical Intensive Care Unit: A Historical Controls Study |
Xin Geng | |||
4 | 15:21-15:28 | 论文发言 |
Development and validation of a nomogram for oral mucosal membrane pressure injury in hospitalized patients with endotracheal tubes in the ICU: A prospective cohort study |
贾玲俐 | 四川大学华西医院 |
Oral Presentation |
Development and validation of a nomogram for oral mucosal membrane pressure injury in hospitalized patients with endotracheal tubes in the ICU: A prospective cohort study |
Lingli Jia | |||
5 | 15:28-15:35 | 论文发言 |
成人重型颅脑损伤术后患者压力性损伤Nomogram预测模型的构建及验证 |
刘丽娟 | 上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院 |
Oral Presentation | Lijuan Liu | ||||
6 | 15:35-15:42 | 论文发言 |
COVID-19大流行对亚洲人身心健康的影响一项针对亚洲7个中等收入国家的研究 |
曹杨 | 吉林大学第一医院 |
Oral Presentation | Yang Cao | ||||
7 | 15:42-15:49 | 论文发言 |
基于循证的肠内营养管理在俯卧位通气患者中的应用 |
王莎莎 | 武汉大学人民医院 |
Oral Presentation | Shasha Wang |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 16:00-16:15 | 专题发言 |
超声导向的肺评估与康复 |
孙建华 | 中国医学科学院北京协和医院 |
Symposium |
Ultrasound-Guided Lung Assessment and Rehabilitation |
Jianhua Sun | |||
2 | 16:15-16:30 | 专题发言 |
超声导向的骨骼肌评估与康复 |
金歌 | 郑州大学第一附属医院 |
Symposium |
Ultrasound-Guided Skeletal Muscle Assessment and Rehabilitation |
Ge Jin | |||
3 | 16:30-16:45 | 专题发言 |
超声导向的胃肠评估与康复 |
曹岚 | 中南大学湘雅医院 |
Symposium |
Ultrasound-Guided Gastrointestinal Assessment and Rehabilitation |
Lan Cao | |||
4 | 16:45-17:00 | 专题发言 |
超声导向的吞咽功能评估与康复 |
鲁梅珊 | 中国医学科学院北京协和医院 |
Symposium |
Ultrasound-Guided Swallowing Function Assessment and Rehabilitation |
Meishan Lu | |||
5 | 17:00-17:15 | 专题发言 |
超声导向的皮下水肿评估与康复 |
张蔚青 | 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院 |
Symposium |
Ultrasound-Guided Subcutaneous Edema Assessment and Rehabilitation |
Weiqing Zhang | |||
6 | 17:15-17:30 | 讨论点评 |
提问和讨论环节 |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 13:30-13:45 | 专题发言 |
新定义一周年 |
邱海波 | 东南大学附属中大医院 |
Symposium |
First anniversary of Redifining |
Haibo Qiu | Zhongda hospital, Southeast University | ||
2 | 13:45-13:50 | 专题发言 |
病例介绍 |
徐静媛 | 东南大学附属中大医院 |
Symposium |
Case presentation |
Jingyuan Xu | Zhongda hospital, Southeast University | ||
3 | 13:50-14:05 | 专题发言 |
我诊断ARDS |
蔺国英 | 西藏自治区人民医院 |
Symposium |
Diagnose ARDS |
Guoying Lin | Tibet Autonomous Region People's Hospital | ||
4 | 14:05-14:20 | 专题发言 |
我不诊断ARDS |
张利鹏 | 内蒙古医科大学附属医院 |
Symposium |
Not diagnose ARDS |
Lipeng Zhang | The Affiliated Hospital of Mongolia Medical College, China | ||
5 | 14:20-15:00 | 专家访谈 |
专家访谈 |
Expert Interviews |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 15:00-15:15 | SCI |
Loss of ZBED6 Protects Against Sepsis-Induced Muscle Atrophy by Upregulating DOCK3-Mediated RAC1/PI3K/AKT Signaling Pathway in Pigs |
刘欢 | 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院 |
SCI | Huan Liu | ||||
2 | 15:15-15:30 | SCI |
Elevated MMP-8 levels, inversely associated with BMI, predict mortality in mechanically ventilated patients: an observational multicenter study |
冉晓 | 华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院 |
3 | 15:30-15:45 | SCI |
Self‐Propelled Proteomotors with Active Cell‐Free mtDNA Clearance for Enhanced Therapy of Sepsis‐Associated Acute Lung Injury |
沈利汉 | 东莞市人民医院 |
SCI | lihan Shen | Dongguan People’s Hospital | |||
4 | 15:45-15:50 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 16:00-16:15 | 专题发言 |
ARDS新指南:新在哪里? |
刘丽霞 | 河北医科大学第四医院 |
Symposium |
ARDS new guideline: What's new? |
Lixia Liu | The Fourth Hospital of HeBei Medical University | ||
2 | 16:15-16:30 | 专题发言 |
糖皮质激素 |
徐永昊 | 广州医科大学附属第一医院 |
Symposium |
Glucocorticosteroid |
Yonghao Xu | The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University | ||
3 | 16:30-16:45 | 专题发言 |
PEEP滴定与肺复张 |
张振辉 | 广州医科大学附属第三医院 |
Symposium |
PEEP titration and Lung recruitment |
Zhenhui Zhang | |||
4 | 16:45-17:00 | 专题发言 |
肌松剂 |
熊旭明 | 广州医科大学附属第二医院 |
Symposium |
NMBs |
Xuming Xiong | |||
5 | 17:00-17:15 | 专题发言 |
刘小军 | 郑州大学第二附属医院 |
Symposium |
Xiaojun Liu | The Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University | ||
6 | 17:15-17:30 | 讨论 |
讨论 |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 12:20-12:25 | 致辞 |
开场致辞 |
Opening speech |
2 | 12:25-12:45 | 专题会 |
ICU重症患者血小板减少与重组人血小板生成素 |
宋景春 | 中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第九〇八医院 |
Thrombocytopenia in critically ill patients and Recombinant Human Thrombopoietin in ICU |
Jingchun Song | ||||
3 | 12:45-13:05 | 专题会 |
TPO对脓毒症患者内皮细胞保护作用的研究进展 |
王瑞兰 | 上海市第一人民医院 |
Research progress on the protective effect of TPO on endothelial cells in patients with sepsis |
Ruilan Wang | Shanghai First People's Hospital | |||
4 | 13:05-13:15 | 专题会讨论 |
专题讨论 |
Discussion |
5 | 13:15-13:20 | 总结 |
会议总结 |
summary |
Conclusion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 13:30-13:45 | 专题发言 |
重症凝血新进展(2023-2024) |
马晓春 | 中国医科大学附属第一医院 |
Symposium |
New insights into coagulopathy in critical illness (2023-2024) |
Xiaochun Ma | Introduction to the First Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University | ||
2 | 13:45-14:05 | 专题发言 |
出凝血相关最新指南解读 |
施贤清 | 贵州省人民医院 |
Symposium |
Interpretation of the guidelines on coagulopathy in critical illness |
Xianqing Shi | Guizhou Provincial People’s Hospital | ||
3 | 14:05-14:20 | 专题发言 |
出血与血栓:抗凝的时机? |
李琛 | 山东大学齐鲁医院 |
Symposium |
Hemorrhage and thrombosis: Timing of anticoagulation |
Chen Li | Department of Neurology, Qilu Hospital, Shandong University, Jinan, Shandong | ||
4 | 14:20-14:35 | 专题发言 |
重症凝血病:抗纤溶的时机与指征 |
傅强 | 天津市第四中心医院 |
Symposium |
Timing and indications for antifibrinolytic agents |
Qiang Fu | Tianjin Fourth Central Hospital | ||
5 | 14:35-14:50 | 专题发言 |
重症病人的血小板输注:时机与目标 |
王勇强 | 天津市第一中心医院 |
Symposium |
Platelet transfusion in critically ill: Timing and objectives |
Yongqiang Wang | 天津中医药大学 | ||
6 | 14:50-15:00 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 15:00-15:15 | SCI |
Association of autoimmune diseases with the occurrence and 28-day mortality of sepsis: an observational and Mendelian randomization study |
李辉 | 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院北部院区 |
SCI | Hui Li | ||||
2 | 15:15-15:30 | SCI |
Gastrin attenuates sepsis-induced myocardial dysfunction by down-regulation of TLR4 expression in macrophages |
方丹东 | 中国人民解放军东部战区总医院 |
SCI | Dandong Fang | ||||
3 | 15:30-15:35 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 16:00-16:15 | 专题发言 |
热射病:从机制到临床 |
宋青 | 中国人民解放军总医院第一医学中心 |
Symposium |
Heatstroke: From Mechanisms to Clinical Perspectives |
Qing Song | Chinese PLA General Hospital | ||
2 | 16:15-16:30 | 专题发言 |
脓毒症内皮细胞:从保护到损伤 |
宋景春 | 中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第九〇八医院 |
Symposium |
Endothelial cells in sepsis: From protection to injury |
Jingchun Song | |||
3 | 16:30-16:45 | 专题发言 |
血栓四项:临床病例解读 |
张丹 | 重庆医科大学附属第一医院 |
Symposium |
TM, TAT, t-PAIC, and PIC: Clinical analysis |
Dan Zhang | thr | ||
4 | 16:45-17:00 | 专题发言 |
脓毒症血小板减少:鉴别诊断 |
丁仁彧 | 中国医科大学附属第一医院 |
Symposium |
Differential diagnosis for thrombocytopenia in sepsis |
Renyu Ding | The First Hospital of China Medical University | ||
5 | 17:00-17:15 | 专题发言 |
脓毒症抗凝治疗:循证何在? |
李旭 | 中国医科大学附属第一医院 |
Symposium |
Current evidence of anticoagulation in sepsis |
Xu Li | The First Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University | ||
6 | 17:15-17:30 | 专题发言 |
重症病人抗凝:药物 |
李景辉 | 海口市人民医院 |
Symposium |
Update of novel anticoagulants in critically ill patients |
jinghui li | Department of Ophthalmology, the second Xiangya Hospital, Central South University |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 12:20-12:40 | 专题会 |
机械通气人机同步自动识别技术 |
钟鸣 | 复旦大学附属中山医院 |
Automatic identification technology for patient-ventilator synchrony |
Ming Zhong | ||||
2 | 12:40-13:00 | 专题会 |
基于人工智能的拔管预测模型 |
刘玲 | 东南大学附属中大医院 |
The prediction of extubation success based on artificial intelligence |
Ling Liu |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 13:30-13:45 | 专题发言 |
名医是怎样练成的:治好病,读好书 |
陈德昌 | 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院 |
Symposium |
How do famous doctors practice: cure diseases and read good books |
Dechang Chen | Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine | ||
2 | 13:45-14:00 | 专题发言 |
临床与科研:可以完美结合 |
张丽娜 | 中南大学湘雅医院 |
Symposium |
Clinical and scientific research: a perfect combination |
Lina Zhang | Xiangya Hospital of Central South University | ||
3 | 14:00-14:15 | 专题发言 |
一名小白的成长之路 |
朱然 | 中国医科大学附属第一医院 |
Symposium |
The growth path of a rookie |
Ran Zhu | The First Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University | ||
4 | 14:15-15:00 | 讨论点评 |
观众、讲者、主持互动 |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 15:00-15:15 | SCI |
The CD19+ B cell as a marker for the febrile children infected with influenza A and Omicron variant |
柏振江 | 苏州大学附属儿童医院 |
SCI | Zhenjiang Bai | Children's Hospital of Soochow University | |||
2 | 15:15-15:30 | SCI |
Association of gut microbiota with COVID-19 susceptibility and severity: A two-sample Mendelian randomization study |
尚伟锋 | 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院北部院区 |
SCI | Weifeng Shang | Department of Nephrology, Wuhan Fourth Hospital; Puai Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology | |||
3 | 15:30-15:45 | SCI |
Chemogenetic activation of the HPC-mPFC pathway improves cognitive dysfunction in lipopolysaccharide -induced brain injury |
彭倩宜 | 中南大学湘雅医院 |
SCI | Qianyi Peng | Xiangya Hospital, Central South University | |||
4 | 15:45-15:50 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 16:00-16:15 | 专题发言 |
成长突破:需要相时而动 |
刘娇 | 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院 |
Symposium |
Growth breakthrough: need to move at the same time |
Jiao Liu | Shanghai Jiaotong University,Medicine School, Ruijin Hospital | ||
2 | 16:15-16:30 | 专题发言 |
理念突破:AKI,如何走出雾里看花 |
王常松 | 哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院 |
Symposium |
Concept Breakthrough: AKI, how to get out of the fog and see the flowers |
Changsong Wang | Harbin Medical University cancer Hospital | ||
3 | 16:30-16:45 | 专题发言 |
方向突破:脓毒症,如何打破瓶颈 |
谢剑锋 | 东南大学附属中大医院 |
Symposium |
Direction Breakthrough: sepsis, how to break the bottleneck |
Jianfeng Xie | Zhongda Hospital, School of Medicine, Southeast University, | ||
4 | 16:45-17:00 | 专题发言 |
基础科研突破:国自然的爱恨情仇 |
廖雪莲 | 四川大学华西天府医院 |
Symposium |
The Breakthrough of basic Scientific Research: the Love and hatred of National Nature |
5 | 17:00-17:15 | 专题发言 |
临床科研突破:千里之行,始于足下 |
司向 | 中山大学附属第一医院 |
Symposium |
Clinical research breakthrough: a long journey, starting with a small step |
Xiang Si | The first affiliated hospital of sun-yat san university | ||
6 | 17:15-17:30 | 讨论点评 |
点评 |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 12:20-12:23 | 致辞 |
主持人开场 |
Opening Ceremony |
2 | 12:23-12:50 | 专题会 |
硫酸黏菌素:从全国多中心回顾(300例)到河南多中心前瞻(240例)的临床有效性和安全性研究 |
秦秉玉 | 河南省人民医院 |
Colistin Sulfate: nationwide retrospective (300 cases) and Henan regional prospective (240 cases) multicenter efficacy and safety studies |
Bingyu Qin | Henan Provincial People's Hospital | |||
3 | 12:50-13:17 | 专题会 |
基于一项硫酸黏菌素和硫酸多黏菌素B真实世界回顾性队列研究结果探讨多黏菌素类药物的肾毒性 |
余旭奔 | 温州医科大学附属第一医院 |
Exploring polymyxin-induced nephrotoxicity based on the results of a real-world retrospective cohort study of colistin sulfate vs. polymyxin B sulfate |
Xuben Yu | ||||
4 | 13:17-13:20 | 总结 |
主持人总结 |
summary |
Closing Ceremony |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 13:30-13:50 | 专题发言 |
ECMO呼吸支持:适应证与时机 |
诸杜明 | 复旦大学附属中山医院 |
Symposium |
ECMO Respiratory support: Indication and Timing |
Duming Zhu | Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University | ||
2 | 13:50-14:10 | 专题发言 |
ECMO呼吸支持:联合俯卧位 |
熊滨 | 广西壮族自治区人民医院 |
Symposium |
Prone Position During ECMO |
Bin Xiong | People's Hospital of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region | ||
3 | 14:10-14:30 | 专题发言 |
ECMO呼吸支持:Long Run ECMO与并发症 |
李欣 | 复旦大学附属中山医院 |
Symposium |
Long Run ECMO and Complications |
Xin Li | Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University, China | ||
4 | 14:30-14:50 | 专题发言 |
ECMO呼吸支持:撤机困难 |
黄曼 | 浙江大学医学院附属第二医院 |
Symposium |
Difficulties in ECMO Withdrew |
Man Huang | The Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine | ||
5 | 14:50-15:00 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 15:00-15:15 | SCI |
Lipocalin 10 is essential for protection against inflammation-triggered vascular leakage by activating LDL receptor-related protein 2-slingshot homologue 1 signalling pathway |
赵红艳 | 山东大学第二医院 |
SCI | Hongyan Zhao | ||||
2 | 15:15-15:30 | SCI |
Clonal outbreak of NDM-1-producing Enterobacter hormaechei belonging to high-risk international clone ST78 with the coexistence of tmexCD2-toprJ2 and mcr-9 in China |
屠越兴 | 浙江省立同德医院 |
SCI | Yuexing Tu | Tongde Hospital of Zhejiang Province | |||
3 | 15:30-15:45 | SCI |
Herpesvirus reactivation in respiratory tract is associated with increased mortality of severe pneumonia patients and their respiratory microbiome dysbiosis |
刘永安 | 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院北部院区 |
Herpesvirus reactivation in respiratory tract is associated with increased mortality of severe pneumonia patients and their respiratory microbiome dysbiosis |
Yongan Liu | |||
4 | 15:45-15:50 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 16:00-16:15 | 专题发言 |
ECMO循环支持:心肌灌注 |
侯晓彤 | 首都医科大学附属北京安贞医院 |
Symposium |
Myocardial Perfusion and Prognosis |
Xiaotong Hou | Beiiing Anzhen Hospital, Capital Medical University, China | ||
2 | 16:15-16:30 | 专题发言 |
ECMO循环支持:联合IABP |
屠国伟 | 复旦大学附属中山医院 |
Symposium |
IABP During V-A ECMO |
Guowei Tu | Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University | ||
3 | 16:30-16:45 | 专题发言 |
ECMO循环支持 :介入性左心减压 |
尚游 | 华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院 |
Symposium |
Timing for Invasive Left Ventricular Unloading |
You Shang | Union Hospital Tongji Medical College Huazhong University of Science and Technology | ||
4 | 16:45-17:25 | 专题发言 |
Challenging issues in ECMO with case discussions |
Jozef Kesecioglu | European Society of Intensive Care Medicine; University Medical Center Utrecht, the Netherlands |
Symposium | Jozef Kesecioglu | European Society of Intensive Care Medicine; University Medical Center Utrecht, the Netherlands | |||
5 | 17:25-17:30 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 12:20-12:25 | 致辞 |
主持开场 |
Opening Speech |
2 | 12:25-13:05 | 专题会 |
肺肠同治与重症肺炎 |
刘清泉 | 首都医科大学附属北京中医医院 |
Treating both Lung and Intestine AND Severe Pneumonia |
Qingquan Liu | Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Capital Medical University | |||
3 | 13:05-13:20 | 专题会讨论 |
专家讨论 |
Discussion of Specialists |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 13:30-14:10 | 专题发言 |
Invasive Haemodynamic Monitoring in Shock States: When and How? |
Jean-Louis Teboul | Bicetre Hospital, Paris-Saclay University France |
Symposium |
Invasive Haemodynamic Monitoring in Shock States: When and How? |
Jean-Louis Teboul | Bicetre Hospital, Paris-Saclay University France | ||
2 | 14:10-14:25 | 专题发言 |
器官血流与器官功能 |
陈尔真 | 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院 |
Symposium |
Organ blood flow and organ function |
Erzhen Chen | Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine | ||
3 | 14:25-14:40 | 专题发言 |
器官功能复苏,不仅仅是血流 |
郭军 | 四川大学华西医院 |
Symposium |
The resuscitation of organ function is not just blood flow |
Jun Guo | |||
4 | 14:40-14:55 | 专题发言 |
功能导向血流复苏 |
隆云 | 中国医学科学院北京协和医院 |
Symposium |
Function directed flow resuscitation |
Yun Long | Peking Union Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences | ||
5 | 14:55-15:00 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 15:00-15:10 | 论文发言 |
各种模型预测妊娠期急性脂肪肝患者发生AKI的价值比较 |
孟昭丽 | 山东第一医科大学附属省立医院 |
Oral Presentation | Zhaoli Meng | ||||
2 | 15:10-15:20 | 论文发言 |
预防性抗癫痫药物与创伤后颅脑损伤早期癫痫发作的关系:一项国际多中心观察性研究 |
纪健 | 首都医科大学附属北京儿童医院 |
Oral Presentation | Jian Ji | ||||
3 | 15:20-15:30 | 论文发言 |
《关于多发伤的新模式:临时固定团队》 |
钟兴明 | 湖州市第一人民医院 |
Oral Presentation | Xingming Zhong | Department of neurosurgery,Huzhou first people's hospital | |||
4 | 15:30-15:40 | 论文发言 |
Clinical management of Ventilator-associated pneumonia caused by multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria: a nationwide survey of tertiary hospitals in mainland China |
查磊 | 皖南医学院第一附属医院(皖南医学院弋矶山医院) |
Oral Presentation |
Clinical management of Ventilator-associated pneumonia caused by multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria: a nationwide survey of tertiary hospitals in mainland China |
Lei Zha | University of Liverpool | ||
5 | 15:40-15:50 | 论文发言 |
The Pro-inflammatory Phenotype of Alveolar IL-1β+ Neutrophils Mediated by the Interaction of Intracellular Lipid Metabolism Reprogramming and Extracellular High-inflammatory Macrophages: A Significant Indicator of Poor Prognosis in Immunosuppressive CARDS |
杨莹莹 | 中国医学科学院北京协和医院 |
Oral Presentation |
The Pro-inflammatory Phenotype of Alveolar IL-1β+ Neutrophils Mediated by the Interaction of Intracellular Lipid Metabolism Reprogramming and Extracellular High-inflammatory Macrophages: A Significant Indicator of Poor Prognosis in Immunosuppressive CARDS |
Yingying Yang | Peking Union Medical College Hospital |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 16:00-16:20 | 专题发言 |
心房功能对血流的影响 |
严静 | 浙江医院 |
Symposium |
Effect of atrial function on blood flow |
Jing Yan | Zhejiang Hospital | ||
2 | 16:20-16:40 | 专题发言 |
Sepsis左心高动力无益 |
张西京 | 中国人民解放军空军军医大学第一附属医院 |
Symposium |
Hyperdynamic of left heart in sepsis is unhelpful |
Xijing Zhang | Xijing Hospital | ||
3 | 16:40-17:00 | 专题发言 |
舒张功能对功能血流的影响有多大 |
陈敏英 | 中山大学附属第一医院 |
Symposium |
How much does diastolic function affect blood flow |
Minying Chen | The First Affiliated Hospital,Sun Yat-sen University | ||
4 | 17:00-17:20 | 专题发言 |
右心应变与右心功能 |
杜微 | 中国医学科学院北京协和医院 |
Symposium |
Right ventricular strain and right ventricular function |
Wei Du | Peking Union Medical College Hospital | ||
5 | 17:20-17:30 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 12:45-12:50 | 致辞 |
主持开场 |
Opening |
2 | 12:50-13:15 | 专题会 |
脓毒症休克的微循环评估 |
钟鸣 | 复旦大学附属中山医院 |
Assessment of Microcirculation in Septic Shock |
Ming Zhong | ||||
3 | 13:15-13:25 | 专题会讨论 |
专家讨论 |
Panel Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 13:30-13:50 | 专题发言 |
定植 OR 致病? |
周飞虎 | 中国人民解放军总医院第一医学中心 |
Symposium |
Colinization or Infection |
Feihu Zhou | The First Medical Center of the PLA General Hospital | ||
2 | 13:50-14:10 | 专题发言 |
实验室如何助力? |
钱传云 | 昆明医科大学第一附属医院 |
Symposium |
What can laboratories do in disease diagnosis |
Chuanyun Qian | The First Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University | ||
3 | 14:10-14:30 | 专题发言 |
如何联合药物? |
王春亭 | 山东第一医科大学附属省立医院 |
Symposium |
How to combine the application of antibiotics |
Chunting Wang | Shandong Provincial Hospital Chinese | ||
4 | 14:30-14:50 | 专题发言 |
是否联合雾化? |
刘虹 | 山西医科大学第一医院 |
Symposium |
Efficacy of antibacterial drug nebulization |
Hong Liu | Department of Hematology, The First Hospital of Shanxi Medical University | ||
5 | 14:50-15:00 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 Discussion |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 15:00-15:05 | 致辞 |
Dechang Chen
Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine
2 | 15:05-15:17 | 专题发言 |
一例侵袭性肺炎克雷伯菌感染合并感染性休克患者的救治体会 |
周妙 | 崇左市人民医院 |
Symposium |
Management Insights of a Patient with Invasive Pneumonia due to Klebsiella Infection Complicated by Septic Shock |
miao zhou | |||
3 | 15:17-15:29 | 专题发言 |
一例肠瘘腹腔感染继发CRAB重症肺炎病例救治体会 |
刘晗 | 大冶市人民医院 |
Symposium |
Management Experience of a Case with Enterocutaneous Fistula, Intra-abdominal Infection, and Secondary CRAB Severe Pneumonia |
Han Liu | |||
4 | 15:29-15:41 | 专题发言 |
一例急性冠脉综合征合并多器官功能衰竭患者成功救治的病例分享 |
郑运江 | 上海交通大学医学院附属新华医院崇明分院 |
Symposium |
Successful Treatment of a Patient with Acute Coronary Syndrome Complicated by Multi-organ Failure: A Case Study |
Yunjiang Zheng | |||
5 | 15:41-15:50 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 16:00-16:20 | 专题发言 |
CLABSI的危险因素和流行病学分析 |
周发春 | 重庆医科大学附属第一医院 |
Symposium |
Risk factors and epidemiology of CLABSI |
Fachun Zhou | thr | ||
2 | 16:20-16:40 | 专题发言 |
CLABSI 诊断:RDT的地位 |
方巍 | 山东第一医科大学附属省立医院 |
Symposium |
Diagnosis of CLABSI, the status of Rapid Diagnosis Test |
Wei Fang | Shandong Provincial Hospital | ||
3 | 16:40-17:00 | 专题发言 |
CLABSI处理:不能拔管怎么办? |
王洪亮 | 哈尔滨医科大学附属第二医院 |
Symposium |
Management of CLABSI, how to deal with the catheters |
Hongliang Wang | The Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University | ||
4 | 17:00-17:20 | 专题发言 |
CLABSI 预防:防大于治 |
安友仲 | 北京大学人民医院 |
Symposium |
Prevention of CLABSI, what is the importane |
Youzhong An | Peking University People's Hospital | ||
5 | 17:20-17:30 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 Discussion |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 12:20-12:25 | 致辞 |
开场致辞 |
Opening speech |
2 | 12:25-12:45 | 专题会 |
脓毒症基础研究进展及药物发现 |
吕奔 | 中南大学湘雅二医院 |
Progress in basic research on sepsis and drug discovery |
Ben Lv | The Second Xiangya Hospital of Central South University | |||
3 | 12:45-13:05 | 专题会 |
ICU医生的科研:从哪里开始? |
孟玫 | 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院 |
Scientific research of ICU physicians: Where should we start our research? |
Mei Meng | ||||
4 | 13:05-13:20 | 总结 |
讨论与总结 |
summary |
Discussion and Summary |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 14:00-14:20 | 专题发言 |
Sepsis Treatment: Now and in the near future |
Symposium |
Sepsis Treatment: Now and in the near future |
Jan De Waele | European Society of Intensive Care Medicine - ESICM | ||
2 | 14:20-14:30 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
Discussion |
3 | 14:30-14:50 | 专题发言 |
Severe infections in critically ill patients:2023 hotspots |
陈德昌 | 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院 |
Symposium |
Severe infections in critically ill patients:2023 hotspots |
Dechang Chen | Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine | ||
4 | 14:50-15:00 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
Discussion |
5 | 15:00-15:20 | 专题发言 |
The importance of source control in the treatment of severe infections |
Symposium |
The importance of source control in the treatment of severe infections |
Jan De Waele | European Society of Intensive Care Medicine - ESICM | ||
6 | 15:20-15:25 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
Discussion |
7 | 15:25-15:40 | 专题发言 |
Effect of an Herbal-Based Injection on 28-Day Mortality in Patients With Sepsis: The EXIT-SEP Randomized Clinical Trial |
刘松桥 | 东南大学附属中大医院 |
Symposium |
Effect of an Herbal-Based Injection on 28-Day Mortality in Patients With Sepsis: The EXIT-SEP Randomized Clinical Trial |
Songqiao Liu | Department of Critical Care Medicine, Zhongda Hospital, School of Medicine, Southeast University, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, 210009, China | ||
8 | 15:40-15:55 | 专题发言 |
Exploring disease axes as an alternative to distinct clusters for characterizing sepsis heterogeneity |
章仲恒 | 浙江大学医学院附属邵逸夫医院 |
Symposium |
Exploring disease axes as an alternative to distinct clusters for characterizing sepsis heterogeneity |
Zhongheng Zhang | sir Run-Run Shaw hospital, Zhejiang university school of medicine | ||
9 | 15:55-16:00 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 16:00-16:20 | 专题发言 |
Fluid administration: from physiology to bedside practice |
Maurizio Cecconi | Humanitas Research Hospital and Humanitas University, Milan, Italy. |
Symposium |
Fluid administration: from physiology to bedside practice |
Maurizio Cecconi | Humanitas Research Hospital and Humanitas University, Milan, Italy. | ||
2 | 16:20-16:30 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
Discussion |
3 | 16:30-16:50 | 专题发言 |
Hemodynamic evaluation indicators: How to integrate |
Jean-Louis Teboul | Bicetre Hospital, Paris-Saclay University France |
Symposium |
Hemodynamic evaluation indicators: How to integrate |
Jean-Louis Teboul | Bicetre Hospital, Paris-Saclay University France | ||
4 | 16:50-17:00 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
Discussion |
5 | 17:00-17:20 | 专题发言 |
Organ Blood flow: How to evaluate |
刘大为 | 中国医学科学院北京协和医院 |
Symposium |
Organ Blood flow: How to evaluate |
Dawei Liu | Peking Union Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences | ||
6 | 17:20-17:25 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
Discussion |
7 | 17:25-17:40 | 专题发言 |
Association of Sublingual Microcirculation Parameters and Capillary Refill Time in the Early Phase of ICU Admission |
黄伟鹏 | 武汉大学中南医院 |
Symposium |
Association of Sublingual Microcirculation Parameters and Capillary Refill Time in the Early Phase of ICU Admission |
Weipeng Huang | |||
8 | 17:40-17:55 | 专题发言 |
Impact of renal complications on outcome in adult patients with acute fulminant myocarditis receiving venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation: an analysis of nationwide CSECLS database in China |
刘松桥 | 东南大学附属中大医院 |
Symposium |
Impact of renal complications on outcome in adult patients with acute fulminant myocarditis receiving venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation: an analysis of nationwide CSECLS database in China |
Songqiao Liu | Department of Critical Care Medicine, Zhongda Hospital, School of Medicine, Southeast University, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, 210009, China | ||
9 | 17:55-18:00 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 12:20-12:25 | 致辞 |
致辞 |
2 | 12:25-12:45 | 专题会 |
最新《中国成人重症患者镇痛管理专家共识》解读 |
周发春 | 重庆医科大学附属第一医院 |
Interpretation of the latest expert consensus on analgesia management among adult critical patients in China |
Fachun Zhou | thr | |||
3 | 12:45-13:05 | 专题会 |
新型镇静药物在ICU的临床应用进展 |
王岗 | 西安交通大学第二附属医院 |
Progress in clinical application of new sedatives in ICU |
Gang Wang | ||||
4 | 13:05-13:20 | 总结 |
总结 |
summary |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 13:30-13:35 | 致辞 |
主持致辞 |
2 | 13:35-13:55 | 专题会 |
休克新视角——再看急性循环衰竭 |
杨翃 | 南方医科大学第三附属医院(广东省骨科研究医院) |
A New Perspective on Shock: A Relook at Acute Circulatory Failure |
Li Yang | The Third Affiliated Hospital Of Southern Medical University | |||
3 | 13:55-14:15 | 专题会 |
何以解“漏”,“复苏+控炎”或是方向 |
方巍 | 山东第一医科大学附属省立医院 |
How to solve "leakage", "resuscitation and inflammation control" may be the answer |
Wei Fang | Shandong Provincial Hospital | |||
4 | 14:15-14:25 | 讨论点评 |
现场互动 |
Comment |
5 | 14:25-14:30 | 总结 |
大会总结 |
summary |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 14:30-14:33 | 致辞 |
主席致辞 |
2 | 14:33-14:58 | 专题会 |
2023ESICM:脓毒症综合管理进展 |
皋源 | 上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院 |
2023ESICM:Progress in comprehensive management of sepsis |
Yuan Gao | Renji Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine | |||
3 | 14:58-15:28 | 专题会讨论 |
讨论 |
4 | 15:28-15:30 | 总结 |
主席结语 |
summary |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 15:30-15:50 | 专题会 |
CRE流行病学现状和治疗策略 |
刘娇 | 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院 |
Jiao Liu | Shanghai Jiaotong University,Medicine School, Ruijin Hospital | ||||
2 | 15:50-16:00 | 专题会讨论 |
讨论 |
3 | 16:00-16:20 | 专题会 |
从最新的CHINET报告看CRO感染治疗现状与策略 |
向淑麟 | 广西壮族自治区人民医院 |
Current Status and Strategies of CRO Infection Treatment: evidence from the Latest CHINET Report |
Shulin Xiang | People's Hospital of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region | |||
4 | 16:20-16:30 | 专题会讨论 |
讨论 |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 16:30-16:50 | 专题会 |
重症患者糖萼的变化及白蛋白的糖萼保护作用 |
赵慧颖 | 北京大学人民医院 |
Changes of glycocalyx in critically ill patients and the protective effect of albumin on glycocalyx |
2 | 16:50-17:10 | 专题会 |
IVIG在重症血液疾病的治疗进展 |
付建红 | 苏州大学附属第一医院 |
Progress in the treatment of severe hematological diseases with IVIG |
Jianhong Fu | ||||
3 | 17:10-17:30 | 专题会 |
创伤性凝血病的管理——需要更高浓度水平的纤原吗? |
黄青青 | 昆明医科大学第二附属医院 |
Does the management of traumatic coagulation disease require higher concentrations of fibrinogen? |
Qingqing Huang | The Second Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 12:20-12:40 | 专题会 |
一种中药注射剂对脓毒症患者28天病死率影响的随机对照临床研究 |
刘松桥 | 东南大学附属中大医院 |
Effect of an Herbal-Based Injection on 28-Day Mortality in Patients With Sepsis The EXIT-SEP Randomized Clinical Trial |
Songqiao Liu | Department of Critical Care Medicine, Zhongda Hospital, School of Medicine, Southeast University, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, 210009, China | |||
2 | 12:40-13:00 | 专题会 |
脓毒症药物治疗靶点最新研究进展 |
姚咏明 | 中国人民解放军总医院第四医学中心 |
Update advances in drug therapy targets for sepsis |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 13:30-13:40 | 专题发言 |
分享RCT研究 |
钱克俭 | 南昌大学第一附属医院 |
Symposium |
Presentation of RCTs |
Kejian Qian | The First Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University | ||
2 | 13:40-13:52 | 专题发言 |
好在哪---读者角度 |
潘纯 | 四川省医学科学院·四川省人民医院 |
Symposium |
What's good about it - From the perspective of readers |
Chun Pan | Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital | ||
3 | 13:52-14:04 | 专题发言 |
好在哪---作者角度 |
邱海波 | 东南大学附属中大医院 |
Symposium |
What's good about it - From the perspective of authors |
Haibo Qiu | Zhongda hospital, Southeast University | ||
4 | 14:04-14:16 | 专题发言 |
好在哪---主编角度 |
陈德昌 | 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院 |
Symposium |
What's good about it - From the perspective of the editor in chief |
Dechang Chen | Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine | ||
5 | 14:16-14:28 | 专题发言 |
好在哪---统计角度 |
叶小飞 | 中国人民解放军海军军医大学 |
Symposium |
What's good about it - From the perspective of a statistician |
Xiaofei Ye | |||
6 | 14:28-14:40 | 专题发言 |
好在哪---审稿人角度 |
李银平 | 天津大学天津医院,中华危重病急救医学杂志社 |
Symposium |
What's good about it - From the perspective of the reviewer |
Yinping Li | |||
7 | 14:40-15:00 | 讨论 |
讨论 |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 15:00-15:10 | 论文发言 |
hUCMSC-Exo Over-expressing ACE2 Favorably Ameliorate LPS+ATP-induced Pyroptosis in Endothelial Cells |
毕钟允 | 中国医科大学附属第一医院 |
Oral Presentation |
hUCMSC-Exo Over-expressing ACE2 Favorably Ameliorate LPS+ATP-induced Pyroptosis in Endothelial Cells |
Zhongyun Bi | |||
2 | 15:10-15:20 | 论文发言 |
Effect of a Real-Time In-Hospital Clinical Warning Platform on Outcomes in High-Risk Patients |
吴昌德 | 东南大学附属中大医院 |
Oral Presentation |
Effect of a Real-Time In-Hospital Clinical Warning Platform on Outcomes in High-Risk Patients |
Changde Wu | |||
3 | 15:20-15:30 | 论文发言 |
体重指数和高密度脂蛋白与术后感染的遗传相关性和因果关联:孟德尔随机化分析 |
杨焘 | 中山大学附属第一医院 |
Oral Presentation | Tao Yang | ||||
4 | 15:30-15:40 | 论文发言 |
长时心率升高对脓毒性急性肾损伤患者的影响:一项因果推断和预测研究 |
邓付星 | 中南大学湘雅医院 |
Oral Presentation | Fuxing Deng | Xiangya hospital | |||
5 | 15:40-15:50 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 16:00-16:10 | 专题发言 |
分享回顾性研究 |
张晟 | 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院 |
Symposium |
Presentation of retrospective studies |
sheng Zhang | |||
2 | 16:10-16:22 | 专题发言 |
好在哪--读者角度 |
韩艺 | 哈尔滨医科大学附属第二医院 |
Symposium |
What's good about it - From the perspective of readers |
yi han | The Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University | ||
3 | 16:22-16:34 | 专题发言 |
好在哪--作者角度 |
李维勤 | 中国人民解放军东部战区总医院 |
Symposium |
From the perspective of authors |
Weiqin Li | Chinese People's Liberation Army Eastern Theater Command General Hospital | ||
4 | 16:34-16:46 | 专题发言 |
好在哪--主编角度 |
马朋林 | 贵黔国际总医院 |
Symposium |
From the perspective of the editor in chief |
Penglin Ma | Guiqian International General Hospital | ||
5 | 16:46-16:58 | 专题发言 |
好在哪--统计角度 |
柯路 | 中国人民解放军东部战区总医院 |
Symposium |
What's good about it - From the perspective of a statistician |
Lu Ke | Jinling Hospital | ||
6 | 16:58-17:10 | 专题发言 |
好在哪---审稿人角度 |
皋源 | 上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院 |
Symposium |
What's good about it - From the perspective of the reviewer |
Yuan Gao | Renji Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine | ||
7 | 17:10-17:30 | 讨论 |
讨论 |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 12:20-12:45 | 专题会 |
吸附:体外血液净化新前沿 |
胡波 | 武汉大学中南医院 |
Adsorption:The new frontier in extracorporeal blood purification |
Bo Hu | ||||
2 | 12:45-13:10 | 专题会 |
胰腺炎血液净化发展及新探索 |
柯路 | 中国人民解放军东部战区总医院 |
Development and new exploration of blood purification in pancreatitis |
Lu Ke | Jinling Hospital | |||
3 | 13:10-13:20 | 讨论点评 |
讨论环节 |
Comment |
Discussion session |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 13:30-13:50 | 专题发言 |
风险预警与去风险 |
赵鸣雁 | 哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院 |
Symposium |
risk prediction and de-risk |
2 | 13:50-14:10 | 专题发言 |
电子预警与早期识别 |
于凯江 | 哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院 |
Symposium |
Electronic Alert and Early Identification |
Kaijiang Yu | Department of Ophthalmology, the First Affiliated Hospital, Harbin Medical University, Harbin, China, | ||
3 | 14:10-14:30 | 专题发言 |
优化液体复苏 |
李文雄 | 首都医科大学附属北京朝阳医院 |
Symposium |
Optimizing Fluid Resuscitation |
Wenxiong Li | Beijing Chao-yang Hospital, Capital Medical University | ||
4 | 14:30-14:50 | 专题发言 |
优化肾脏灌注压 |
杨向红 | 浙江省人民医院 |
Symposium |
Optimizing Renal Perfusion Pressure |
Xianghong Yang | Zhejiang provincial people's hospital(People’s Hospital of Hangzhou Medical College) | ||
5 | 14:50-15:00 | 讨论 |
讨论discussion |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 15:00-15:10 | 论文发言 |
初始抗真菌治疗策略对重症侵袭性肺曲霉菌病患者的临床预后影响:一项单中心、回顾性研究 |
黄志坤 | 中山大学中山医学院 |
Oral Presentation | Zhikun Huang | ||||
2 | 15:10-15:20 | 论文发言 |
肠道微生物代谢产物对脓毒症发展影响的机制研究:以短链脂肪酸为中心 |
王明达 | 山东第一医科大学附属省立医院 |
Oral Presentation | Mingda Wang | ||||
3 | 15:20-15:30 | 论文发言 |
评估体外膜肺氧合辅助下严重急性呼吸窘迫综合征患者俯卧位通气疗效与安全性的研究方案:前瞻性多中心随机对照研究 |
陈珊珊 | 东南大学附属中大医院 |
Oral Presentation | Shanshan Chen | Zhongda Hospital | |||
4 | 15:30-15:40 | 论文发言 |
Efficacy and Safety of Ilaprazole for stress ulcer - associated upper gastrointestinal bleeding prophylaxis in Critically Ill Patients: A Randomized, Double-Blind, non-inferiority Phase 3 Trial |
潘晓俊 | 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院 |
Oral Presentation |
Efficacy and Safety of Ilaprazole for stress ulcer - associated upper gastrointestinal bleeding prophylaxis in Critically Ill Patients: A Randomized, Double-Blind, non-inferiority Phase 3 Trial |
Xiaojun Pan | |||
5 | 15:40-15:50 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 16:00-16:20 | 专题发言 |
肾脏恢复:预测 |
姜利 | 首都医科大学宣武医院 |
Symposium |
Renal recovery: Prediction |
Li Jiang | Xuan Wu Hospital, Capital Medical University | ||
2 | 16:20-16:40 | 专题发言 |
肾脏恢复:评估 |
彭志勇 | 武汉大学中南医院 |
Symposium |
Renal recovery: Evaluation |
Zhiyong Peng | Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University | ||
3 | 16:40-17:00 | 专题发言 |
肾脏恢复:治疗 |
金雨虹 | 宁波市医疗中心李惠利医院 |
Symposium |
Renal recovery: Treatment |
Yuhong Jin | |||
4 | 17:00-17:20 | 专题发言 |
肾脏恢复:随访 |
袁世荧 | 华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院 |
Symposium |
Renal recovery: Follow-up |
Shiying Yuan | |||
5 | 17:20-17:30 | 讨论 |
讨论 discussion |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 13:30-13:45 | 专题发言 |
重症营养监测:临床可及 |
孙运波 | 青岛大学附属医院 |
Symposium |
Nutrition monitoring:clinically needs and options |
Yunbo Sun | Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University | ||
2 | 13:45-14:00 | 专题发言 |
能量代谢评估可以个体化:方法及选择 |
周华 | 清华大学附属北京清华长庚医院 |
Symposium |
Individualizing energy metabolism evaluation:techniques and options |
Hua Zhou | |||
3 | 14:00-14:15 | 专题发言 |
蛋白质代谢:标志物 |
李素玮 | 大连医科大学附属第一医院 |
Symposium |
Protein metabolism:biomarkers |
4 | 14:15-14:30 | 专题发言 |
重症患者的瘦肉体测量:BIA与超声 |
许媛 | 清华大学附属北京清华长庚医院 |
Symposium |
Lean body mass in critically ill patients: BIA and ultrasound |
Yuan Xu | Tsinghua Changgeng Hospital affiliated to Tsinghua University, Beijing | ||
5 | 14:30-15:00 | 专题发言 |
BIA to guide personalized nutrition therapy in critical illness Speaker |
Arthur Van Zanten | Wageningen University |
Symposium |
BIA to guide personalized nutrition therapy in critical illness Speaker |
Arthur Van Zanten | Wageningen University |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 15:00-15:10 | 论文发言 |
Temporal trends of maternal sepsis and other maternal infections in women of childbearing age from 1990 to 2019 and forecasts for 2044 |
钱航 | 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院北部院区 |
Oral Presentation |
Temporal trends of maternal sepsis and other maternal infections in women of childbearing age from 1990 to 2019 and forecasts for 2044 |
Hang Qian | |||
2 | 15:10-15:20 | 论文发言 |
重症患者外周血淋巴细胞精细分型的动态变化轨迹的临床分型 |
谭小娇 | 四川大学华西医院 |
Oral Presentation | Xiaojiao Tan | ||||
3 | 15:20-15:30 | 论文发言 |
Dissecting the Mediating Role of Cytokines in the Interaction between Immune Traits and Sepsis: Insights from Comprehensive Mendelian Randomization |
郑相涛 | 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院 |
Oral Presentation |
Dissecting the Mediating Role of Cytokines in the Interaction between Immune Traits and Sepsis: Insights from Comprehensive Mendelian Randomization |
Xiangtao Zheng | ruijin hospital | ||
4 | 15:30-15:40 | 论文发言 |
Early sedation using cipepofol for ICU patients requiring mechanical ventilation: pooled analysis of data from phase 2 and phase 3 trials |
刘勇军 | 中山大学附属第一医院 |
Oral Presentation |
Early sedation using cipepofol for ICU patients requiring mechanical ventilation: pooled analysis of data from phase 2 and phase 3 trials |
Yongjun Liu | |||
5 | 15:40-15:50 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 16:00-16:15 | 专题发言 |
早期肠内营养实施:越早越好? |
周丽华 | 内蒙古医科大学附属医院 |
Symposium |
Early enteral nutrtion: the early the better? |
Lihua Zhou | The Affiliated Hospital of Mongolia Medical College, China | ||
2 | 16:15-16:30 | 专题发言 |
蛋白质补充策略:short term and long term |
崔巍 | 浙江大学医学院附属第二医院 |
Symposium |
Protein delivery:short term and long term |
Wei Cui | Department of Ophthalmology, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University, College of Medicine | ||
3 | 16:30-16:45 | 专题发言 |
补充性肠外营养:when and how |
尹海燕 | 暨南大学附属第一医院 |
Symposium |
Supplemental parenteral nutrtion:when and how |
4 | 16:45-17:00 | 专题发言 |
重症患者的营养治疗与功能预后 |
王昊 | 山东大学齐鲁医院 |
Symposium |
Nutrition therapy and functional outcomes in critically ill patients |
Hao Wang | Qilu Hospital of Shandong University | ||
5 | 17:00-17:30 | 讨论 |
讨论 |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 12:20-12:25 | 致辞 |
开场致辞 |
Opening Speech |
2 | 12:25-12:40 | 专题会 |
从循证到临床 探索无止境 |
李文雄 | 首都医科大学附属北京朝阳医院 |
From Evidence to Clinical Practice,The Exploration is endless |
Wenxiong Li | Beijing Chao-yang Hospital, Capital Medical University | |||
3 | 12:40-13:00 | 专题会 |
比较环泊酚和丙泊酚镇静在ICU低血压患者的应用 |
曾振华 | 南方医科大学南方医院 |
Comparing the application of cipepofol and propofol sedation in patients with hypotension in ICU |
Zhenhua Zeng | Nanfang Hospital | |||
4 | 13:00-13:15 | 专题会 |
环泊酚对机械通气患者呼吸模式,呼吸驱动及吸气努力的影响 |
张琳琳 | 首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院 |
The effect of cipepofol on breathing patterns, respiratory drive and inspiratory effort in mechanically ventilated patients |
Linlin Zhang | ||||
5 | 13:15-13:20 | 总结 |
大会总结 |
summary |
Conference Summary |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 13:30-13:50 | 专题发言 |
治疗VAP:抗生素雾化吸入--Who、When、How?(医生说) |
石松菁 | 福州大学附属省立医院 |
Symposium |
VAP Treatment: Inhalation Antibiotic Therapy --Who、When、How?(The Doctor's Perspective) |
Songjing Shi | China | ||
2 | 13:50-14:10 | 专题发言 |
预防VAP,护理不容小觑 |
宋燕波 | 江苏省人民医院(南京医科大学第一附属医院) |
Symposium |
Preventing VAP: The Critical Role of Nursing Care |
Yanbo Song | |||
3 | 14:10-14:30 | 专题发言 |
预测拔管“新技术” |
刘军 | 南京医科大学附属苏州医院 |
Symposium |
New Technologies for Predicting Endotracheal Extubation |
Jun Liu | Department of Intensive Care Medicine, The Affiliated Suzhou Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Suzhou 215001, China | ||
4 | 14:30-14:50 | 专题发言 |
拔管之后,吞咽无忧 |
武文静 | 山西白求恩医院(山西医学科学院) |
Symposium |
Post Extubation, Easier Swallow |
Wenjing Wu | |||
5 | 14:50-15:00 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 15:00-15:10 | 论文发言 |
Effect of individualized positive end-expiratory pressure titrated by electrical impedance tomography on ventilation-perfusion distribution in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome |
袁雪燕 | 东南大学附属中大医院 |
Oral Presentation |
Effect of individualized positive end-expiratory pressure titrated by electrical impedance tomography on ventilation-perfusion distribution in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome |
Xueyan Yuan | zhongda hospital | ||
2 | 15:10-15:20 | 论文发言 |
山东省ICU支气管镜引导经皮扩张气管切开临床应用现状调查 |
杨宁宁 | 山东省公共卫生临床中心 |
Oral Presentation | ningning yang | ||||
3 | 15:20-15:30 | 论文发言 |
Trex1介导Irf3入核促进单核/巨噬细胞免疫耐受的机制研究 |
尚游 | 华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院 |
Oral Presentation | You Shang | Union Hospital Tongji Medical College Huazhong University of Science and Technology | |||
4 | 15:30-15:40 | 论文发言 |
整合多组学分析揭示脓毒症诊断和预后的免疫表型和宏基因组特征 |
贺黉裕 | 复旦大学附属中山医院 |
Oral Presentation | Hongyu He | ||||
5 | 15:40-15:50 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 16:00-16:20 | 专题发言 |
院内转运安全性:医生说 |
万献尧 | 大连医科大学附属第一医院 |
Symposium |
In-Hospital Transport Safety: The Doctor's Perspective |
2 | 16:20-16:40 | 专题发言 |
院内转运安全性:护士说 |
兰美娟 | 浙江大学医学院附属第二医院 |
Symposium |
In-Hospital Transport Safety: The Nurse's Perspective |
Meijuan Lan | |||
3 | 16:40-17:00 | 专题发言 |
转运指南解读 |
吴健锋 | 中山大学附属第一医院 |
Symposium |
Interpretation of Transport Guidelines |
Jianfeng Wu | The First Affiliated Hospital,Sun Yat-sen University | ||
4 | 17:00-17:20 | 专题发言 |
航空转运前准备 |
秦晓涛 | 北京希望重症医疗飞行 |
Symposium |
Preparation for Aeromedical Transport |
Xiaotao Qin | |||
5 | 17:20-17:30 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 12:20-12:25 | 致辞 |
开场 |
Opening |
2 | 12:25-12:55 | 专题会 |
《人血白蛋白在危重症患者应用专家共识》解读 |
余跃天 | 上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院 |
Expert consensus on the use of human serum albumin in critically ill patients |
yuetian yu | Department of Critical Care Medicine, Ren Ji Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine | |||
3 | 12:55-13:00 | 总结 |
总结 |
summary |
Summary |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 13:30-14:10 | 专题发言 |
Should one administer norepinephrine early in spetic shock? |
Xavier Monnet | 法国重症医学会秘书长 |
Symposium |
Should one administer norepinephrine early in spetic shock? |
Xavier Monnet | 法国重症医学会秘书长 | ||
2 | 14:10-14:25 | 专题发言 |
组织灌注:器官灌注压 |
甘桂芬 | 青海大学附属医院 |
Symposium |
Tissue perfusion: organ perfusion pression |
Guifen Gan | Qinghai University Affiliated Hospital, Northwest of China. | ||
3 | 14:25-14:40 | 专题发言 |
组织灌注:组织灌注压 |
徐磊 | 天津市第三中心医院 |
Symposium |
Tissue perfusion: tissue perfusion pression |
Lei Xu | Tianjin third central hospital | ||
4 | 14:40-14:55 | 专题发言 |
组织灌注:毛细血管再充盈时间 |
苏龙翔 | 中国医学科学院北京协和医院 |
Symposium |
Tissue perfusion: capillary Refill Time |
Longxiang Su | Peking Union Medical College Hospital | ||
5 | 14:55-15:00 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 15:00-15:10 | 论文发言 |
Impact of diabetes on COVID-19 and glucocorticoids on patients with COVID-19 and diabetes during the Omicron variant epidemic: A multicenter retrospective cohort study in South China |
王亚 | 广州医科大学附属第一医院 |
Oral Presentation |
Impact of diabetes on COVID-19 and glucocorticoids on patients with COVID-19 and diabetes during the Omicron variant epidemic: A multicenter retrospective cohort study in South China |
Ya Wang | |||
2 | 15:10-15:20 | 论文发言 |
Changes of clinical parameters and inflammatory markers after blood culture collection facilitate early identification of positive blood culture in adult COVID-19 patients with clinically suspected bloodstream infection |
李娜娜 | 哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院 |
Oral Presentation |
Changes of clinical parameters and inflammatory markers after blood culture collection facilitate early identification of positive blood culture in adult COVID-19 patients with clinically suspected bloodstream infection |
Nana Li | |||
3 | 15:20-15:30 | 论文发言 |
Comparation of the outcomes between ProGlide based post-closure technique and arteriotomy repair for veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation decannulation |
李白翎 | 海军军医大学第一附属医院(上海长海医院) |
Oral Presentation |
Comparation of the outcomes between ProGlide based post-closure technique and arteriotomy repair for veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation decannulation |
Bailing Li | Shanghai Changhai Hospital | ||
4 | 15:30-15:40 | 论文发言 |
Impact of delirium on post-hospital discharge mortality among coronary care unit patients: a retrospective cohort study |
徐红波 | 华中科技大学协和深圳医院 |
Oral Presentation |
Impact of delirium on post-hospital discharge mortality among coronary care unit patients: a retrospective cohort study |
Hong-Bo Xu | |||
5 | 15:40-15:50 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 16:00-16:20 | 专题发言 |
中药复方注射剂? |
江荣林 | 浙江省中医院(浙江中医药大学附属第一医院) |
Symposium |
Chinese herb? |
Ronglin Jiang | the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University | ||
2 | 16:20-16:40 | 专题发言 |
β阻滞剂? |
秦秉玉 | 河南省人民医院 |
Symposium |
beta-blocker? |
Bingyu Qin | Henan Provincial People's Hospital | ||
3 | 16:40-17:00 | 专题发言 |
新炎症靶点拮抗? |
马少林 | 上海市东方医院(同济大学附属东方医院) |
Symposium |
New antibody for inflammation? |
Shaolin Ma | Shanghai East Hospital, Tongji University |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 13:30-13:50 | 专题发言 |
免疫检查点抑制剂-多器官不良反应 |
蒋正英 | 重庆大学附属肿瘤医院 |
Symposium |
Multisystem Immune-Related Adverse Events Associated With Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors |
zhengying jiang | |||
2 | 13:50-14:10 | 专题发言 |
免疫检查点抑制剂-重叠综合征 |
张莉 | 湖北省肿瘤医院 |
Symposium |
Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor-Induced Myocarditis with Myositis/Myasthenia Gravis Overlap Syndrome |
li zhang | |||
3 | 14:10-14:30 | 专题发言 |
CART-细胞因子释放综合征 |
周东民 | 河南省肿瘤医院 |
Symposium |
CAR-T cell therapy-related cytokine release syndrome |
Dongmin Zhou | |||
4 | 14:30-14:50 | 专题发言 |
柳开忠 | 浙江省肿瘤医院 |
Symposium |
CAR-T cell therapy-related neurotoxicity |
Kaizhong Liu | |||
5 | 14:50-15:00 | 讨论 |
讨论 Discussion |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 15:00-15:10 | 论文发言 |
延长利奈唑胺输注时间对重症患者利奈唑胺血药谷浓度和血小板计数影响的前瞻性观察性研究 |
陶文强 | 南昌大学第一附属医院 |
Oral Presentation | Wenqiang Tao | First Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University | |||
2 | 15:10-15:20 | 论文发言 |
Clinical and prognostic features of CCI/PICS patients: A prospective observational clinical study |
刘军 | 南京医科大学附属苏州医院 |
Oral Presentation |
Clinical and prognostic features of CCI/PICS patients: A prospective observational clinical study |
Jun Liu | Department of Intensive Care Medicine, The Affiliated Suzhou Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Suzhou 215001, China | ||
3 | 15:20-15:30 | 论文发言 |
序列相似性家族13成员A基因(FAM13A)介导TGF-β1诱导的慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者小气道上皮细胞的EMT转化现象 |
朱金源 | 宁夏医科大学总医院 |
Oral Presentation | Jinyuan Zhu | The Center for Reproductive Medicine of Ningxia Medical University General Hospital | |||
4 | 15:30-15:40 | 论文发言 |
单细胞转录组揭示脓毒症患者革兰氏阳性球菌和革兰氏阴性杆菌血流感染的树突状细胞基因表达谱 |
冯晓莉 | 宁夏医科大学 |
Oral Presentation | Xiaoli Feng | ||||
5 | 15:40-15:50 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 16:00-16:20 | 专题发言 |
中国肿瘤医院ICU重症感染菌谱流行病学调查2016-2020 |
王东浩 | 天津市肿瘤医院(天津医科大学肿瘤医院) |
Symposium |
Epidemiological Survey of Severe Infection in ICU of China Cancer Hospital, 2016-2020 |
donghao wang | |||
2 | 16:20-16:40 | 专题发言 |
镰刀菌 |
邢学忠 | 中国医学科学院肿瘤医院 |
Symposium |
Fusariosis |
Xuezhong Xing | |||
3 | 16:40-17:00 | 专题发言 |
耶氏肺孢子菌 |
马刚 | 中山大学肿瘤防治中心 |
Symposium |
Pneumocystisjiroveci |
Gang Ma | Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center | ||
4 | 17:00-17:20 | 专题发言 |
新生隐球菌 |
刘海涛 | 哈尔滨医科大学附属肿瘤医院 |
Symposium |
Cryptoccus neo formans |
haitao liu | Harbin Medical University Cancer Hospital | ||
5 | 17:20-17:30 | 讨论 |
讨论 Discussion |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 12:20-12:25 | 致辞 |
主持开场 |
Opening speech |
2 | 12:25-12:45 | 专题会 |
氢吗啡酮在ICU中的临床应用 |
李琦 | 中国人民解放军陆军军医大学第二附属医院 |
Clinical Application of Hydromorphone in ICU |
Qi Li | Third Military Medical University | |||
3 | 12:45-13:05 | 专题会 |
磷丙泊酚二钠临床科研新进展 |
尚游 | 华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院 |
Novel Progress in Clinical Research of Fospropofol disodium |
You Shang | Union Hospital Tongji Medical College Huazhong University of Science and Technology | |||
4 | 13:05-13:20 | 专题会讨论 |
提问讨论 |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 13:30-13:45 | 专题发言 |
高危孕产妇的识别 |
杨晓军 | 宁夏医科大学总医院 |
Symposium |
Identification of high-risk pregnant and maternal |
Xiaojun Yang | The Center for Reproductive Medicine of Ningxia Medical University General Hospital | ||
2 | 13:45-14:00 | 专题发言 |
产后大出血:指南如何说? |
方强 | 浙江大学医学院附属第一医院 |
Symposium |
Postpartum Hemorrhage: What Do the Guidelines Say? |
Qiang Fang | The First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine | ||
3 | 14:00-14:15 | 专题发言 |
产后大出血:内科治疗ICU能做什么 |
尚秀玲 | 福州大学附属省立医院 |
Symposium |
Postpartum Hemorrhage: What internal medicine therapy can ICU do? |
Xiuling Shang | Fujian Provincial Hospital | ||
4 | 14:15-14:30 | 专题发言 |
肺动脉高压孕产妇如何处理 |
宗媛 | 陕西省人民医院 |
Symposium |
How to deal with PAH pregnant and maternal |
Yuan Zong | Department of Gastroenterology, Shaanxi Provincial People's Hospital, Xi'an, Shaanxi , China; | ||
5 | 14:30-14:45 | 专题发言 |
SLE危象产妇在ICU如何救治 |
任珊 | 石河子大学第一附属医院 |
Symposium |
How to treat SLE crisis of pregnant and maternal |
Shan Ren | Department of otorhinolaryngology, Union Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology | ||
6 | 14:45-15:00 | 讨论 |
讨论 |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 15:00-15:10 | 论文发言 |
Diagnostic performance and clinical impacts of metagenomic sequencing after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation |
王丽辉 | 上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院 |
Oral Presentation |
Diagnostic performance and clinical impacts of metagenomic sequencing after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation |
Lihui Wang | |||
2 | 15:10-15:20 | 论文发言 |
Machine Learning-Driven Prediction of Infected Pancreatic Necrosis in Acute Necrotizing Pancreatitis Using Multidimensional Clinical Features |
刘洋 | 东南大学医学院 |
Oral Presentation |
Machine Learning-Driven Prediction of Infected Pancreatic Necrosis in Acute Necrotizing Pancreatitis Using Multidimensional Clinical Features |
yang liu | |||
3 | 15:20-15:30 | 论文发言 |
Triglyceride Lowering Therapies in Hypertriglyceridemia Associated Acute Pancreatitis: A Multicenter Prospective Cohort Study |
周晶 | 中国人民解放军东部战区总医院 |
Oral Presentation |
Triglyceride Lowering Therapies in Hypertriglyceridemia Associated Acute Pancreatitis: A Multicenter Prospective Cohort Study |
jing zhou | Department of Critical Care Medicine, Research Institute of General Surgery, Jinling Hospital, Medical School of Nanjing University, Nanjing, China. | ||
4 | 15:30-15:40 | 论文发言 |
Exploring Sepsis Heterogeneity: Precision Classification through Serum Exosome Proteomics |
宋璇 | 山东省公共卫生临床中心 |
Oral Presentation |
Exploring Sepsis Heterogeneity: Precision Classification through Serum Exosome Proteomics |
Xuan Song | 山东第一医科大学附属省立医院 | ||
5 | 15:40-15:50 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 16:00-16:40 | 专题发言 |
Ethical and cost aspects of ECMO |
Jozef Kesecioglu | European Society of Intensive Care Medicine; University Medical Center Utrecht, the Netherlands |
Symposium |
Ethical and cost aspects of ECMO |
Jozef Kesecioglu | European Society of Intensive Care Medicine; University Medical Center Utrecht, the Netherlands | ||
2 | 16:40-16:55 | 专题发言 |
ChatGPT写作:伦理挑战 |
孟祥林 | 哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院 |
Symposium |
ChatGPT-Assisted Writing: Ethical Challenges |
Xianglin Meng | |||
3 | 16:55-17:10 | 专题发言 |
重症RCT研究:有哪些伦理问题? |
刘勇军 | 中山大学附属第一医院 |
Symposium |
Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) in Critically Ill Patients: What are the ethical issues? |
Yongjun Liu | |||
4 | 17:10-17:25 | 专题发言 |
重症观察性研究:有哪些伦理问题? |
郭鸿 | 兰州大学第一医院 |
Symposium |
Observational Studies of Critically Ill Patients: What are the ethical issues? |
Hong Guo | The First Hospital of Lanzhou University |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 15:30-15:35 | 致辞 |
项目牵头专家致辞 |
康焰 | 四川大学华西医院/华西天府医院 |
Speech |
2 | 15:35-15:40 | 致辞 |
国家卫生健康委卫生发展研究中心领导致辞 |
付强 | 国家卫生健康委卫生发展研究中心 |
Speech |
Qiang Fu | ||||
3 | 15:40-15:45 | 致辞 |
企业致辞 |
张建辉 | 辉瑞投资有限公司 |
Speech |
Jianhui Zhang |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 15:45-15:50 | 启动仪式 |
项目授权仪式 |
Project Authorization Ceremony |
2 | 15:50-16:05 | 启动仪式 |
县域重症监护(医学)中心全国专家组成立暨启动仪式 |
Establishment of County Intensive Care (Medical) Center National Expert Committee and Kick-off Ceremony |
3 | 16:05-16:25 | 专题发言 |
县域重症监护(医学)中心建设路径开题报告 |
康焰 | 四川大学华西医院/华西天府医院 |
Symposium |
Opening of County Intensive Care (Medical) Center Construction Pathway |
4 | 16:25-16:45 | 专题发言 |
县域卫生健康服务体系高质量发展的思考 |
黄二丹 | 国家卫生健康委卫生发展研究中心 |
Symposium |
Reflections on the High-Quality Development of County Health Care Architecture |
Erdan Huang | |||
5 | 16:45-17:05 | 专题发言 |
县域重症监护(医学)中心项目规划与推进 |
王波 | 四川大学华西医院 |
Symposium |
Planning and Promotion of the County Intensive Care (Medical) Center Project |
Bo Wang | West China Hospital Sichuan University |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 17:05-17:15 | 讨论 |
讨论话题一:MDT协作诊疗推动重症医学科高质量融合发展 |
Discussion |
Panel 1: How Multidisciplinary Teams(MDT) Collaborative Diagnosis and Treatment Drives the Development of High-Quality Integration of Intensive Care Specialty |
2 | 17:15-17:25 | 讨论 |
讨论话题二:分级诊疗下,重症体系化建设与管理 |
Discussion |
Panel 2: Systematic Intensive Care Framework Set-up and Management under the Hierarchical Diagnosis and Treatment System |
3 | 17:25-17:30 | 总结 |
summary |
Summary |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 14:00-14:15 | English Corner |
High-performance lung-targeted bio-responsive platform for severe colistin-resistant bacterial pneumonia therapy |
成德翠 | 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院 |
English Corner |
High-performance lung-targeted bio-responsive platform for severe colistin-resistant bacterial pneumonia therapy |
Decui Cheng | |||
2 | 14:15-14:30 | English Corner |
Optimal timing for awake prone positioning in Covid-19 patients: insights from an observational study from two centers |
张蔚青 | 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院 |
English Corner |
Optimal timing for awake prone positioning in Covid-19 patients: insights from an observational study from two centers |
Weiqing Zhang | |||
3 | 14:30-14:45 | English Corner |
Association of autoimmune diseases with the occurrence and 28-day mortality of sepsis: an observational and Mendelian randomization study |
李辉 | 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院北部院区 |
English Corner |
Association of autoimmune diseases with the occurrence and 28-day mortality of sepsis: an observational and Mendelian randomization study |
Hui Li | |||
4 | 14:45-15:00 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 15:00-15:15 | English Corner |
Incidence and clinical features of HHV-7 detection in lower respiratory tract in patients with severe pneumonia: a multicenter, retrospective study |
徐俊 | 浙江大学医学院附属第一医院 |
English Corner |
Incidence and clinical features of HHV-7 detection in lower respiratory tract in patients with severe pneumonia: a multicenter, retrospective study |
jun xu | |||
2 | 15:15-15:30 | English Corner |
Melatonin attenuates sepsis-induced acute kidney injury by promoting mitophagy through SIRT3-mediated TFAM deacetylation |
何曼 | 南方医科大学南方医院 |
English Corner |
Melatonin attenuates sepsis-induced acute kidney injury by promoting mitophagy through SIRT3-mediated TFAM deacetylation |
Man He | |||
3 | 15:30-15:45 | English Corner |
The CD19+ B cell as a marker for the febrile children infected with influenza A and Omicron variant |
石婷 | 苏州大学附属儿童医院 |
English Corner |
The CD19+ B cell as a marker for the febrile children infected with influenza A and Omicron variant |
Ting Shi | |||
4 | 15:45-16:00 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 14:00-14:15 | English Corner |
Correlation between vaccine coverage and the COVID‐19 pandemic throughout the world: Based on real‐world data |
黄超 | 成都大学附属医院 |
English Corner |
Correlation between vaccine coverage and the COVID‐19 pandemic throughout the world: Based on real‐world data |
Chao Huang | |||
2 | 14:15-14:30 | English Corner |
Circulating exosomal tsRNAs: Potential biomarkers for large artery atherosclerotic stroke superior to plasma tsRNAs |
朱晓岩 | 青岛大学附属医院 |
English Corner |
Circulating exosomal tsRNAs: Potential biomarkers for large artery atherosclerotic stroke superior to plasma tsRNAs |
Xiaoyan Zhu | |||
3 | 14:30-14:45 | English Corner |
Selective activation of cholinergic neurotransmission from the medial septal nucleus to hippocampal pyramidal neurones improves sepsis-induced cognitive deficits in mice |
尹路 | 中国人民解放军空军军医大学第一附属医院 |
English Corner |
Selective activation of cholinergic neurotransmission from the medial septal nucleus to hippocampal pyramidal neurones improves sepsis-induced cognitive deficits in mice |
Lu Yin | |||
4 | 14:45-15:00 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 15:00-15:15 | English Corner |
Urchin-like Fe3O4@Bi2S3 Nanospheres Enable the Destruction of Biofilm and Efficiently Antibacterial Activities |
许雅倩 | 安徽医科大学第一附属医院 |
English Corner |
Urchin-like Fe3O4@Bi2S3 Nanospheres Enable the Destruction of Biofilm and Efficiently Antibacterial Activities |
Yaqian Xu | |||
2 | 15:15-15:30 | English Corner |
Repurposing Disulfiram to Combat Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome with Targeted Delivery by LET-Functionalized Nanoplatforms |
陈丽 | 重庆医科大学附属第二医院 |
English Corner |
Repurposing Disulfiram to Combat Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome with Targeted Delivery by LET-Functionalized Nanoplatforms |
Li Chen | |||
3 | 15:30-15:45 | English Corner |
Association of geriatric nutritional risk index with all-cause hospital mortality among elderly patients in intensive care unit |
彭将臣 | 上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院 |
English Corner |
Association of geriatric nutritional risk index with all-cause hospital mortality among elderly patients in intensive care unit |
Jiangchen Peng | |||
4 | 15:45-16:00 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 14:00-14:15 | English Corner |
APTES-mediated Cu2(OH)3(NO3) Nanomaterials on the Surface of Silicone Catheters for Abscess |
吴亚运 | 安徽医科大学第一附属医院 |
English Corner |
APTES-mediated Cu2(OH)3(NO3) Nanomaterials on the Surface of Silicone Catheters for Abscess |
Yayun Wu | |||
2 | 14:15-14:30 | English Corner |
Clinical efficacy of sodium bicarbonate in treating pediatric metabolic acidosis with varying level of acid–base balance parameters: a real-world study |
刘华清 | 苏州市姑苏区卫生监督所 |
English Corner |
Clinical efficacy of sodium bicarbonate in treating pediatric metabolic acidosis with varying level of acid–base balance parameters: a real-world study |
Huaqing Liu | |||
3 | 14:30-14:45 | English Corner |
Association of Sublingual Microcirculation Parameters and Capillary Refill Time in the Early Phase of ICU Admission |
黄伟鹏 | 武汉大学中南医院 |
English Corner |
Association of Sublingual Microcirculation Parameters and Capillary Refill Time in the Early Phase of ICU Admission |
Weipeng Huang | |||
4 | 14:45-15:00 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
Discussion |
5 | 15:00-15:15 | English Corner |
Bone mesenchymal stem cell extracellular vesicles delivered miR let-7-5p alleviate endothelial glycocalyx degradation and leakage via targeting ABL2 |
李喆 | 上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院 |
English Corner |
Bone mesenchymal stem cell extracellular vesicles delivered miR let-7-5p alleviate endothelial glycocalyx degradation and leakage via targeting ABL2 |
zhe li | |||
6 | 15:15-15:30 | English Corner |
Association between systemic inflammation response index and chronic kidney disease: a population-based study |
刘紫娟 | 无锡市人民医院 |
English Corner |
Association between systemic inflammation response index and chronic kidney disease: a population-based study |
zijuan liu | |||
7 | 15:30-15:45 | English Corner |
Association between neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio and diabetic kidney disease in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients: a cross sectional study |
董妍 | 无锡市人民医院 |
English Corner |
Association between neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio and diabetic kidney disease in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients: a cross sectional study |
Yan Dong | |||
8 | 15:45-16:00 | English Corner |
The use of bioinformatics methods to identify the effects of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses on the regulation of gene expression in patients |
孙中毅 | 武汉大学中南医院 |
English Corner | Zhongyi Sun |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 07:30-07:50 | 专题发言 |
重症医学的临床优势在哪里 |
刘大为 | 中国医学科学院北京协和医院 |
Symposium |
What are the clinical advantages of critical care medicine |
Dawei Liu | Peking Union Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences | ||
2 | 07:50-08:10 | 专题发言 |
科学进步改变重症医学的医学模式 |
邱海波 | 东南大学附属中大医院 |
Symposium |
Scientific Advancements Transforming the Medical Paradigm of Intensive Care Medicine |
Haibo Qiu | Zhongda hospital, Southeast University | ||
3 | 08:10-08:30 | 专题发言 |
重症医学:医学发展的新质生产力 |
于凯江 | 哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院 |
Symposium |
Critical Care Medicine:New Quality Productive Forces of Medical Development |
Kaijiang Yu | Department of Ophthalmology, the First Affiliated Hospital, Harbin Medical University, Harbin, China, | ||
4 | 08:30-09:10 | 专题发言 |
Artificial Intelligence: The Good, the bad, and the (potentially VERY) Ugly |
Arthur S. Slutsky | University of Toronto |
Symposium |
Artificial Intelligence: The Good, the bad, and the (potentially VERY) Ugly |
Arthur Slutsky | University of Toronto | ||
5 | 09:10-09:20 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 09:20-09:35 | 专题发言 |
人工气道建立之环节:护理配合 |
李晓青 | 东南大学附属中大医院 |
Symposium |
Intubation Process: Nursing Collaboration |
Xiaoqing Li | Department of Critical Care Medicine, Zhongda Hospital, School of Medicine, Southeast University | ||
2 | 09:35-09:50 | 专题发言 |
ECMO治疗中俯卧位实施之环节:护理配合 |
顾秋莹 | 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院 |
Symposium |
Prone Positioning in ECMO: Nursing Collaboration |
Qiuying Gu | |||
3 | 09:50-10:05 | 专题发言 |
镇静镇痛实施之环节:护理配合 |
吕剑虹 | 上海市东方医院(同济大学附属东方医院) |
Symposium |
Implementation of Sedation and Analgesia: Nursing Collaboration |
Jianhong Lv | |||
4 | 10:05-10:20 | 专题发言 |
ICU血糖管理之环节:护理配合 |
陈巧玲 | 福州大学附属省立医院 |
Symposium |
ICU Blood Glucose Management: Nursing Collaboration |
Qiaoling Chen | |||
5 | 10:20-10:35 | 专题发言 |
CRRT中容量管理之环节:护理配合 |
王磊 | 哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院 |
Symposium |
Volume Management in CRRT: Nursing Collaboration |
Lei Wang | |||
6 | 10:35-10:50 | 讨论点评 |
提问和讨论环节 |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 10:50-11:05 | 专题发言 |
ICU医生眼中的专科护士 |
陈传希 | 中山大学附属第一医院 |
Symposium |
Competent Specialized Nurses from the Perspective of ICU Physicians |
Chuanxi Chen | |||
2 | 11:05-11:20 | 专题发言 |
ICU护理组长的培养:护士长说 |
曾妃 | 浙江大学医学院附属第二医院 |
Symposium |
Training of ICU charge nurses: Insights from the Head Nurses |
fei zeng | |||
3 | 11:20-11:35 | 专题发言 |
ICU专科护士的培养:护士长说 |
潘文彦 | 复旦大学附属中山医院 |
Symposium |
Training of ICU Specialized Nurses: Insights from the Head Nurses |
Wenyan Pan | |||
4 | 11:35-11:50 | 专题发言 |
ICU中人力储备与弹性排班:护士长说 |
王莹 | 天津市第一中心医院 |
Symposium |
Human Resource Reserve and Flexible Scheduling in the ICU: Perspectives from the Head Nurses |
Ying Wang | |||
5 | 11:50-12:20 | 讨论点评 |
提问和讨论环节 |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 13:30-13:45 | 专题发言 |
中华护理系列期刊,退稿常见问题分析 |
李冬利 | 实用护理杂志社 |
Symposium |
Analysis of common issues with rejection in Chinese Journal Of Nursing |
Dongli Li | |||
2 | 13:45-14:00 | 专题发言 |
即时超声诊断肠梗阻的综述 |
黄海燕 | 华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院 |
Symposium |
Overview of point-of-care ultrasound in diagnosing intestinal obstruction |
Haiyan Huang | |||
3 | 14:00-14:15 | 专题发言 |
重症监护病房的早期活动:一项大规模横断面调查 |
刘欢 | 四川大学华西医院 |
Symposium |
Early mobilisation practice in intensive care units: A large-scale cross-sectional survey in China |
Huan Liu | |||
4 | 14:15-14:30 | 专题发言 |
中文版家庭照顾者ICU谵妄知识问卷的跨文化适应与心理测量评估 |
薛卫华 | 中山大学附属第一医院 |
Symposium |
Transcultural Adaptation and Psychometric Evaluation of the Chinese Version of the Family Caregiver ICU Delirium Knowledge Questionnaire |
Weihua Xue | |||
5 | 14:30-14:45 | 专题发言 |
ICU后综合征-精神障碍风险预测模型的构建 |
王法颍 | 山东大学齐鲁医院 |
Symposium |
Construction of a risk prediction model for detecting postintensive care syndrome-mental disorders |
Faying Wang | |||
6 | 14:45-15:00 | 讨论点评 |
提问、讨论 |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 15:00-15:15 | SCI |
Overexpression of blaGES-1 due to a strong promoter in the class 1 integron contributes to decreased ceftazidime-avibactam susceptibility in carbapenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa ST235 |
孟建标 | 浙江省立同德医院 |
SCI | Jianbiao Meng | Tongde Hopital of Zhejiang Province | |||
2 | 15:15-15:30 | SCI |
HCK induces macrophage activation to promote renal inflammation and fibrosis via suppression of autophagy |
陈曼 | 山东第一医科大学附属省立医院 |
SCI | Man Chen | ||||
3 | 15:30-15:45 | SCI |
Disparate macrophage responses are linked to infection outcome of Hantan virus in humans or rodents |
马宏炜 | 中国人民解放军空军军医大学 |
SCI | Hongwei Ma | ||||
4 | 15:45-15:50 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 16:00-16:15 | 专题发言 |
血管活性药物静脉泵入,如何确保安全? |
李尊柱 | 中国医学科学院北京协和医院 |
Symposium |
How to ensure safety when intravenously pumping vasoactive drugs? |
Zunzhu Li | |||
2 | 16:15-16:30 | 专题发言 |
抗生素输注,如何保障时效、药效? |
邹灯秀 | 华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院 |
Symposium |
How to ensure the timeliness and efficacy of antibiotic infusion? |
Dengxiu Zou | |||
3 | 16:30-16:45 | 专题发言 |
ICU浅镇静,镇静药物速度如何调节? |
田永明 | 四川大学华西医院 |
Symposium |
How to regulate the speed of sedative drugs for shallow sedation in ICU? |
YongMing Tian | |||
4 | 16:45-17:00 | 专题发言 |
ICU血糖控制——胰岛素输注如何更安全? |
倪冬姝 | 中国医科大学附属第一医院 |
Symposium |
How is insulin infusion safer for ICU blood glucose control? |
Dongshu Ni | |||
5 | 17:00-17:15 | 专题发言 |
机械通气雾化,如何提高疗效? |
高明榕 | 中山大学附属第一医院 |
Symposium |
How to improve the therapeutic effect of mechanical ventilation nebulization? |
Mingrong Gao | |||
6 | 17:15-17:30 | 讨论点评 |
提问、讨论 |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 09:00-09:15 | 专题发言 |
必须重视 |
石松菁 | 福州大学附属省立医院 |
Symposium |
Must be emphasized |
Songjing Shi | China | ||
2 | 09:15-09:30 | 专题发言 |
关注临床表现 |
张东 | 吉林大学第一医院 |
Symposium |
Focus on clinical manifestations |
Dong Zhang | |||
3 | 09:30-09:45 | 专题发言 |
关注潮气量 |
郭凤梅 | 东南大学附属中大医院 |
Symposium |
Focus on tidal volume |
Fengmei Guo | |||
4 | 09:45-10:00 | 专题发言 |
关注Pocc |
曾振国 | 南昌大学第一附属医院 |
Symposium |
Focus on Pocc |
Zhenguo Zeng | The First Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University | ||
5 | 10:00-10:15 | 专题发言 |
关注P 0.1 |
胡波 | 武汉大学中南医院 |
Symposium |
Focus on P 0.1 |
Bo Hu | |||
6 | 10:15-10:20 | 讨论 |
讨论 |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 10:20-10:35 | 专题发言 |
俯卧位生理效应ABC |
杨毅 | 东南大学附属中大医院 |
Symposium |
Physiologic Effects of Prone position |
Yi Yang | The Affiliated Hospital of Southeast University | ||
2 | 10:35-11:15 | 专题发言 |
HFNC: Evolving Practices and Novel Clinical and Physiological Insights |
Tommaso Mauri | Department of Anesthesia, Critical Care and Emergency |
Symposium |
HFNC: Evolving Practices and Novel Clinical and Physiological Insights |
Tommaso Mauri | Department of Anesthesia, Critical Care and Emergency | ||
3 | 11:15-11:30 | 专题发言 |
何时开始?何时终止? |
李玮 | 福建省人民医院 |
Symposium |
When to start? When to stop? |
Wei Li | People's Hospital Affiliated to Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine | ||
4 | 11:30-11:45 | 专题发言 |
要俯多久? |
尹永杰 | 吉林大学第二医院 |
Symposium |
How long should prone? |
Yongjie Yin | Second hosptial of Jilin University | ||
5 | 11:45-12:00 | 专题发言 |
清醒俯卧位:如何提高依从性? |
李晓青 | 东南大学附属中大医院 |
Symposium |
Awake prone: how to improve compliance? |
Xiaoqing Li | Department of Critical Care Medicine, Zhongda Hospital, School of Medicine, Southeast University |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 12:00-12:05 | 致辞 |
开场致辞 |
Opening speech |
2 | 12:05-12:20 | 专题会 |
重症护理与康复:天轨的应用 |
皋源 | 上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院 |
Critical Care and Rehabilitation in The Intensive Care Unit:Application of Ceiling Lift System |
Yuan Gao | Renji Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine | |||
3 | 12:20-12:35 | 专题会 |
天轨在多体位机械通气的运用价值 |
钟鸣 | 复旦大学附属中山医院 |
The value of ceiling lift system in the use of mechanical ventilation in multiple positions |
Ming Zhong | ||||
4 | 12:35-12:40 | 总结 |
总结发言 |
summary |
Summary |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 13:30-14:10 | 专题发言 |
带您认识机械能 |
Tommaso Mauri | Department of Anesthesia, Critical Care and Emergency |
Symposium |
Introduction of mechanical power |
Tommaso Mauri | Department of Anesthesia, Critical Care and Emergency | ||
2 | 14:10-14:25 | 专题发言 |
有创通气的肺保护 |
桑岭 | 广州医科大学附属第一医院 |
Symposium |
Lung protection during invasive ventilation |
Ling Sang | The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University | ||
3 | 14:25-14:40 | 专题发言 |
无创通气的肺保护 |
瞿洪平 | 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院 |
Symposium |
Lung protection during noninvasive ventilation |
Hongping Qu | |||
4 | 14:40-14:55 | 专题发言 |
ECMO的肺保护 |
郑瑞强 | 江苏省苏北人民医院 |
Symposium |
Lung protection during ECMO |
Ruiqiang Zheng | Northern Jiangsu People's Hospital | ||
5 | 14:55-15:00 | 讨论 |
讨论 |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 15:00-15:15 | SCI |
Targeting NEDD8 suppresses surgical stress-facilitated metastasis of colon cancervia restraining regulatory T cells |
陈万坤 | 复旦大学附属中山医院 |
SCI | Wankun Chen | Zhongshan Hospital,Fudan University | |||
2 | 15:15-15:30 | SCI |
Enhanced exclusive enteral nutrition delivery during the frst 7 days is associated with decreased 28-day mortality in critically ill patients with normal lactate level: a post hoc analysis of a multicenter randomized trial |
陈意喆 | 无锡市人民医院 |
SCI | yizhe chen | Surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU), Department of General Surgery, Jinling Hospital, Medical School of Nanjing University, No.305 Zhongshan East Road, Nanjing, China. | |||
3 | 15:30-15:45 | SCI |
Incidence and clinical features of HHV-7 detection in lower respiratory tract in patients with severe pneumonia: a multicenter, retrospective study |
徐俊 | 浙江大学医学院附属第一医院 |
SCI | jun xu | ||||
4 | 15:45-15:50 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 16:00-16:15 | 专题发言 |
预充氧方式:如何选择? |
秦秉玉 | 河南省人民医院 |
Symposium |
Pre-oxygenation: how to make a choice? |
Bingyu Qin | Henan Provincial People's Hospital | ||
2 | 16:15-16:30 | 专题发言 |
诱导药物:孰优孰劣 |
高岩 | 哈尔滨医科大学附属第四医院 |
Symposium |
Induction drugs: which is better? |
Yan Gao | |||
3 | 16:30-16:45 | 专题发言 |
肌松剂:常规使用? |
钱传云 | 昆明医科大学第一附属医院 |
Symposium |
NMBs: routine or not? |
Chuanyun Qian | The First Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University | ||
4 | 16:45-17:00 | 专题发言 |
升压药:保驾护航? |
王首红 | 广东省老年医学研究所 |
Symposium |
Vasopressor: a bailout? |
Shouhong Wang | Guangdong Provincial People’s Hospital | ||
5 | 17:00-17:15 | 专题发言 |
困难气道:标准流程 |
邵敏 | 安徽医科大学第一附属医院 |
Symposium |
Difficult airway: SOP |
Min Shao | The First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University | ||
6 | 17:15-17:30 | 讨论 |
讨论 |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 09:00-09:15 | 专题发言 |
重症超声评估大循环 |
罗哲 | 复旦大学附属中山医院 |
Symposium |
Evaluation of macro-circulation by critical ultrasound |
Zhe Luo | Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University | ||
2 | 09:15-09:30 | 专题发言 |
重症超声评估右心和肺耦联 |
晁彦公 | 清华大学第一附属医院 |
Symposium |
Evaluation of right heart and lung coupling by critical ultrasound |
Yangong Chao | The First Hospital of Tsinghua University | ||
3 | 09:30-09:45 | 专题发言 |
重症超声评估左心和大动脉耦联 |
尹万红 | 四川大学华西医院 |
Symposium |
Evaluation of left heart and aorta coupling by critical ultrasound |
Wanhong Yin | West China Hospital of Sichuan University | ||
4 | 09:45-10:00 | 专题发言 |
重症超声评估微循环 |
武卫东 | 山西白求恩医院(山西医学科学院) |
Symposium |
Evaluation of micro-circulation by critical ultrasound |
Weidong Wu | Shanxi Da Yi Hospital | ||
5 | 10:00-10:15 | 专题发言 |
重症超声评估静脉血流动力学 |
吴海鹰 | 昆明医科大学第一附属医院 |
Symposium |
Evaluation of venous hemodynamics by critical ultrasound |
Haiying Wu | |||
6 | 10:15-10:30 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 10:30-10:45 | 专题发言 |
重症器官超声血流动力学之认知 |
王小亭 | 中国医学科学院北京协和医院 |
Symposium |
Recognition of organ ultrasound hemodynamics |
Xiaoting Wang | Peking Union Medical College Hospital | ||
2 | 10:45-11:00 | 专题发言 |
基于重症超声的肾脏血流动力学评估 |
刘丽霞 | 河北医科大学第四医院 |
Symposium |
Renal hemodynamic evaluation based on critical ultrasound |
Lixia Liu | The Fourth Hospital of HeBei Medical University | ||
3 | 11:00-11:15 | 专题发言 |
基于重症超声的颅脑血流动力学评估 |
张丽娜 | 中南大学湘雅医院 |
Symposium |
Cerebral hemodynamic evaluation based on critical ultrasound |
Lina Zhang | Xiangya Hospital of Central South University | ||
4 | 11:15-11:30 | 专题发言 |
基于重症超声的肺循环评估 |
赵宏胜 | 南通大学附属医院 |
Symposium |
Pulmonary circulation assessment based on critical ultrasound |
Hongsheng Zhao | Affiliated Hospital of Nantong University | ||
5 | 11:30-11:45 | 专题发言 |
基于重症超声的胃肠道血流动力学评估 |
吴志雄 | 复旦大学附属华东医院 |
Symposium |
Gastrointestinal hemodynamic evaluation based on critical ultrasound |
Zhixiong Wu | |||
6 | 11:45-12:00 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 13:30-13:45 | 病例报告 |
病例汇报 |
周然 | 四川大学华西医院 |
Case Report |
Case report |
Ran Zhou | |||
2 | 13:45-14:00 | 专题发言 |
休克患者的初始评估-病因快速筛查 |
李白翎 | 海军军医大学第一附属医院(上海长海医院) |
Symposium |
Initial assessment of shock patients - rapid etiological screening |
Bailing Li | Shanghai Changhai Hospital | ||
3 | 14:00-14:15 | 专题发言 |
重症超声导向的流量优化 |
葛新 | 无锡市第九人民医院 |
Symposium |
Flow optimization based on critical ultrasound |
Xin Ge | |||
4 | 14:15-14:30 | 专题发言 |
重症超声导向的压力滴定 |
杜航向 | 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院 |
Symposium |
Pressure titration based on critical ultrasound |
Hangxiang Du | Ruijin Hospital North affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine | ||
5 | 14:30-14:45 | 专题发言 |
重症超声导向的休克撤退期的管理 |
任宏 | 上海交通大学医学院附属上海儿童医学中心 |
Symposium |
Management of the de-escalation phase of shock based on critical ultrasound |
Hong REN | Shanghai Children's Medical Center affiliated to Medical College of Shanghai Jiaotong University | ||
6 | 14:45-15:00 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 15:00-15:15 | SCI |
Melatonin attenuates sepsis-induced acute kidney injury by promoting mitophagy through SIRT3-mediated TFAM deacetylation |
何曼 | 南方医科大学南方医院 |
SCI | Man He | ||||
2 | 15:15-15:30 | SCI |
RES-Xre toxin-antitoxin locus knaAT maintains the stability of the virulence plasmid in Klebsiella pneumoniae |
王晓丽 | 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院 |
SCI | Xiaoli Wang | ||||
3 | 15:30-15:35 | SCI |
Arbidol increases the survival rate by mitigating inflammation in suckling mice infected with human coronavirus OC43 virus |
沈利汉 | 东莞市人民医院 |
SCI | lihan Shen | Dongguan People’s Hospital | |||
4 | 15:35-15:50 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 16:00-16:20 | 专题发言 |
镇痛镇静与脑保护 |
刘健 | 甘肃省中心医院 |
Symposium |
Analgesia and sedation:oriented by brain protection |
Jian Liu | |||
2 | 16:20-16:40 | 专题发言 |
镇痛镇静与肺保护 |
林建东 | 福建医科大学附属第一医院 |
Symposium |
Analgesia and sedation:oriented by lung protection |
Jiandong Lin | First Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical University | ||
3 | 16:40-17:00 | 专题发言 |
镇痛镇静与循环管理 |
廖雪莲 | 四川大学华西天府医院 |
Symposium |
Analgesia and sedation:oriented by circulation |
4 | 17:00-17:20 | 专题发言 |
镇痛镇静与撤药反应 |
赵慧颖 | 北京大学人民医院 |
Symposium |
Analgesia, sedation and withdraw symdrome |
5 | 17:20-17:30 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 09:00-09:35 | 辩论 |
重症治疗:更应该遵循群体化 |
Discussion |
Yu Chen
Keliang Xie
Tianjin Medical University General Hospital /
Xuan Song
山东第一医科大学附属省立医院 /
Yue Zheng
Medical Research Center, Beijing Chao-Yang Hospital, Capital Medical University
2 | 09:35-10:10 | 辩论 |
重症治疗:更应该遵循个体化 |
Discussion |
Wei Huang
First Hospital of Xiamen University /
qiang shao
The First Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University /
Qianyi Peng
Xiangya Hospital, Central South University /
Shulin Xiang
People's Hospital of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region
3 | 10:10-10:30 | 讨论点评 |
点评 |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 10:30-11:05 | 查房专家 |
ARDS患者的机械通气 |
Mechanical ventilation in patients with ARDS |
2 | 11:05-11:15 | 讨论点评 |
点评 |
Comment | |||||
3 | 11:15-11:50 | 查房专家 |
脓毒症的早期复苏 |
Hongyan Li
Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Fuzhou Pulmonary Hospital of Fu Jian /
Cong Hua
Yonghua Fang
Xuehua Tang
4 | 11:50-12:00 | 讨论点评 |
点评 |
Comment |
Ling Liu
Kejian Qian
The First Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University /
Xianying Lei
Quansheng Du
Hebei General Hospital
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 13:30-14:00 | 评委 |
呼吸机波形 |
谢剑锋 | 东南大学附属中大医院 |
Ventilator waveform |
Jianfeng Xie | Zhongda Hospital, School of Medicine, Southeast University, | |||
2 | 14:00-14:30 | 评委 |
动脉波形 |
司向 | 中山大学附属第一医院 |
Arterial waveform |
Xiang Si | The first affiliated hospital of sun-yat san university | |||
3 | 14:30-15:00 | 评委 |
放射影像和EIT |
杜微 | 中国医学科学院北京协和医院 |
Radiographic images and EIT |
Wei Du | Peking Union Medical College Hospital | |||
4 | 15:00-15:30 | 评委 |
超声 |
蔡书翰 | 武汉大学中南医院 |
Ultrasound image |
Shuhan Cai | Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 16:00-16:15 | 专题发言 |
针对审稿返修过程中的最痛点自拟题目 |
刘松桥 | 东南大学附属中大医院 |
Symposium |
Self-designed questions for the most painful points in the process of reviewing and revising manuscripts |
Songqiao Liu | Department of Critical Care Medicine, Zhongda Hospital, School of Medicine, Southeast University, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, 210009, China | ||
2 | 16:15-16:30 | 专题发言 |
针对审稿返修过程中的最痛点自拟题目 |
陈鹏 | 南方医科大学 |
Symposium |
Self-designed questions for the most painful points in the process of reviewing and revising manuscripts |
Peng Chen | |||
3 | 16:30-16:45 | 专题发言 |
针对审稿返修过程中的最痛点自拟题目 |
彭志勇 | 武汉大学中南医院 |
Symposium |
Self-designed questions for the most painful points in the process of reviewing and revising manuscripts |
Zhiyong Peng | Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University | ||
4 | 16:45-17:00 | 专题发言 |
针对审稿返修过程中的最痛点自拟题目 |
冉晓 | 华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院 |
Symposium |
Self-designed questions for the most painful points in the process of reviewing and revising manuscripts |
5 | 17:00-17:30 | 讨论点评 |
点评 |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 09:00-09:15 | 专题发言 |
Overview of Critical Care Medicine in China |
陈德昌 | 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院 |
Symposium |
Overview of Critical Care Medicine in China |
Dechang Chen | Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine | ||
2 | 09:15-09:30 | 专题发言 |
重症培训:临床基础与先进技术 |
马朋林 | 贵黔国际总医院 |
Symposium |
Critical Care Training: Clinical Fundamentals and Advanced Technologies |
Penglin Ma | Guiqian International General Hospital | ||
3 | 09:30-09:45 | 专题发言 |
Body Temperature in Critically ill patients |
Kay Choong See | National University Hospital |
Symposium |
Body Temperature in Critically ill patients |
See Kay Choong | National University Hospital | ||
4 | 09:45-10:00 | 讨论点评 |
Discussion |
Comment |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 10:00-10:20 | 专题发言 |
⼼脏骤停后综合症包括⽆创⼤脑监测 |
Chia Yew Woon | 新加坡陈笃生医院 |
Symposium |
Post-Cardiac Arrest Syndrome including Non-Invasive Brain Monitoring |
Chia Yew Woon | 新加坡陈笃生医院 | ||
2 | 10:20-10:40 | 专题发言 |
新加坡见习医生重症医学教育 |
Loh Chee Hong | 新加坡樟宜综合医院 |
Symposium |
Education in Intensive Care Medicine for Trainee Doctors in Singapore |
Loh Chee Hong | 新加坡樟宜综合医院 | ||
3 | 10:40-11:00 | 专题发言 |
撤呼吸机困难的病患 - ⻓期机械通⽓的设置与全⾯妥善准备 |
Chan Yeow | Senior Consultant, Department of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care and Pain Medicine |
Symposium |
Patients with Difficulty Weaning from Mechanical Ventilation - Long-term Mechanical Ventilation Settings and Comprehensive Preparedness |
Chan Yeow | Senior Consultant, Department of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care and Pain Medicine | ||
4 | 11:00-11:20 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 13:30-14:05 | 专题发言 |
Pediatric Resuscitation and Critical Care: A Year In Review |
Vinay M. Nadkarni | Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia |
Symposium |
Pediatric Resuscitation and Critical Care: A Year In Review |
Vinay M. Nadkarni | Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia | ||
2 | 14:05-14:20 | 专题发言 |
儿童ECMO相关的脑损伤需要关注 |
任宏 | 上海交通大学医学院附属上海儿童医学中心 |
Symposium |
Brain Injury in pediatric ECMO support need attention |
Hong REN | Shanghai Children's Medical Center affiliated to Medical College of Shanghai Jiaotong University | ||
3 | 14:20-14:35 | 专题发言 |
儿童心跳骤停后脑损伤的发生机制 |
许峰 | 重庆医科大学附属儿童医院 |
Symposium |
Mechanism of brain injury after cardiac arrest in children |
Feng Xu | Children's Hospital of Chongqing Medical University | ||
4 | 14:35-14:50 | 专题发言 |
儿童脓毒症相关性脑病识别与管理 |
王荃 | 首都医科大学附属北京儿童医院 |
Symposium |
Recognization and management of pediatric sepsis-associated encephalopathy |
Quan Wang | Beijing Children's Hospital, Capital Medical University | ||
5 | 14:50-15:05 | 专题发言 |
危重先心病围术期脑损伤风险因素 |
郜杨 | 哈尔滨医科大学附属第六医院 |
Symposium |
Risk factors for perioperative brain injury in severe congenital heart disease |
Yang Gao | The First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University | ||
6 | 15:05-15:15 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 15:15-15:25 | SCI |
Efficacy and Safety of Ciprofol Sedation in ICU Patients Undergoing Mechanical Ventilation: A Multicenter, Single-Blind, Randomized, Noninferiority Trial |
刘勇军 | 中山大学附属第一医院 |
SCI | Yongjun Liu | ||||
2 | 15:25-15:35 | SCI |
Association of magnesium sulfate use with mortality in critically ill patients with sepsis: a retrospective propensity score-matched cohort study |
谷万杰 | 暨南大学附属第一医院 |
SCI | Wan-Jie Gu | ||||
3 | 15:35-15:45 | SCI |
Systemic infammation indicators and risk of incident arrhythmias in 478,524 individuals: evidence from the UK Biobank cohort |
王昊 | 山东大学齐鲁医院 |
SCI | Hao Wang | Qilu Hospital of Shandong University |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 16:00-16:15 | 专题发言 |
PARDS新定义与诊断--2023 update |
刘春峰 | 中国医科大学附属盛京医院 |
Symposium |
New definitions and diagnostics for PARDS --2023 update |
Chunfeng Liu | Shengjing Hospital, of China Medical University | ||
2 | 16:15-16:30 | 专题发言 |
PARDS无创呼吸支持--Time Limited |
曾健生 | 首都医科大学附属北京儿童医院 |
Symposium |
PARDS non-invasive respiratory support --Time Limited |
Jiansheng Zeng | |||
3 | 16:30-16:45 | 专题发言 |
重症毛细支气管炎如何实施呼吸支持 |
许巍 | 中国医科大学附属盛京医院 |
Symposium |
How to implement respiratory support for severe bronchiolitis |
Wei Xu | Shengjing Hospital of China Medical University | ||
4 | 16:45-17:00 | 专题发言 |
重症毛细支气管炎辅助治疗何时需要 |
任晓旭 | 首都儿科研究所 |
Symposium |
When adjuvant treatment for severe bronchiolitis is needed |
Xiaoxu Ren | |||
5 | 17:00-17:35 | 专题发言 |
Are Adults Just Big Children? Or are Children Just Little Adults? What Can We Learn From Each Other |
Vinay M. Nadkarni | Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia |
Symposium |
Are Adults Just Big Children? Or are Children Just Little Adults? What Can We Learn From Each Other |
Vinay M. Nadkarni | Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia | ||
6 | 17:35-17:45 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 09:00-09:20 | 专题发言 |
脑血流自身调节与脑功能复苏 |
周建新 | 首都医科大学附属北京世纪坛医院 |
Symposium |
Autoregulation of cerebral blood flow and recovery of cerebral function |
Jianxin Zhou | 首都医科大学附属北京世纪坛医院 | ||
2 | 09:20-09:40 | 专题发言 |
肾脏静脉阻力指数与肾脏功能可复性 |
孙仁华 | 浙江省人民医院 |
Symposium |
Resistance index of intrarenal venous and the repeatability of renal function |
Renhua Sun | Zhejiang Provincial People’s Hospital, Affiliated People’s Hospital of Hangzhou Medical College | ||
3 | 09:40-10:00 | 专题发言 |
肺血流是滴定PEEP的重要指标 |
何怀武 | 中国医学科学院北京协和医院 |
Symposium |
Pulmonary blood flow is an important indicator for titration of PEEP |
Huaiwu He | Peking Union Medical College Hospital | ||
4 | 10:00-10:20 | 专题发言 |
肠道血流与功能匹配,有迹可循吗 |
石斌 | 上海市杨浦区中心医院 |
Symposium |
Is there any trace of a match between intestinal blood flow and function |
Bin Shi |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 10:20-10:35 | 专题发言 |
液体反应性:左室动脉耦联有助于判断 |
皋源 | 上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院 |
Symposium |
Fluid responsiveness: left ventricular-arterial coupling is helpful in judging |
Yuan Gao | Renji Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine | ||
2 | 10:35-10:50 | 专题发言 |
液体负荷与肾功能:肾血流是关键 |
王波 | 四川大学华西医院 |
Symposium |
Fluid accumulation and renal function: renal blood flow is key |
Bo Wang | West China Hospital Sichuan University | ||
3 | 10:50-11:05 | 专题发言 |
反向液体复苏改善器官功能 |
李文雄 | 首都医科大学附属北京朝阳医院 |
Symposium |
Reverse fluid resuscitation improves organ function |
Wenxiong Li | Beijing Chao-yang Hospital, Capital Medical University | ||
4 | 11:05-11:45 | 专题发言 |
Pros and cons of vasoconstriction in sepsis |
Daniel De Backer | CHIREC Hospitals |
Symposium |
Pros and cons of vasoconstriction in sepsis |
Daniel De Backer | CHIREC Hospitals | ||
5 | 11:45-12:00 | 专题发言 |
容量反应性与耐受性评估 |
王迪芬 | 贵州医科大学附属医院 |
Symposium |
Assessment of Volume Responsiveness and Tolerance |
Difen Wang | Guizhou Medical University Affiliated Hospita |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 13:30-13:50 | 专题发言 |
液体复苏时,早用NE好 |
许航 | 石河子大学第一附属医院 |
Symposium |
During fluid resuscitation, it is better to use norepinephrine as early as possible |
Hang Xu | Department of otorhinolaryngology, Union Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology | ||
2 | 13:50-14:05 | 专题发言 |
液体复苏时,太早用血管活性药不好 |
曲彦 | 青岛市市立医院 |
Symposium |
It is not good to use vasoactive agents too early in fluid resuscitation |
Yan Qu | Qingdao Municipal Hospital | ||
3 | 14:05-14:20 | 专题发言 |
血管加压素的心脏瞬时效应 |
杨春丽 | 江西省人民医院 |
Symposium |
The transient cardiac effects of vasopressin |
Chunli Yang | |||
4 | 14:20-14:40 | 专题发言 |
亚甲蓝是血管麻痹患者的福音吗? |
马四清 | 青海省人民医院 |
Symposium |
Is methylene blue a gospel for patients with vascular paralysis? |
Siqing Ma | a Institute of Geriatric, Qinghai Provincial Peoples Hospital | ||
5 | 14:40-15:00 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 15:00-15:10 | 论文发言 |
Lipopolysaccharide-induced histone lactylation mediates m6A RNA modification causing mitochondrial dysfunction and pulmonary fibroblasts activation to exacerbate sepsis-associated pulmonary fibrosis |
汤日 | 上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院 |
Oral Presentation |
Lipopolysaccharide-induced histone lactylation mediates m6A RNA modification causing mitochondrial dysfunction and pulmonary fibroblasts activation to exacerbate sepsis-associated pulmonary fibrosis |
Ri Tang | |||
2 | 15:10-15:20 | 论文发言 |
Application of Metagenomic Next-Generation Sequencing in the Detection of Pathogens in Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid of Adult Patients with Severe Pneumonia after Cardiac Surgery: A Single-Center Retrospective Study |
向春林 | 四川省医学科学院·四川省人民医院 |
Oral Presentation |
Application of Metagenomic Next-Generation Sequencing in the Detection of Pathogens in Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid of Adult Patients with Severe Pneumonia after Cardiac Surgery: A Single-Center Retrospective Study |
Chunlin Xiang | |||
3 | 15:20-15:30 | 论文发言 |
An Index Combining Tidal Volume and Oxygenation to Predict Outcome of Nasal High-Flow Therapy |
陈栋玉 | 东南大学附属中大医院 |
Oral Presentation |
An Index Combining Tidal Volume and Oxygenation to Predict Outcome of Nasal High-Flow Therapy |
Dongyu Chen | Zhongda hospital | ||
4 | 15:30-15:40 | 论文发言 |
The Influence of BMI on Optimal PEEP titrated by electrical impedance tomography in ARDS patient |
何怀武 | 中国医学科学院北京协和医院 |
Oral Presentation |
The Influence of BMI on Optimal PEEP titrated by electrical impedance tomography in ARDS patient |
Huaiwu He | Peking Union Medical College Hospital | ||
5 | 15:40-15:50 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 16:00-16:20 | 专题发言 |
压力应变环指导机械辅助的选择 |
杜中涛 | 首都医科大学附属北京安贞医院 |
Symposium |
Pressure-strain loops guide the choice of mechanical circulatory support |
Zhongtao Du | Beijing Anzhen Hospital, Capital Medical University | ||
2 | 16:20-16:40 | 专题发言 |
机械辅助时,容量与心功能管理 |
程卫 | 中国医学科学院北京协和医院 |
Symposium |
Volume and cardiac function management in mechanical circulatory support |
Wei Cheng | |||
3 | 16:40-17:00 | 专题发言 |
IABP参数调节,优化冠脉灌注 |
翟茜 | 山东大学齐鲁医院 |
Symposium |
The adjustment of IABP parameters can optimize coronary perfusion |
Qian Zhai | |||
4 | 17:00-17:20 | 专题发言 |
心室辅助改善心功能 |
蔡洪流 | 浙江大学医学院附属第一医院 |
Symposium |
Ventricular assistance improve cardiac function |
Hongliu Cai | First hospital affiliated School of medicine,Zhejiang university | ||
5 | 17:20-17:30 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 09:00-09:20 | 专题发言 |
选择性肠道去污:有益 |
康凯 | 哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院 |
Symposium |
Selective digestive decontamination,Pro |
Kai Kang | The First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University | ||
2 | 09:20-09:40 | 专题发言 |
选择性肠道去污:无益 |
史源 | 河南省人民医院 |
Symposium |
Selective digestive decontamination,Con |
Yuan Shi | Henan Provincial People's Hospital | ||
3 | 09:40-10:00 | 专题发言 |
雾化去定植 ,有用? |
夏婧 | 昆明医科大学第一附属医院 |
Symposium |
Aerosolized antibiotics for decolonization,Pro |
Jing Xia | The First Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University | ||
4 | 10:00-10:20 | 专题发言 |
雾化去定植 ,无用? |
刘京涛 | 中国人民解放军总医院第八医学中心 |
Symposium |
Aerosolized antibiotics for decolonization,Con |
Jingtao Liu | |||
5 | 10:20-10:30 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 Ddiscussion |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 10:30-10:40 | 病例报告 |
病例汇报 |
杨松林 | 哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院 |
Case Report |
Case presentation |
Songlin Yang | |||
2 | 10:40-10:55 | 专题发言 |
如何推断病原微生物? |
陈德昌 | 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院 |
Symposium |
How to infer pathogenic microorganisms |
Dechang Chen | Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine | ||
3 | 10:55-11:10 | 专题发言 |
是否使用快速微生物检测技术? |
段军 | 中日友好医院 |
Symposium |
Should rapid microbiological detection techniques be used? |
Jun Duan | China-Japan Friendship Hospital | ||
4 | 11:10-11:25 | 专题发言 |
如何经验性抗感染治疗? |
康凯 | 哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院 |
Symposium |
How to initiate empirical therapy? |
Kai Kang | The First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University | ||
5 | 11:25-11:40 | 专题发言 |
激素能否改善临床预后? |
施贤清 | 贵州省人民医院 |
Symposium |
Can glucocorticoids improve clinical prognosis? |
Xianqing Shi | Guizhou Provincial People’s Hospital | ||
6 | 11:40-12:00 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 Discussion |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 12:00-12:40 | 专题会 |
ICU患者IFD突破的优选治疗方案 |
蔡常洁 | 中山大学附属第一医院 |
Breakthrough IFD treatment options for ICU patients |
Changjie Cai | The First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 13:30-13:50 | 病例报告 |
病例导入 |
余跃天 | 上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院 |
Case Report |
Case presentation |
yuetian yu | Department of Critical Care Medicine, Ren Ji Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine | ||
2 | 13:50-14:05 | 病例报告 |
线索一:宿主因素 |
唐建国 | 复旦大学附属上海市第五人民医院 |
Case Report |
Clue one: Host factors |
Jianguo Tang | |||
3 | 14:05-14:20 | 病例报告 |
线索二:临床鉴别 |
司立宁 | 青海大学附属医院 |
Case Report |
Clue two: clinical differential diagnosis |
Lining Si | Qinghai University Affiliated Hospital, Northwest of China. | ||
4 | 14:20-14:35 | 病例报告 |
线索三:实验室证据 |
黄曼 | 浙江大学医学院附属第二医院 |
Case Report |
Clue three: Evidence provided by the laboratory |
Man Huang | The Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine | ||
5 | 14:35-14:50 | 病例报告 |
线索四:影像学特征 |
袁怀平 | 安徽省公共卫生临床中心 |
Case Report |
Clue four: Imaging features |
Huaiping Yuan | |||
6 | 14:50-15:00 | 讨论点评 |
讨论:Discussion |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 15:00-15:12 | 专题发言 |
二胎妈妈惊魂记—— 一例羊水栓塞患者救治经历 |
彭媛 | 昆山市第一人民医院 |
Symposium |
A Mother's Nightmare: Rescuing a Patient with Amniotic Fluid Embolism |
Yuan Peng | |||
2 | 15:12-15:24 | 专题发言 |
一例热射病合并多器官功能不全患者救治体会 |
王文彬 | 寿阳县人民医院 |
Symposium |
Treatment Experience of a Patient with Heatstroke Complicated by Multiple Organ Dysfunction |
Wenbin Wang | |||
3 | 15:24-15:36 | 专题发言 |
一例流行性出血热血小板减少的病例分享 |
甘玲 | 大冶市人民医院 |
Symposium |
A Case Study of Thrombocytopenia in a Patient with Viral Hemorrhagic Fever |
Ling Gan | |||
4 | 15:36-15:50 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 16:00-16:20 | 专题发言 |
高危宿主识别 |
余跃天 | 上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院 |
Symposium |
Identification of high-risk hosts |
yuetian yu | Department of Critical Care Medicine, Ren Ji Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine | ||
2 | 16:20-16:40 | 专题发言 |
mNGS的结果判读 |
黄英姿 | 东南大学附属中大医院 |
Symposium |
Interpretation of mNGS Results |
Yingzi Huang | |||
3 | 16:40-17:00 | 专题发言 |
治疗启动时机 |
臧彬 | 中国医科大学附属盛京医院 |
Symposium |
Timing of initiation therapy |
Bin Zang | Shengjing Hospital of China Medical University | ||
4 | 17:00-17:20 | 专题发言 |
联合治疗与降阶梯 |
黎毅敏 | 广州医科大学附属第一医院 |
Symposium |
Combined therapy and de-escalation therapy |
Yimin Li | The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University | ||
5 | 17:20-17:30 | 讨论点评 |
讨论:Discussion |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 08:00-08:20 | 专题发言 |
Pathophysiology and Prevention of VILI: what's new? |
V. Marco Ranieri | Università di Bari |
Symposium |
Pathophysiology and Prevention of VILI: what's new? |
V. Marco Ranieri | Università di Bari | ||
2 | 08:20-08:30 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
Discussion |
3 | 08:30-08:50 | 专题发言 |
Renal replacement therapy in patients on ECMO |
Marlies Ostermann | Guy's St Thomas'Hospital, London, UK |
Symposium |
Renal replacement therapy in patients on ECMO |
Marlies Ostermann | Guy's St Thomas'Hospital, London, UK | ||
4 | 08:50-09:00 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
Discussion |
5 | 09:00-09:20 | 专题发言 |
Prone position revisited: beyond just improving oxygenation |
管向东 | 中山大学附属第一医院 |
Symposium |
Prone position revisited: beyond just improving oxygenation |
Xiangdong Guan | The First Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University | ||
6 | 09:20-09:25 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
Discussion |
7 | 09:25-09:40 | 专题发言 |
Effects of early versus delayed application of prone position on ventilation-perfusion mismatch in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome: a prospective observational study |
刘玲 | 东南大学附属中大医院 |
Symposium |
Effects of early versus delayed application of prone position on ventilation-perfusion mismatch in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome: a prospective observational study |
Ling Liu | |||
8 | 09:40-09:55 | 专题发言 |
Use of airway pressure-based indices to detect high and low inspiratory effort during pressure support ventilation: a diagnostic accuracy study |
杨燕琳 | 首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院 |
Symposium |
Use of airway pressure-based indices to detect high and low inspiratory effort during pressure support ventilation: a diagnostic accuracy study |
Yanlin Yang | |||
9 | 09:55-10:00 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 10:00-10:20 | 专题发言 |
The evolution of TBI treatment: towards phenotyping and novel treatments. |
Giuseppe Citerio | ICM主编 |
Symposium |
The evolution of TBI treatment: towards phenotyping and novel treatments. |
Giuseppe Citerio | University Milano Bicocca | ||
2 | 10:20-10:30 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
Discussion |
3 | 10:30-10:50 | 专题发言 |
Acute kidney injury and organ cross-talk |
Marlies Ostermann | Guy's St Thomas'Hospital, London, UK |
Symposium |
Acute kidney injury and organ cross-talk |
Marlies Ostermann | Guy's St Thomas'Hospital, London, UK | ||
4 | 10:50-11:00 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
Discussion |
5 | 11:00-11:20 | 专题发言 |
Shock: How to do analgesia and sedation? |
康焰 | 四川大学华西医院/华西天府医院 |
Symposium |
Shock: How to do analgesia and sedation? |
6 | 11:20-11:25 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
Discussion |
7 | 11:25-11:40 | 专题发言 |
Efficacy and Safety of Ciprofol Sedation in ICU Patients Undergoing Mechanical Ventilation: A Multicenter, Single-Blind, Randomized, Noninferiority Trial |
刘勇军 | 中山大学附属第一医院 |
Symposium |
Efficacy and Safety of Ciprofol Sedation in ICU Patients Undergoing Mechanical Ventilation: A Multicenter, Single-Blind, Randomized, Noninferiority Trial |
Yongjun Liu | |||
8 | 11:40-11:55 | 专题发言 |
Remimazolam besylate versus propofol for long-term sedation during invasive mechanical ventilation: a pilot study |
尚游 | 华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院 |
Symposium |
Remimazolam besylate versus propofol for long-term sedation during invasive mechanical ventilation: a pilot study |
You Shang | Union Hospital Tongji Medical College Huazhong University of Science and Technology | ||
9 | 11:55-12:00 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 12:00-12:10 | 致辞 |
主席致辞 |
Opening Speech |
2 | 12:10-12:30 | 专题会 |
解读SIAARTI专家共识,规范β阻剂在危重症中的应用 |
蔡洪流 | 浙江大学医学院附属第一医院 |
Interpreting the SIAARTI Expert Consensus: Standardizing the Application of β-Blockers in Critically Ill Patients |
Hongliu Cai | First hospital affiliated School of medicine,Zhejiang university | |||
3 | 12:30-12:50 | 专题会 |
国内外证据看CRE治疗策略 |
谢剑锋 | 东南大学附属中大医院 |
Treatment strategy of CREbased on latest worldwide clinical evidence |
Jianfeng Xie | Zhongda Hospital, School of Medicine, Southeast University, | |||
4 | 12:50-13:00 | 总结 |
主席总结 |
summary |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 13:30-13:50 | 专题发言 |
New hotspot in the field of critical care research |
Paul Elbers | Amsterdam UMC |
Symposium |
New hotspot in the field of critical care research |
Paul Elbers | Amsterdam UMC | ||
2 | 13:50-14:10 | 专题发言 |
Artificial Intelligence and ICU: where are we going? |
Maurizio Cecconi | Humanitas Research Hospital and Humanitas University, Milan, Italy. |
Symposium |
Artificial Intelligence and ICU: where are we going? |
Maurizio Cecconi | Humanitas Research Hospital and Humanitas University, Milan, Italy. | ||
3 | 14:10-14:30 | 专题发言 |
The training system of intensive care physicians in China |
杜斌 | 中国医学科学院北京协和医院 |
Symposium |
The training system of intensive care physicians in China |
Bin Du | Peking Union Medical College Hospital (PUMCH) | ||
4 | 14:30-15:30 | 讨论点评 |
Discussion 1. Differences in the training system of critical care physicians between China and Europe. 2. How to layout the information technology of ICU? 3. The layout and setting of the new ICU: How to achieve green and carbon-free? 4. Is the current training model of ICU reasonable? |
Comment |
Discussion 1. Differences in the training system of critical care physicians between China and Europe. 2. How to layout the information technology of ICU? 3. The layout and setting of the new ICU: How to achieve green and carbon-free? 4. Is the current training model of ICU reasonable? |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 15:30-15:50 | 专题发言 |
25 years of protective lung ventilation for ARDS: Does one size really fit all? |
V. Marco Ranieri | Università di Bari |
Symposium |
25 years of protective lung ventilation for ARDS: Does one size really fit all? |
V. Marco Ranieri | Università di Bari | ||
2 | 15:50-16:00 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
Discussion |
3 | 16:00-16:20 | 专题发言 |
Will ChatGPT subvert critical care medicine? |
Paul Elbers | Amsterdam UMC |
Symposium |
Will ChatGPT subvert critical care medicine? |
Paul Elbers | Amsterdam UMC | ||
4 | 16:20-16:30 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
Discussion |
5 | 16:30-16:50 | 专题发言 |
ARDS全球新定义:对未来研究的启示 |
邱海波 | 东南大学附属中大医院 |
Symposium |
Global New Definition of ARDS: Insights for Future Research |
Haibo Qiu | Zhongda hospital, Southeast University | ||
6 | 16:50-16:55 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
Discussion |
7 | 16:55-17:10 | 专题发言 |
Prevalence and prognosis of respiratory pendelluft phenomenon in mechanically ventilated ICU patients with acute respiratory failure: a retrospective cohort study |
池熠 | 中国医学科学院北京协和医院 |
Symposium |
Prevalence and prognosis of respiratory pendelluft phenomenon in mechanically ventilated ICU patients with acute respiratory failure: a retrospective cohort study |
Yi Chi | |||
8 | 17:10-17:25 | 专题发言 |
Prone positioning improves ventilation-perfusion matching assessed by electrical impedance tomography in patients with ARDS: a prospective physiological study |
钟鸣 | 复旦大学附属中山医院 |
Symposium |
Prone positioning improves ventilation-perfusion matching assessed by electrical impedance tomography in patients with ARDS: a prospective physiological study |
Ming Zhong | |||
9 | 17:25-17:30 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 09:00-09:20 | 专题会 |
ARDS全球新定义的理解和临床实践 |
尹海燕 | 暨南大学附属第一医院 |
The new definition of ARDS and its' implications in clinical practice |
2 | 09:20-09:40 | 专题会 |
西维来司他钠肺保护机制 |
张西京 | 中国人民解放军空军军医大学第一附属医院 |
The mechanism of sivelepristone sodium in lung protection |
Xijing Zhang | Xijing Hospital | |||
3 | 09:40-10:00 | 专题会讨论 |
讨论 |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 10:00-10:30 | 专题会 |
体外生命支持治疗新进展 |
刘玲 | 东南大学附属中大医院 |
Progress in extracorporeal life support therapy |
Ling Liu | ||||
2 | 10:30-11:00 | 专题会 |
ECMO与CRRT联合应用治疗要点 |
胡波 | 武汉大学中南医院 |
Key treatment points for the combined application of ECMO and CRRT |
Bo Hu |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 11:00-11:30 | 专题会 |
多参数脑氧在重症诊疗中的应用与探索 |
尚游 | 华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院 |
Application and exploration of multi-parameter brain oxygenation in critical care |
You Shang | Union Hospital Tongji Medical College Huazhong University of Science and Technology | |||
2 | 11:30-12:00 | 专题会 |
局部脑氧饱和度监测在重症临床应用分析 |
秦秉玉 | 河南省人民医院 |
Analysis of the clinical application of regional cerebral oxygen saturation monitoring in critical care |
Bingyu Qin | Henan Provincial People's Hospital |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 13:30-13:50 | 专题会 |
肺保护性通气 |
潘纯 | 四川省医学科学院·四川省人民医院 |
Lung-protective ventilation |
Chun Pan | Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital | |||
2 | 13:50-14:10 | 专题会 |
ECMO院际转运——浙一实践 |
蔡洪流 | 浙江大学医学院附属第一医院 |
Inter-hospital ECMO transport - Experience at FAHZU |
Hongliu Cai | First hospital affiliated School of medicine,Zhejiang university |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 14:30-14:35 | 致辞 |
致辞 |
2 | 14:35-15:30 | 专题会 |
EIT在ARDS通气中的临床应用 |
隆云 | 中国医学科学院北京协和医院 |
Clinical application of EIT in the ventilation of ARDS |
Yun Long | Peking Union Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 15:30-16:00 | 专题会 |
CRRT抗凝新策略:枸橼酸钠血滤置换液 |
姜利 | 首都医科大学宣武医院 |
New anticoagulation strategy for CRRT: Citrate-based replacement fluid |
Li Jiang | Xuan Wu Hospital, Capital Medical University | |||
2 | 16:00-16:30 | 专题会 |
CRRT中血磷与电解质管理新策略 |
刘占国 | 南方医科大学珠江医院 |
New strategies for managing blood phosphorus and acid-base balance in CRRT |
Zhanguo Liu | ZhuJiang Hospital of Southern Medical University (The Second Clinical Medical College) |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 09:00-09:20 | 专题发言 |
生物信息学分析 |
朱明告 | 暨南大学附属第一医院 |
Symposium |
bioinformatics analysis |
Minggao Zhu | |||
2 | 09:20-09:40 | 专题发言 |
影像学组学数据如何分析? |
章仲恒 | 浙江大学医学院附属邵逸夫医院 |
Symposium |
Analysis of medical imaging omics data |
Zhongheng Zhang | sir Run-Run Shaw hospital, Zhejiang university school of medicine | ||
3 | 09:40-10:00 | 专题发言 |
波形数据如何转化与分析? |
刁孟元 | 杭州市第一人民医院 |
Symposium |
Analysis of waveform data |
Mengyuan Diao | Hangzhou First People’s Hospital | ||
4 | 10:00-10:20 | 专题发言 |
病例文本数据如何处理与分析? |
王常松 | 哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院 |
Symposium |
Analysis of medical case text data |
Changsong Wang | Harbin Medical University cancer Hospital | ||
5 | 10:20-10:30 | 讨论 |
讨论 |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 10:30-10:50 | 专题发言 |
脓毒血症与重症的早期预警 |
沈延飞 | 浙江医院 |
Symposium |
Early warning of sepsis and critical illness |
Yanfei Shen | Zhejiang Hospital | ||
2 | 10:50-11:10 | 专题发言 |
脓毒症亚型的分类 |
李树生 | 华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院 |
Symposium |
Classification of sepsis subtypes |
3 | 11:10-11:30 | 专题发言 |
医疗决策的制定 |
洪东煌 | 福州大学附属省立医院 |
Symposium |
Decision making of medical treatment |
Donghuang Hong | China | ||
4 | 11:30-11:50 | 专题发言 |
康复指导 |
徐继前 | 华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院 |
Symposium |
Rehabilitative guidance |
jiqian xu | |||
5 | 11:50-12:00 | 讨论 |
讨论 |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 13:30-13:35 | 病例报告 |
重症胰腺炎病例汇报1 |
蔡书翰 | 武汉大学中南医院 |
Case Report |
Case report of severe pancreatitis |
Shuhan Cai | Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University | ||
2 | 13:35-13:55 | 讨论 |
CRRT的讨论 |
Discussion |
Jinglun Liu
The First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University /
Xiangyuan Cao
The Center for Reproductive Medicine of Ningxia Medical University General Hospital
3 | 13:55-14:00 | 病例报告 |
病例汇报2 |
蔡书翰 | 武汉大学中南医院 |
Case Report |
Case report |
Shuhan Cai | Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University | ||
4 | 14:00-14:20 | 讨论 |
腹高压的讨论 |
Discussion | |||||
5 | 14:20-14:25 | 病例报告 |
病例汇报3 |
蔡书翰 | 武汉大学中南医院 |
Case Report |
Case report |
Shuhan Cai | Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University | ||
6 | 14:25-14:50 | 讨论 |
肠内营养的治疗 |
Discussion |
Wei Zhu
Department of Emergency Medicine, Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, Hubei, PR China /
Jiangquan Fu
7 | 14:50-15:00 | 总结 |
总结 |
summary |
Shuhan Cai
Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University /
Xiangdong Guan
The First Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 15:00-15:10 | 论文发言 |
Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of Continuous Intrathoracic Pressure-Guided Invasive Mechanical Ventilation: A Randomized Controlled Study (ESCAPE Study) |
宋健 | 上海市第四人民医院 |
Oral Presentation |
Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of Continuous Intrathoracic Pressure-Guided Invasive Mechanical Ventilation: A Randomized Controlled Study (ESCAPE Study) |
Jian Song | |||
2 | 15:10-15:20 | 论文发言 |
Treatment of Vitamin A in children with Sepsis: a Randomized Controlled Trial |
付沁怡 | 四川大学华西医院 |
Oral Presentation |
Treatment of Vitamin A in children with Sepsis: a Randomized Controlled Trial |
Qinyi Fu | |||
3 | 15:20-15:30 | 论文发言 |
基于ECMO虚拟系统的情景模拟教学在提高重症医学专培医师岗位胜任力中的应用价值 |
王鹏 | 山东第一医科大学附属省立医院 |
Oral Presentation | Peng Wang | Shandong Provincial Hospital Affiliated to Shandong First Medical University | |||
4 | 15:30-15:40 | 论文发言 |
腹腔高压患者的液体反应性预测:一项双中心、前瞻性、观察性研究 |
宋文亮 | 中山大学附属第一医院 |
Oral Presentation | Wenliang Song | ||||
5 | 15:40-15:50 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 16:00-16:05 | 病例报告 |
重症肺炎病例汇报4 |
许强宏 | 浙江医院 |
Case Report |
Severe pneumonia case report |
Qianghong Xu | 浙江医院 | ||
2 | 16:05-16:25 | 讨论 |
ARDS 的无创呼吸治疗 |
Discussion |
Chunting Wang
Shandong Provincial Hospital Chinese /
Wenxiong Li
Beijing Chao-yang Hospital, Capital Medical University
3 | 16:25-16:30 | 病例报告 |
病例汇报5 |
许强宏 | 浙江医院 |
Case Report |
Case report |
Qianghong Xu | 浙江医院 | ||
4 | 16:30-16:50 | 讨论 |
ARDS的有创呼吸治疗 |
Discussion | |||||
5 | 16:50-16:55 | 病例报告 |
病例汇报6 |
许强宏 | 浙江医院 |
Case Report |
Case report |
Qianghong Xu | 浙江医院 | ||
6 | 16:55-17:15 | 讨论 |
激素治疗的讨论 |
Discussion | |||||
7 | 17:15-17:20 | 病例报告 |
病例汇报7 |
许强宏 | 浙江医院 |
Case Report |
Case report |
Qianghong Xu | 浙江医院 | ||
8 | 17:20-17:40 | 讨论 |
抗生素的讨论 |
Discussion | |||||
9 | 17:40-17:45 | 总结 |
summary |
Dechang Chen
Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 09:00-09:10 | 专题发言 |
CRRT病例 |
陈敏华 | 浙江省人民医院 |
Symposium |
CRRT case-report |
Minhua Chen | |||
2 | 09:10-09:25 | 专题发言 |
置换液:如何选择 |
王小智 | 海南医科大学第二附属医院 |
Symposium |
Choices of CRRT Solution |
Xiaozhi Wang | |||
3 | 09:25-09:40 | 专题发言 |
滤器膜材:如何选择 |
汤展宏 | 广西医科大学第一附属医院 |
Symposium |
Choices of Filter membrane material |
Zhanhong Tang | Department of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi Medical University | ||
4 | 09:40-09:55 | 专题发言 |
滤器寿命:如何优化 |
胡振杰 | 河北医科大学第四医院 |
Symposium |
How to optimize filter life |
Zhenjie Hu | The Fourth Hospital of HeBei Medical University | ||
5 | 09:55-10:30 | 专家访谈 |
专家访谈:如何评估及保障CRRT治疗充分性 |
Expert Interviews |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 10:30-10:45 | 专题发言 |
基于亚型的AKI精准管理 |
刘娇 | 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院 |
Symposium |
Precise management of AKI based on phenotypes |
Jiao Liu | Shanghai Jiaotong University,Medicine School, Ruijin Hospital | ||
2 | 10:45-11:00 | 专题发言 |
体外血液净化于急性肝衰竭的应用 |
沈海平 | 香港东区医院 |
Symposium |
Application of extracorporeal blood purification in acute liver failure |
Haiping Shen | |||
3 | 11:00-11:15 | 专题发言 |
ECMO+CRRT:Who,When and How |
王洪亮 | 哈尔滨医科大学附属第二医院 |
Symposium |
ECMO+CRRT:Who,When and How |
Hongliang Wang | The Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University | ||
4 | 11:15-12:00 | 挑战大咖 |
挑战大咖:SA-AKI的体外血液净化:无益 or 有益(大咖:无益,青年才俊:有益) |
Challenge Experts: Extracorporeal blood purification in SA-AKI: Unbeneficial VS Beneficial (Senior:Unbeneficial; Junior: Beneficial) |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 13:30-13:50 | 专题发言 |
脓毒症液体复苏,指南还是个体化? |
刘大为 | 中国医学科学院北京协和医院 |
Symposium |
Fluid Resuscitation in Sepsis: guideline or personalize? |
Dawei Liu | Peking Union Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences | ||
2 | 13:50-14:25 | 专题发言 |
如何实施个体化复苏 |
Xavier Monnet | 法国重症医学会秘书长 |
Symposium |
How to Personalize Fluid Therapy in Sepsis? |
Xavier Monnet | 法国重症医学会秘书长 | ||
3 | 14:25-15:00 | 专题发言 |
Fluid Management In Sepsis: Forget About Wet or Dry |
Daniel De Backer | CHIREC Hospitals |
Symposium |
Fluid Management In Sepsis: Forget About Wet or Dry |
Daniel De Backer | CHIREC Hospitals |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 15:00-15:10 | 论文发言 |
Metabolomic biomarkers improves feeding intolerance risk prediction for ICU septic patients |
胡琨琳 | 广西壮族自治区人民医院 |
Oral Presentation |
Metabolomic biomarkers improves feeding intolerance risk prediction for ICU septic patients |
Kunlin Hu | |||
2 | 15:10-15:20 | 论文发言 |
Canagliflozin Attenuates Post-Resuscitation Myocardial Dysfunction in Diabetic Rats by Inhibiting Autophagy through the PI3K/Akt/mTOR Pathway |
华天凤 | 安徽医科大学第二附属医院 |
Oral Presentation |
Canagliflozin Attenuates Post-Resuscitation Myocardial Dysfunction in Diabetic Rats by Inhibiting Autophagy through the PI3K/Akt/mTOR Pathway |
Tianfeng Hua | |||
3 | 15:20-15:30 | 论文发言 |
Clinical Characteristics and Prediction Model of Re-Positive Nucleic Acid Tests among Omicron Infections by Machine Learning: A Real-world Study of 35,488 Cases |
谭亮 | 中国人民解放军陆军军医大学第一附属医院 |
Oral Presentation |
Clinical Characteristics and Prediction Model of Re-Positive Nucleic Acid Tests among Omicron Infections by Machine Learning: A Real-world Study of 35,488 Cases |
Liang Tan | Southwest Hospital, Third Military Medical University | ||
4 | 15:30-15:40 | 论文发言 |
A stricter control of low‐density lipoprotein is necessary for thrombosis reduction in “lower thrombosis risk” patients with atrial fibrillation: a multicenter retrospective cohort study |
刘韦卓 | 上海市胸科医院 |
Oral Presentation |
A stricter control of low‐density lipoprotein is necessary for thrombosis reduction in “lower thrombosis risk” patients with atrial fibrillation: a multicenter retrospective cohort study |
5 | 15:40-15:50 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 16:00-16:20 | 专题发言 |
脓毒症与免疫失衡 |
樊楚明 | 云南省第一人民医院 |
Symposium |
Sepsis and Immune Imbalance |
Chuming Fan | |||
2 | 16:20-16:40 | 专题发言 |
如何识别过度炎症反应 |
卞金俊 | 海军军医大学第一附属医院(上海长海医院) |
Symposium |
How to Identify Excessive Inflammatory Response |
Jinjun Bian | Changhai Hospital Affiliated to Naval Medical University | ||
3 | 16:40-17:00 | 专题发言 |
如何识别免疫抑制 |
吴健锋 | 中山大学附属第一医院 |
Symposium |
How to Identify Immuosuppression |
Jianfeng Wu | The First Affiliated Hospital,Sun Yat-sen University | ||
4 | 17:00-17:20 | 专题发言 |
如何识别PICS |
林洪远 | 中国人民解放军总医院第四医学中心 |
Symposium |
How to Identify PICS |
Hongyuan Lin | The First Affiliated Hospital of PLA General Hospital | ||
5 | 17:20-17:30 | 讨论 |
讨论 discussion |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 09:00-09:15 | 专题发言 |
相对α变异 |
徐道妙 | 中南大学湘雅医院 |
Symposium |
Relative alpha variability |
Daomiao Xu | |||
2 | 09:15-09:30 | 专题发言 |
脑电反应性 |
刘景仑 | 重庆医科大学附属第一医院 |
Symposium |
EEG reactivity |
Jinglun Liu | The First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University | ||
3 | 09:30-09:45 | 专题发言 |
神经瞳孔指数 |
欧阳彬 | 中山大学附属第一医院 |
Symposium |
Neurological pupil index |
Bin Ouyang | The First Affiliated Hospital,Sun Yat-sen University | ||
4 | 09:45-10:00 | 专题发言 |
瞬间充血反应试验 |
周敏 | 中国科学技术大学附属第一医院(安徽省立医院) |
Symposium |
Transient hyperemic response test |
Min Zhou | The First Affiliated Hospital of USTC | ||
5 | 10:00-10:15 | 专题发言 |
N20与P25 |
刘志勇 | 中南大学湘雅医院 |
Symposium |
SSEP N20 and P25 |
Zhiyong Liu | Xiangya Hospital, Central South University |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 10:15-10:50 | 专题发言 |
Cell Therapy and Neuroengineering Solutions to Promote Nerve Regeneration |
Xiaofeng Jia | University of Maryland and Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine |
Symposium |
Cell Therapy and Neuroengineering Solutions to Promote Nerve Regeneration |
Xiaofeng Jia | University of Maryland and Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine | ||
2 | 10:50-11:05 | 专题发言 |
认识ICU内的癫痫持续状态 |
曹权 | 江苏省人民医院(南京医科大学第一附属医院) |
Symposium |
Understanding Status Epilepticus in the ICU |
Quan Cao | the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University | ||
3 | 11:05-11:20 | 专题发言 |
ICU癫痫持续状态:关注如何预防 |
赵鸣雁 | 哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院 |
Symposium |
Status Epilepticus in the ICU:How to prevent it? |
4 | 11:20-11:35 | 专题发言 |
ICU癫痫持续状态管理:需要脑电监测 |
陈文劲 | 首都医科大学宣武医院 |
Symposium |
Management of Status Epilepticus in the ICU: Necessity of EEG Monitoring |
Wenjin Chen | Beijing Xuanwu Hospital, Capital Medical University | ||
5 | 11:35-11:50 | 专题发言 |
癫痫持续状态的治疗流程 |
张西京 | 中国人民解放军空军军医大学第一附属医院 |
Symposium |
Treatment protocol for Status Epilepticus |
Xijing Zhang | Xijing Hospital | ||
6 | 11:50-12:05 | 专题发言 |
抗癫痫发作药物不良反应:重症临床不可忽视 |
何智辉 | 中南大学湘雅三医院 |
Symposium |
Adverse effects of Antiepileptic Drugs: A critical concern in intensive care |
Zhihui He |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 13:30-14:05 | 专题发言 |
Management of severe TBI 2024 |
Giuseppe Citerio | ICM主编 |
Symposium |
Management of severe TBI 2024 |
Giuseppe Citerio | University Milano Bicocca | ||
2 | 14:05-14:20 | 专题发言 |
急性脑损伤的体温管理与预后 |
石广志 | 首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院 |
Symposium |
Temperature management and prognosis in acute brain injury |
Guangzhi Shi | BeiJing Tiantan Hospital | ||
3 | 14:20-14:35 | 专题发言 |
急性脑损伤的血压管理与预后 |
李晓鹏 | 新疆医科大学第一附属医院 |
Symposium |
Blood pressure management and prognosis in acute brain injury |
xiaopeng li | |||
4 | 14:35-14:50 | 专题发言 |
急性脑损伤的氧分压与CO2分压管理与预后 |
王锦权 | 中国科学技术大学附属第一医院(安徽省立医院) |
Symposium |
Management of O2 and CO2 Levels and prognosis in acute brain injury |
Jinquan Wang | The First Affiliated Hospital of USTC, University of Science and Technology of China, Anhui Provincial Hospital, China | ||
5 | 14:50-15:05 | 专题发言 |
急性脑损伤的交感应激管理与预后 |
周建新 | 首都医科大学附属北京世纪坛医院 |
Symposium |
Management of sympathetic stress and prognosis in acute brain injury |
Jianxin Zhou | 首都医科大学附属北京世纪坛医院 | ||
6 | 15:05-15:10 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 15:10-15:20 | 论文发言 |
Cross-sectional survey of glycemic control and prognostic effect in Chinese intensive care units: a population-based study |
潘晓俊 | 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院 |
Oral Presentation |
Cross-sectional survey of glycemic control and prognostic effect in Chinese intensive care units: a population-based study |
Xiaojun Pan | |||
2 | 15:20-15:30 | 论文发言 |
Ventilation-Perfusion Matching in early-stage of prone position ventilation: A Comparison between COVID-19 ARDS and ARDS from Other Etiologies |
李浛天 | 中国医学科学院北京协和医院 |
Oral Presentation |
Ventilation-Perfusion Matching in early-stage of prone position ventilation: A Comparison between COVID-19 ARDS and ARDS from Other Etiologies |
Hantian Li | |||
3 | 15:30-15:40 | 论文发言 |
Effect of Early Tracheostomy Versus Late Tracheostomy among Patients with Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy: A Propensity-Matched Cohort Study |
李叶玲 | 四川大学华西医院 |
Oral Presentation |
Effect of Early Tracheostomy Versus Late Tracheostomy among Patients with Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy: A Propensity-Matched Cohort Study |
YeLing Li | |||
4 | 15:40-15:50 | 论文发言 |
PDHA1 hyperacetylation-mediated lactate overproduction promotes sepsis-induced acute kidney injury via Fis1 lactylation. |
曾振华 | 南方医科大学南方医院 |
Oral Presentation |
PDHA1 hyperacetylation-mediated lactate overproduction promotes sepsis-induced acute kidney injury via Fis1 lactylation. |
Zhenhua Zeng | Nanfang Hospital |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 16:00-16:15 | 专题发言 |
病例分享:重型颅脑损伤患者神经内分泌功能障碍 |
赵春光 | 中南大学湘雅医院 |
Symposium |
Case sharing:Neuroendocrine disorders of severe Brain Injury |
Chunguang Zhao | |||
2 | 16:15-16:30 | 专题发言 |
抽丝剥茧之神经-内分泌-免疫紊乱:识别与干预 |
方向明 | 浙江大学医学院附属第一医院 |
Symposium |
Clear perspective to Neuro-Endocrine-Immune disorders:recognition and modulation |
Xiangming Fang | The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine | ||
3 | 16:30-16:45 | 专题发言 |
重型颅脑损伤患者内分泌功能:从应激防御到失调、干预 |
沈锋 | 贵州医科大学附属医院 |
Symposium |
Endocrine disorders of severe Brain Injury:from stress defense tomodulation of dysfunction |
Feng Shen | Department of Intensive Care Unit, Guizhou Medical University | ||
4 | 16:45-17:00 | 专题发言 |
重型颅脑损伤患者低钠血症:代谢紊乱的内分泌机制 |
费东生 | 哈尔滨医科大学第一临床医学院 |
Symposium |
Hyponatremia in severe Brain Injury:endocrine mechanism of electrolyte metabolism disorder |
Dongsheng Fei | |||
5 | 17:00-17:15 | 专题发言 |
重症颅脑损伤患者补充糖皮质激素治疗:补与不补系有其因 |
周发春 | 重庆医科大学附属第一医院 |
Symposium |
Glucocorticoids supplement ABI in critical illness:reasons to do or not |
Fachun Zhou | thr | ||
6 | 17:15-17:30 | 讨论 |
讨论:重症神经内分泌调节或治疗,如何落地? |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 09:00-09:20 | 专题发言 |
屏障功能评估与监测 |
刘虹 | 山西医科大学第一医院 |
Symposium |
Assessment and monitoring of barrier function |
Hong Liu | Department of Hematology, The First Hospital of Shanxi Medical University | ||
2 | 09:20-09:40 | 专题发言 |
运动功能评估与监测 |
杨毅 | 东南大学附属中大医院 |
Symposium |
Motor function assessment and monitoring |
Yi Yang | The Affiliated Hospital of Southeast University | ||
3 | 09:40-10:00 | 专题发言 |
吸收功能评估与监测 |
安友仲 | 北京大学人民医院 |
Symposium |
Assessment and monitoring of absorption function |
Youzhong An | Peking University People's Hospital | ||
4 | 10:00-10:20 | 专题发言 |
免疫功能评估与监测 |
马晓春 | 中国医科大学附属第一医院 |
Symposium |
Immune function assessment and monitoring |
Xiaochun Ma | Introduction to the First Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University | ||
5 | 10:20-10:30 | 专题发言 |
神经内分泌功能评估与监测 |
臧彬 | 中国医科大学附属盛京医院 |
Symposium |
Assessment and monitoring of neuroendocrine function |
Bin Zang | Shengjing Hospital of China Medical University |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 10:30-10:50 | 专题发言 |
面对突发公共卫生事件重症医学如何作为 |
杜斌 | 中国医学科学院北京协和医院 |
Symposium |
What can CCM do: Facing public health emergencies? |
Bin Du | Peking Union Medical College Hospital (PUMCH) | ||
2 | 10:50-11:10 | 专题发言 |
如何加强医护多学科培训应对突发公共卫生事件 |
周翔 | 中国医学科学院北京协和医院 |
Symposium |
How to strengthen MDT training: Facing public health emergencies? |
Xiang Zhou | Peking Union Medical College Hospital | ||
3 | 11:10-11:30 | 专题发言 |
重症医学如何主导可转化ICU开展工作 |
邢金燕 | 青岛大学附属医院 |
Symposium |
How CCM leading transformable ICU to carry out work? |
Jinyan Xing | |||
4 | 11:30-12:00 | 讨论 |
讨论 |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 13:30-13:50 | 专题发言 |
肠源性脓毒症病例 |
周飞虎 | 中国人民解放军总医院第一医学中心 |
Symposium |
Cases of enterogenous sepsis |
Feihu Zhou | The First Medical Center of the PLA General Hospital | ||
2 | 13:50-14:10 | 专题发言 |
菌群移位:证据与争议 |
于湘友 | 新疆医科大学第一附属医院 |
Symposium |
Microbial migration: evidence and controversy |
Xiangyou Yu | The First Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University | ||
3 | 14:10-14:30 | 专题发言 |
肠肝交互:炎症反应的放大器 |
傅小云 | 遵义医科大学附属医院 |
Symposium |
Enterohepatic interaction: an amplifier of the inflammatory response |
Xiaoyun Fu | |||
4 | 14:30-14:50 | 专题发言 |
肠肺交互:肠-淋巴途径 |
杨晓军 | 宁夏医科大学总医院 |
Symposium |
Gut-lung interactions: Intestinal lymphatic pathway |
Xiaojun Yang | The Center for Reproductive Medicine of Ningxia Medical University General Hospital | ||
5 | 14:50-15:00 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 15:00-15:10 | 论文发言 |
呼吸机相关性肺炎风险预测模型的构建与应用—基于人工神经网络算法 |
何明欣 | 北京大学深圳医院 |
Oral Presentation | Mingxin He | ||||
2 | 15:10-15:20 | 论文发言 |
Heliox ventilation in older hypertensive ICU patients improves hemodynamics: A randomized controlled study |
周丽丽 | 福建医科大学附属协和医院 |
Oral Presentation |
Heliox ventilation in older hypertensive ICU patients improves hemodynamics: A randomized controlled study |
Lili Zhou | |||
3 | 15:20-15:30 | 论文发言 |
肺炎克雷伯菌的临床分布和耐药性以及耐碳青霉烯类肺炎克雷伯菌感染的危险因素分析 |
林煌 | 福州大学附属省立医院 |
Oral Presentation | Huang Lin | ||||
4 | 15:30-15:40 | 论文发言 |
高蛋白摄入对危重患者的有效性和安全性: 一项前瞻性、随机、盲法和对照研究 |
钱易婍 | 复旦大学附属中山医院 |
Oral Presentation | Yiqi Qian | ||||
5 | 15:40-15:50 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 16:00-16:15 | 专题发言 |
深切治療部的死亡討論 |
黄维达 | 香港中文大学 |
Symposium |
Discussions of Fatal Cases in Intensive Care Units |
Weida Huang | |||
2 | 16:15-16:30 | 专题发言 |
ICU医生临床思维:如何培养? |
赵双平 | 中南大学湘雅医院 |
Symposium |
Cultivating Clinical Thinking in ICU Physicians |
Shuangping Zhao | |||
3 | 16:30-16:45 | 专题发言 |
ICU医生科研思维:如何培养? |
张琳琳 | 首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院 |
Symposium |
Cultivating Scientific Thinking in ICU Physicians |
Linlin Zhang | |||
4 | 16:45-17:00 | 专题发言 |
ICU医生自我保护与患者利益,如何并重! |
翁利 | 中国医学科学院北京协和医院 |
Symposium |
How do ICU docotor balance self-protection and patient interests. |
Li Weng | |||
5 | 17:00-17:15 | 专题发言 |
台湾肺移植的现况 |
高国晋 | 林口长庚医院 |
Symposium |
The current status of lung transplantation in Taiwan province. |
Guojin Gao | |||
6 | 17:15-17:30 | 专题发言 |
分诊-香港一所地区医院的经验分享 |
柳柏延 | 香港明爱医院深切治疗部 |
Symposium |
Triage - Sharing the Experience of a Regional Hospital in Hong Kong。 |
Baiyan Liu |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 09:00-09:40 | 专题发言 |
Using AI to improve patient safety in the ICU |
Daniel Stuart Talmor | Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School |
Symposium |
Using AI to improve patient safety in the ICU |
Daniel Stuart Talmor | Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School | ||
2 | 09:40-10:20 | 专题发言 |
Research Priorities for Sepsis in Near Future |
Craig Coopersmith | Emory University |
Symposium |
Research Priorities for Sepsis in Near Future |
Craig Coopersmith | Emory University | ||
3 | 10:20-10:40 | 专题发言 |
Research Priorities for AKI in Near Future |
于凯江 | 哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院 |
Symposium |
Research Priorities for AKI in Near Future |
Kaijiang Yu | Department of Ophthalmology, the First Affiliated Hospital, Harbin Medical University, Harbin, China, | ||
4 | 10:40-11:00 | 专题发言 |
Research Priorities for Enteral and parenteral nutrition in Near Future |
李维勤 | 中国人民解放军东部战区总医院 |
Symposium |
Research Priorities for Enteral and parenteral nutrition in Near Future |
Weiqin Li | Chinese People's Liberation Army Eastern Theater Command General Hospital |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 11:00-11:20 | 专题发言 |
Precision medicine in sepsis and ARDS. |
张海波 | University of Toronto |
Symposium |
Precision medicine in sepsis and ARDS. |
Haibo Zhang | University of Toronto | ||
2 | 11:20-12:00 | 专题发言 |
Metabolically Glycoengineered Human NSCs Boost Stem Cell Therapy after Cardiac Arrest |
Xiaofeng Jia | University of Maryland and Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine |
Symposium |
Metabolically Glycoengineered Human NSCs Boost Stem Cell Therapy after Cardiac Arrest |
Xiaofeng Jia | University of Maryland and Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 12:00-12:30 | 专题会 |
中国碳青霉烯耐药菌感染 的新挑战与新进展 |
隆云 | 中国医学科学院北京协和医院 |
New challenges and progress of carbapenem-resistant organisms infection in China |
Yun Long | Peking Union Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences | |||
2 | 12:30-13:00 | 专题会 |
ICU碳青霉烯耐药菌感染治疗策略 |
尚游 | 华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院 |
Treatment strategies of carbapenem-resistant organisms infection in ICU |
You Shang | Union Hospital Tongji Medical College Huazhong University of Science and Technology |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 13:30-13:50 | 专题发言 |
DJ-1及其表达调控异常在PD发病中的作用 |
丁健青 | 上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院 |
Symposium |
The role of DJ-1 and its dysregulated expression in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease (PD). |
Jianqing Ding | |||
2 | 13:50-14:10 | 专题发言 |
精准医学时代:脓毒症的前沿探索 |
姜勇 | 郑州大学第一附属医院 |
Symposium |
The era of precision medicine: Exploring the forefront of sepsis. |
Yong Jiang | |||
3 | 14:10-14:30 | 专题发言 |
基于脓毒症时树突状细胞功能失调:剖析解决关键科学问题 |
姚咏明 | 中国人民解放军总医院第四医学中心 |
Symposium |
Dendritic cell dysfunction in sepsis: Analyzing and addressing key scientific questions. |
4 | 14:30-14:50 | 专题发言 |
基于医工结合的自主神经调控策略防治心源性猝死 |
余锂镭 | 武汉大学人民医院 |
Symposium |
Preventing and treating sudden cardiac death through autonomous neuroregulation strategies based on medical-engineering integration. |
Lilei Yu | Wuhan University | ||
5 | 14:50-15:10 | 专题发言 |
院外心脏骤停的抢救,我们怎么改进:BASIC-OHCA研究的启示 |
徐峰 | 山东大学齐鲁医院 |
Symposium |
How can we improve out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) resuscitation? Insights from the BASIC-OHCA trial. |
Feng Xu | Qilu Hospital of Shandong University | ||
6 | 15:10-15:30 | 讨论点评 |
提问、讨论 |
Comment |
Questions and discussions |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 15:30-15:50 | 专题发言 |
脓毒症中枢神经系统与外周器官的相互作用及机制研究 |
方向明 | 浙江大学医学院附属第一医院 |
Symposium |
Research on the interaction and mechanisms between the central nervous system and peripheral organs in sepsis. |
Xiangming Fang | The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine | ||
2 | 15:50-16:10 | 专题发言 |
脓毒症心肌代谢重编程致心肌损伤的作用机制 |
李涛 | 中国人民解放军陆军特色医学中心 |
Symposium |
The mechanism of myocardial injury through metabolic reprogramming in sepsis. |
Tao Li | Department of Characteristic Medicine, Army Military Medical University | ||
3 | 16:10-16:30 | 专题发言 |
脓毒症免疫抑制治疗小分子药物及其分子机制研究 |
曾灵 | 中国人民解放军陆军特色医学中心 |
Symposium |
Research on Small-Molecule Drugs and Their Molecular Mechanisms for Immunosuppressive Therapy in Sepsis |
Ling Zeng | Millitary Medical University | ||
4 | 16:30-16:50 | 专题发言 |
中性粒细胞NET形成新机制 |
邵一鸣 | 昌平国家实验室 |
Symposium |
Novel Mechanisms of Neutrophil Extracellular Trap (NET) Formation |
Yiming Shao | |||
5 | 16:50-17:10 | 专题发言 |
缺血性肠损伤--肠道菌群的角色 |
陈鹏 | 南方医科大学 |
Symposium |
Ischemic Intestinal Injury : The Role of Intestinal Flora |
Peng Chen | |||
6 | 17:10-17:30 | 讨论点评 |
提问、讨论 |
Comment |
Questions and discussions |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 09:00-09:40 | 专题发言 |
Evaluation and Management of intracranial pressure |
Cherylee W. J. Chang | Duke University School of Medicine |
Symposium |
Evaluation and Management of intracranial pressure |
Cherylee Chang | Duke University School of Medicine | ||
2 | 09:40-10:20 | 专题发言 |
Experience of Intensive Care Service Optimization for COVID-19 Pandemic in Almaty City |
Tleuberdi Kuandykov | Department of Public Health of Almaty City |
Symposium |
Experience of Intensive Care Service Optimization for COVID-19 Pandemic in Almaty City |
Tleuberdi Kuandykov | Department of Public Health of Almaty City | ||
3 | 10:20-11:00 | 专题发言 |
Mouse models of sepsis – what can be translated and what cannot |
Craig Coopersmith | Emory University |
Symposium |
Mouse models of sepsis – what can be translated and what cannot |
Craig Coopersmith | Emory University | ||
4 | 11:00-11:40 | 专题发言 |
Updates In The Management of: Stroke |
Cherylee W. J. Chang | Duke University School of Medicine |
Symposium |
Updates In The Management of: Stroke |
Cherylee Chang | Duke University School of Medicine | ||
5 | 11:40-12:00 | 专题发言 |
Recent advance of cell therapy in ARDS |
张海波 | University of Toronto |
Symposium |
Recent advance of cell therapy in ARDS |
Haibo Zhang | University of Toronto |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 12:00-12:05 | 致辞 |
Opening Address
Yi Yang
The Affiliated Hospital of Southeast University
2 | 12:05-12:30 | 专题会 |
镇痛为先,定倾扶危 -G蛋白偏向性μ阿片受体激动剂在重症患者镇痛的临床获益解析 |
彭志勇 | 武汉大学中南医院 |
Prioritize pain relief, stabilize and support the critical condition -Clinical benefits of G protein-biased agonists of the μ-opioid receptor in pain relief for ICU patients. |
Zhiyong Peng | Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University | |||
3 | 12:30-12:55 | 专题会 |
镇痛镇静药物对于谵妄的影响 |
刘玲 | 东南大学附属中大医院 |
Influence of analgesic and sedative drugs on delirium |
Ling Liu | ||||
4 | 12:55-13:00 | 总结 |
summary |
Yi Yang
The Affiliated Hospital of Southeast University
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 13:30-13:40 | 致辞 |
主席致辞 |
2 | 13:40-13:50 | 介绍 |
嘉宾介绍及比赛规则介绍 |
3 | 13:50-14:10 | 比赛 |
第一轮:必答题 |
4 | 14:10-14:40 | 比赛 |
第二轮:抢答题 |
5 | 14:40-15:10 | 比赛 |
第三轮:病例题 |
6 | 15:10-15:20 | 比赛 |
看图说话:即兴演讲 |
7 | 15:20-15:25 | 总结 |
主席总结 |
summary |
8 | 15:25-15:30 | 合影 |
结果公示与合影留念 |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 16:00-16:20 | 专题发言 |
智慧重症醫療 |
詹明澄 | 台中榮總中興大學 |
Symposium |
Smart Critical Care |
Mingcheng Zhan | |||
2 | 16:20-16:40 | 专题发言 |
人工智能可以取代专业医疗人员嗎 |
唐高骏 | 台湾阳明大学医务管理所 |
Symposium |
Can artificial intelligence replace professional medical personnel |
Gaojun Tang | |||
3 | 16:40-17:00 | 专题发言 |
以數字驅動高質量價值醫療 |
洪芳明 | 亚东纪念医院 |
Symposium |
High-quality and valueable healthcare driven by data |
Fangming Hong | |||
4 | 17:00-17:10 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 09:30-09:45 | English Corner |
Remimazolam besylate versus propofol for deep sedation in critically ill patients: a randomized pilot study |
尚游 | 华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院 |
English Corner |
Remimazolam besylate versus propofol for deep sedation in critically ill patients: a randomized pilot study |
You Shang | Union Hospital Tongji Medical College Huazhong University of Science and Technology | ||
2 | 09:45-10:00 | English Corner |
Fucoxanthin inhibits gastric cancer lymphangiogenesis and metastasis by regulating Ran expression |
王佳 | 大连医科大学附属第一医院 |
English Corner |
Fucoxanthin inhibits gastric cancer lymphangiogenesis and metastasis by regulating Ran expression |
Jia Wang | |||
3 | 10:00-10:15 | English Corner |
3-Hydroxybutyrate ameliorates sepsis-associated acute lung injury by promoting autophagy through the activation of GPR109α in macrophages |
杨翃 | 南方医科大学第三附属医院(广东省骨科研究医院) |
English Corner |
3-Hydroxybutyrate ameliorates sepsis-associated acute lung injury by promoting autophagy through the activation of GPR109α in macrophages |
Li Yang | The Third Affiliated Hospital Of Southern Medical University | ||
4 | 10:15-10:30 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
Discussion |
5 | 10:30-10:45 | English Corner |
HPV Vaccination Behavior, Vaccine Preference, and Health Beliefs in Chinese Female Health Care Workers: A Nationwide Cross-Sectional Study |
陆一涵 | 复旦大学公共卫生学院 |
English Corner |
HPV Vaccination Behavior, Vaccine Preference, and Health Beliefs in Chinese Female Health Care Workers: A Nationwide Cross-Sectional Study |
yihan lu | |||
6 | 10:45-11:00 | English Corner |
Safety and efficacy of non‑reduced use of caspofungin in patients with Child–Pugh B or C cirrhosis: a real‑world study |
文柯力 | 重庆医科大学附属第二医院 |
English Corner |
Safety and efficacy of non‑reduced use of caspofungin in patients with Child–Pugh B or C cirrhosis: a real‑world study |
Keli Wen | |||
7 | 11:00-11:15 | English Corner |
Endothelial progenitor cells systemic administration alleviates multi-organ senescence by down-regulating USP7/p300 pathway in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. |
王文华 | 中南大学湘雅三医院 |
English Corner |
Endothelial progenitor cells systemic administration alleviates multi-organ senescence by down-regulating USP7/p300 pathway in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. |
Wenhua Wang | |||
8 | 11:15-11:30 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 14:00-14:15 | English Corner |
Obesity and Septic Patient Outcomes: Shaping the Puzzle through Age and Sex Perspectives |
张拓 | 山东第一医科大学附属省立医院 |
English Corner |
Obesity and Septic Patient Outcomes: Shaping the Puzzle through Age and Sex Perspectives |
Tuo Zhang | |||
2 | 14:15-14:30 | English Corner |
Development and validation of a nomogram for predicting enteral feeding intolerance in critically ill patients (NOFI): Mixed retrospective and prospective cohort study |
王友泉 | 吉林大学第一医院重症医学科 |
English Corner |
Development and validation of a nomogram for predicting enteral feeding intolerance in critically ill patients (NOFI): Mixed retrospective and prospective cohort study |
Youquan Wang | |||
3 | 14:30-14:45 | English Corner |
Effect of norepinephrine on host immunity and bacterial infection |
王佳 | 大连医科大学附属第一医院 |
English Corner |
Effect of norepinephrine on host immunity and bacterial infection |
Jia Wang | |||
4 | 14:45-15:00 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
Discussion |
5 | 15:00-15:15 | English Corner |
Atherosis-associated lnc_000048 activates PKR to enhance STAT1-mediated polarization of THP-1 macrophages to M1 phenotype |
丁园园 | 青岛大学附属医院 |
English Corner |
Atherosis-associated lnc_000048 activates PKR to enhance STAT1-mediated polarization of THP-1 macrophages to M1 phenotype |
Yuanyuan Ding | |||
6 | 15:15-15:30 | English Corner |
Correlation between early intracranial pressure and cerebral perfusion pressure with 28-day intensive care unit mortality in patients with hemorrhagic stroke |
张洋 | 安徽医科大学第二附属医院 |
English Corner |
Correlation between early intracranial pressure and cerebral perfusion pressure with 28-day intensive care unit mortality in patients with hemorrhagic stroke |
Yang Zhang | |||
7 | 15:30-15:45 | English Corner |
Association between Lipids, Apolipoproteins and Telomere Length: A Mendelian Randomization Study |
朱峰 | 上海市东方医院(同济大学附属东方医院) |
English Corner |
Association between Lipids, Apolipoproteins and Telomere Length: A Mendelian Randomization Study |
8 | 15:45-16:00 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 09:30-09:45 | English Corner |
Emerging healthy lifestyle factors and all-cause mortality among people with metabolic syndrome and metabolic syndrome-like characteristics in NHANES |
朱晓岩 | 青岛大学附属医院 |
English Corner |
Emerging healthy lifestyle factors and all-cause mortality among people with metabolic syndrome and metabolic syndrome-like characteristics in NHANES |
Xiaoyan Zhu | |||
2 | 09:45-10:00 | English Corner |
A diagnostic model for sepsis‑induced acute lung injury using a consensus machine learning approach and its therapeutic implications |
郑永信 | 广州医科大学附属第一医院 |
English Corner |
A diagnostic model for sepsis‑induced acute lung injury using a consensus machine learning approach and its therapeutic implications |
Yongxin Zheng | |||
3 | 10:00-10:15 | English Corner |
ERRα protects against sepsis-induced acute lung injury in rats |
夏文芳 | 武汉大学人民医院 |
English Corner |
ERRα protects against sepsis-induced acute lung injury in rats |
Wenfang Xia | |||
4 | 10:15-10:30 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
Discussion |
5 | 10:30-10:45 | English Corner |
Protectin conjugates in tissue regeneration 1 alleviates sepsis-induced acute lung injury by inhibiting ferroptosis |
高叶 | 温州医科大学附属第二医院 |
English Corner |
Protectin conjugates in tissue regeneration 1 alleviates sepsis-induced acute lung injury by inhibiting ferroptosis |
Ye Gao | |||
6 | 10:45-11:00 | English Corner |
Comprehensive single-cell analysis reveals novel anergic antigen-presenting cell subtypes in human sepsis. |
张拓 | 山东第一医科大学附属省立医院 |
English Corner |
Comprehensive single-cell analysis reveals novel anergic antigen-presenting cell subtypes in human sepsis. |
Tuo Zhang | |||
7 | 11:00-11:15 | English Corner |
Identification of cuproptosis-related gene clusters and immune cell infiltration in major burns based on machine learning models and experimental validation |
朱峰 | 上海市东方医院(同济大学附属东方医院) |
English Corner |
Identification of cuproptosis-related gene clusters and immune cell infiltration in major burns based on machine learning models and experimental validation |
8 | 11:15-11:30 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 14:00-14:15 | English Corner |
Immune characteristics of kidney transplant recipients with acute respiratory distress syndrome induced by COVID-19 at single-cell resolution |
卢俊宇 | 广西医科大学第二附属医院 |
English Corner |
Immune characteristics of kidney transplant recipients with acute respiratory distress syndrome induced by COVID-19 at single-cell resolution |
Junyu Lu | |||
2 | 14:15-14:30 | English Corner |
LncRNA GAS5 suppresses TGF-β1-induced transformation of pulmonary pericytes into myofibroblasts by recruiting KDM5B and promoting H3K4me2/3 demethylation of the PDGFRα/β promoter |
王懿春 | 广州医科大学附属第三医院 |
English Corner |
LncRNA GAS5 suppresses TGF-β1-induced transformation of pulmonary pericytes into myofibroblasts by recruiting KDM5B and promoting H3K4me2/3 demethylation of the PDGFRα/β promoter |
Yichun Wang | |||
3 | 14:30-14:45 | English Corner |
Bibliometric analysis of intestinal microbiota and lung diseases |
孙玮婷 | 成都中医药大学附属医院(四川省中医医院) |
English Corner |
Bibliometric analysis of intestinal microbiota and lung diseases |
Weiting Sun | |||
4 | 14:45-15:00 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
Discussion |
5 | 15:00-15:15 | English Corner |
Super resolution imaging reconstruction reveals that gold standard methods may not correctly conclude neural/brain functional recovery |
黄巍峰 | 上海交通大学医学院附属第六人民医院 |
English Corner | Weifeng Huang | ||||
6 | 15:15-15:30 | English Corner |
Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of psittacosis among cases with complicated or atypical pulmonary infection using metagenomic next-generation sequencing: a multi-center observational study in China |
黄巍峰 | 上海交通大学医学院附属第六人民医院 |
English Corner |
Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of psittacosis among cases with complicated or atypical pulmonary infection using metagenomic next-generation sequencing: a multi-center observational study in China |
Weifeng Huang | |||
7 | 15:30-15:45 | English Corner |
Comparative Pharmacokinetics of Polymyxin B in Critically Ill Elderly Patients with Extensively Drug-Resistant Gram-Negative Bacteria Infections |
曾娟 | 山东第一医科大学附属省立医院 |
English Corner |
Comparative Pharmacokinetics of Polymyxin B in Critically Ill Elderly Patients with Extensively Drug-Resistant Gram-Negative Bacteria Infections |
Juan Zeng | |||
8 | 15:45-16:00 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 09:30-09:45 | English Corner |
Non-coding RNA alterations in extracellular vesicles from bronchoalveolar lavage fluid contribute to mechanical ventilationinduced pulmonary fibrosis. |
汤日 | 上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院 |
English Corner | Ri Tang | ||||
2 | 09:45-10:00 | English Corner |
Visualizing the dynamic mechanical power and time burden of mechanical ventilation patients: an analysis of the MIMIC-IV database |
丁晓燕 | 重庆市妇幼保健院 |
English Corner | Xiaoyan Ding | ||||
3 | 10:00-10:15 | English Corner |
The role of 14-3-3 in the progression of vascular inflammation induced by lipopolysaccharide |
谭宏伟 | 德阳市人民医院 |
English Corner |
The role of 14-3-3 in the progression of vascular inflammation induced by lipopolysaccharide |
Hongwei Tan | |||
4 | 10:15-10:30 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
Discussion |
5 | 10:30-10:45 | English Corner |
Fospropofol disodium versus propofol for long-term sedation during invasive mechanical ventilation: A pilot randomized clinical trial |
尚游 | 华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院 |
English Corner |
Fospropofol disodium versus propofol for long-term sedation during invasive mechanical ventilation: A pilot randomized clinical trial |
You Shang | Union Hospital Tongji Medical College Huazhong University of Science and Technology | ||
6 | 10:45-11:00 | English Corner |
High driving pressure ventilation induces pulmonary hypertension in a rabbit model of acute lung injury |
张宇 | 佛山市第一人民医院 |
English Corner | yu zhang | ||||
7 | 11:00-11:15 | English Corner |
Inhibition of interleukin-6trans-signaling improves survival and prevents cognitive impairment in a mouse model of sepsis |
石丹丹 | 河北医科大学第二医院 |
English Corner |
Inhibition of interleukin-6trans-signaling improves survival and prevents cognitive impairment in a mouse model of sepsis |
Dandan Shi | |||
8 | 11:15-11:30 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 14:00-14:15 | English Corner |
Heat stress-induced intestinal epithelial cells necroptosis via TLR3-TRIF-RIP3 pathway was dependent on p53 |
周俊杰 | 河源市人民医院 |
English Corner | Junjie Zhou | ||||
2 | 14:15-14:30 | English Corner |
study on immune status alternation in patients with sepsis |
崔志文 | 郑州大学第一附属医院 |
English Corner |
study on immune status alternation in patients with sepsis |
zhiwen cui | |||
3 | 14:30-14:45 | English Corner |
Association between Gastrointestinal Dysfunction Score (GIDS) and disease severity and prognosis in critically ill patients: A prospective, observational study |
王超凡 | 山东第一医科大学 |
English Corner |
Association between Gastrointestinal Dysfunction Score (GIDS) and disease severity and prognosis in critically ill patients: A prospective, observational study |
Chaofan Wang | |||
4 | 14:45-15:00 | English Corner |
PLD2 deletion alleviates disruption of tight junctions in sepsis-induced ALI by regulating PA/STAT3 phosphorylation pathway ORIGINAL RESEARCH Int Immunopharmacol 5.6 Q2 |
黄潇 | 滨州医学院附属医院 |
English Corner |
PLD2 deletion alleviates disruption of tight junctions in sepsis-induced ALI by regulating PA/STAT3 phosphorylation pathway ORIGINAL RESEARCH Int Immunopharmacol 5.6 Q2 |
Xiao Huang | Binzhou Medical University Hospital | ||
5 | 15:00-15:15 | English Corner |
Thymopentin plays a key role in restoring the function of macrophages to alleviate the sepsis process |
李辉 | 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院北部院区 |
English Corner |
Thymopentin plays a key role in restoring the function of macrophages to alleviate the sepsis process |
Hui Li | |||
6 | 15:15-15:30 | English Corner |
Population pharmacokinetics and individualized dosing of tigecycline for critically ill patients: a prospective study with intensive sampling |
苏伟 | 浙江大学医学院附属邵逸夫医院 |
English Corner |
Population pharmacokinetics and individualized dosing of tigecycline for critically ill patients: a prospective study with intensive sampling |
Wei Su | |||
7 | 15:30-15:45 | English Corner |
Etiologic characteristics revealed by mNGS-mediated ultra-early and early microbiological identification in airway secretions from lung transplant recipients |
张晓勤 | 四川省医学科学院·四川省人民医院 |
English Corner |
Etiologic characteristics revealed by mNGS-mediated ultra-early and early microbiological identification in airway secretions from lung transplant recipients |
Xiao-qin Zhang | |||
8 | 15:45-16:00 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 08:00-08:20 | 专题发言 |
Diagnostic Errors in Critical Care |
杜斌 | 中国医学科学院北京协和医院 |
Symposium | Bin Du | Peking Union Medical College Hospital (PUMCH) | |||
2 | 08:20-08:40 | 专题发言 |
重症医学科的医疗质量问题 |
席修明 | 首都医科大学附属复兴医院 |
Symposium | Xiuming Xi | Fu Xing Hospital, Capital Medical University | |||
3 | 08:40-09:00 | 专题发言 |
回到床旁! |
马朋林 | 贵黔国际总医院 |
Symposium |
Back to the bedside! |
Penglin Ma | Guiqian International General Hospital |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 09:00-09:15 | 专题发言 |
CRRT,关注低体温 |
邵小平 | 上海交通大学医学院附属第六人民医院 |
Symposium |
CRRT, pay attention to hypothermia |
Xiaoping Shao | |||
2 | 09:15-09:30 | 专题发言 |
CRRT,关注导管相关感染 |
景峰 | 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院 |
Symposium |
CRRT, pay attention to catheter-related infections |
Feng Jing | |||
3 | 09:30-09:45 | 专题发言 |
CRRT,关注导管相关性血栓 |
叶向红 | 中国人民解放军东部战区总医院 |
Symposium |
CRRT, focusing on catheter-related thrombosis |
Xianghong Ye | Eastern theater General Hospital | ||
4 | 09:45-10:00 | 专题发言 |
CRRT,关注局部抗凝监测 |
朱艳萍 | 东南大学附属中大医院 |
Symposium |
CRRT, focus on local anticoagulation monitoring |
Yanping Zhu | |||
5 | 10:00-10:15 | 专题发言 |
规范护理操作,减少非计划下机 |
魏红云 | 南方医科大学南方医院 |
Symposium |
Standardize nursing operations and reduce unplanned downtime |
Hongyun Wei | |||
6 | 10:15-10:30 | 讨论点评 |
提问、讨论 |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 10:30-10:45 | 专题发言 |
险象环生——重度ARDS病例 |
张莉 | 新疆医科大学第一附属医院 |
Symposium |
Perils abound - severe ARDS cases |
Li Zhang | |||
2 | 10:45-11:00 | 专题发言 |
改善逆境——高流量氧疗(HFNC) |
黄德斌 | 广西医科大学第一附属医院 |
Symposium |
Improving adversity - High flow oxygen therapy (HFNC) |
Debin Huang | The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi Medical University | ||
3 | 11:00-11:15 | 专题发言 |
动静有常——机械通气早期康复 |
李黎明 | 河南省人民医院 |
Symposium |
Constant movement and stillness - early rehabilitation of mechanical ventilation |
Liming Li | Henan Provincial People 's Hospital | ||
4 | 11:15-11:30 | 专题发言 |
思行并进——俯卧位通气护理 |
高明榕 | 中山大学附属第一医院 |
Symposium |
Thinking and Action Together - prone position ventilation nursing |
Mingrong Gao | |||
5 | 11:30-11:45 | 专题发言 |
一波三折——ECMO治疗 |
王莎莎 | 武汉大学人民医院 |
Symposium |
Three twists and turns - ECMO treatment |
Shasha Wang | |||
6 | 11:45-12:00 | 讨论点评 |
提问、讨论 |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 09:00-09:20 | 病例报告 |
病例介绍 |
张洁 | 广州医科大学附属第一医院 |
Case Report |
Case introduction |
Jie Zhang | |||
2 | 09:20-09:30 | 病例报告 |
潮气量选择 |
梁国鹏 | 四川大学华西医院 |
Case Report |
Tidal volume |
Guopeng Liang | West China Hospital, Sichuan University | ||
3 | 09:30-09:40 | 病例报告 |
PEEP滴定 |
石松菁 | 福州大学附属省立医院 |
Case Report |
PEEP titration |
Songjing Shi | China | ||
4 | 09:40-09:50 | 病例报告 |
俯卧位 |
罗建 | 衢州市人民医院 |
Case Report |
Prone position |
Jian Luo | |||
5 | 09:50-10:00 | 病例报告 |
撤机的评估 |
刘嘉琳 | 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院 |
Case Report |
Trial off |
Jialin Liu | Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine | ||
6 | 10:00-10:30 | 讨论 |
讨论 |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 10:30-10:40 | 辩论 |
我首选HFNO-1 |
刘旭 | 贵州医科大学附属医院 |
I prefer HFNO |
Xu Liu | The Affiliated Hospital of Guizhou Medical University | |||
2 | 10:40-10:50 | 辩论 |
我首选HFNO-2 |
王孝茹 | 山西医科大学第二医院 |
I prefer HFNO |
Xiaoru Wang | Department of Orthopedics, Warren Alpert Medical School, Brown University | |||
3 | 10:50-11:00 | 辩论 |
我首选HFNO-3 |
刘秉宇 | 浙江医院 |
I prefer HFNO |
Bingyu Liu | Zhejiang Hospital | |||
4 | 11:00-11:30 | 辩论 |
我首选NIV |
Discussion |
I prefer NIV |
5 | 11:30-12:00 | 讨论点评 |
专家点评和讨论 |
Comment |
Expert comments and discussions |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 09:00-09:20 | 专题发言 |
谵妄的高危因素:固有因素和可变因素 |
尹昌林 | 中国人民解放军陆军军医大学第一附属医院 |
Symposium |
Risk factors for delirium: inherent factors and variable factors |
Changlin Yin | The First Affiliated Hospital of Army Military Medical University (Southwest Hospital) | ||
2 | 09:20-09:40 | 专题发言 |
谵妄的临床亚型:基于临床表现或生物标记 |
黄晓波 | 四川省医学科学院·四川省人民医院 |
Symposium |
Clinical subtypes of delirium: based on clinical presentation or biomarkers |
Xiaobo Huang | Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital | ||
3 | 09:40-10:00 | 专题发言 |
谵妄的药物治疗:经典药物新证据 |
段美丽 | 首都医科大学附属北京友谊医院 |
Symposium |
Pharmacological treatment of delirium: new evidence for classic drugs |
Meili Duan | Beijing Friendship Hospital, Capital Medical University | ||
4 | 10:00-10:20 | 专题发言 |
谵妄的非药物治疗:定制式综合策略 |
王春亭 | 山东第一医科大学附属省立医院 |
Symposium |
Nonpharmacological treatments for delirium: a tailored and comprehensive strategy |
Chunting Wang | Shandong Provincial Hospital Chinese | ||
5 | 10:20-10:30 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 10:30-10:50 | 专题发言 |
睡眠的生理及影响因素 |
于湘友 | 新疆医科大学第一附属医院 |
Symposium |
Sleep physiology and influencing factors |
Xiangyou Yu | The First Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University | ||
2 | 10:50-11:10 | 专题发言 |
睡眠不良对患者的影响 |
李颖川 | 上海市第十人民医院 |
Symposium |
The effect of poor sleep on patients |
Yingchuan Li | Shanghai Jiao Tong University Affiliated Sixth People's Hospital, Shanghai, China | ||
3 | 11:10-11:30 | 专题发言 |
重症患者的睡眠监测 |
李金秀 | 中南大学湘雅二医院 |
Symposium |
Sleep monitoring in critically ill patients |
Li Jinxiu | |||
4 | 11:30-11:50 | 专题发言 |
改善睡眠的方法 |
金晓东 | 四川大学华西医院 |
Symposium |
Ways to improve patient sleep |
Xiaodong Jin | |||
5 | 11:50-12:00 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 09:00-09:15 | 专题发言 |
知己知彼:重症公共数据库的介绍、申请和使用 |
蔡洪流 | 浙江大学医学院附属第一医院 |
Symposium |
Know yourself and know the enemy: introduction, application and use of critical public database |
Hongliu Cai | First hospital affiliated School of medicine,Zhejiang university | ||
2 | 09:15-09:30 | 专题发言 |
技多不压身:公共数据库研究所需的常用统计方法 |
胡畅 | 武汉大学中南医院 |
Symposium |
Many skills do not weigh down: common statistical methods needed for public database research |
Chang Hu | |||
3 | 09:30-09:45 | 专题发言 |
无规矩不成方圆:公共数据库论文的报告规范 |
张晟 | 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院 |
Symposium |
There is no rule without rules: reporting norms for public database papers |
sheng Zhang | |||
4 | 09:45-10:00 | 专题发言 |
一点之见即可成文:临床医生如何使用公共数据库发表论文 |
吕军 | 暨南大学附属第一医院 |
Symposium |
One point can be written: how clinicians use public databases to publish papers |
Jun Lv | |||
5 | 10:00-10:30 | 讨论点评 |
点评、讨论 |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 10:30-10:45 | 专题发言 |
1例严重腹部外伤病例汇报 |
朱江勃 | 陕西省人民医院 |
Symposium |
Case Report on a Severe Abdominal Trauma |
Jiangbo Zhu | |||
2 | 10:45-11:05 | 专题发言 |
腹部外伤的初诊陷阱:血管损伤和空腔脏器损伤 |
朱凤雪 | 北京大学人民医院 |
Symposium |
Initial diagnostic Pitfalls in Abdominal Trauma: Vascular and Visceral Injuries |
Fengxue Zhu | |||
3 | 11:05-11:25 | 专题发言 |
损伤控制手术和围术期管理 |
石秦东 | 西安交通大学第一附属医院 |
Symposium |
Damage control surgery and Perioperative Management |
Qindong Shi | |||
4 | 11:25-11:45 | 专题发言 |
如何管理腹腔开放和加速康复 |
姚立农 | 中国人民解放军空军军医大学第二附属医院 |
Symposium |
Management of open abdomen and accelerated recovery |
Linong Yao | |||
5 | 11:45-12:00 | 讨论 |
讨论 |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 09:00-09:20 | 专题发言 |
脓毒性心肌病早期识别:生物标志物 |
严静 | 浙江医院 |
Symposium |
Early identification of septic cardiomyopathy: biomarkers |
Jing Yan | Zhejiang Hospital | ||
2 | 09:20-09:40 | 专题发言 |
脓毒性心肌病早期识别:血流动力学 |
刘忠民 | 吉林大学中日联谊医院北湖院区 |
Symposium |
Early identification of septic cardiomyopathy: hemodynamics |
Zhongmin Liu | |||
3 | 09:40-10:00 | 专题发言 |
脓毒性心肌病:药物治疗 |
孙同文 | 郑州大学第一附属医院 |
Symposium |
septic cardiomyopathy: drug therapy |
Tongwen Sun | The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University | ||
4 | 10:00-10:20 | 专题发言 |
脓毒症心肌病:ECMO |
何斌 | 上海市胸科医院 |
Symposium |
septic cardiomyopathy: ECMO |
Bin He | |||
5 | 10:20-10:30 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 10:30-10:50 | 专题发言 |
心梗后心源性休克:优化容量 |
徐磊 | 天津市第三中心医院 |
Symposium |
Cardiogenic shock after myocardial infarction: optimizing volume |
Lei Xu | Tianjin third central hospital | ||
2 | 10:50-11:10 | 专题发言 |
心梗后心源性休克:正性肌力药:利与弊 |
潘爱军 | 中国科学技术大学附属第一医院(安徽省立医院) |
Symposium |
Cardiogenic shock after myocardial infarction:inotropic agents: pros and cons |
Aijun Pan | The First Affiliated Hospital of USTC, University of Science and Technology of China, Anhui Provincial Hospital, China | ||
3 | 11:10-11:30 | 专题发言 |
心梗后心源性休克:血管活性药物 |
杜全胜 | 河北省人民医院 |
Symposium |
Cardiogenic shock after myocardial infarction: vasoactive agents |
Quansheng Du | Hebei General Hospital | ||
4 | 11:30-11:50 | 专题发言 |
心梗后心源性休克:机械辅助 |
潘景业 | 温州医科大学附属第一医院 |
Symposium |
Cardiogenic shock after myocardial infarction: mechanical circulatory support |
Jingye Pan | Wenzhou Medical University Affiliated First Hospital | ||
5 | 11:50-12:00 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 09:00-09:30 | 病例报告 |
右心功能重建(8分钟汇报+22分钟讨论) |
杨莹莹 | 中国医学科学院北京协和医院 |
Case Report |
Reconstruction of right heart function |
Yingying Yang | Peking Union Medical College Hospital | ||
2 | 09:30-10:00 | 病例报告 |
血管活性药物与器官血流分配(8分钟汇报+22分钟讨论) |
刘旺林 | 中国医学科学院北京协和医院 |
Case Report |
Vasoactive agents and organ blood flow |
Wanglin Liu | Department of neurology, West China Hospital, Sichuan University | ||
3 | 10:00-10:30 | 病例报告 |
LVAD:人工心与自然心的匹配(8分钟汇报+22分钟讨论) |
程卫 | 中国医学科学院北京协和医院 |
Case Report |
LVAD: The matching of artificial heart and natural heart |
Wei Cheng |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 12:00-12:15 | 总结 |
闭幕式总结 |
康焰 | 四川大学华西医院/华西天府医院 |
2 | 12:15-12:30 | 总结 |
闭幕式总结 |
陈德昌 | 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院 |
Dechang Chen | Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 09:00-09:20 | 专题发言 |
院感防控,呼吸机如何管理?HAIs prevention and control:How to manage the ventilators ? |
谭若铭 | 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院 |
Symposium |
HAIs prevention and control:How to manage the ventilators ? |
Ruoming Tan | Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine | ||
2 | 09:20-09:40 | 专题发言 |
院感防控,VAP如何预防? |
邵小平 | 上海交通大学医学院附属第六人民医院 |
Symposium |
HAIs prevention and control:How to prevent ventilator associated pneumonia ? |
Xiaoping Shao | |||
3 | 09:40-10:00 | 专题发言 |
MDRO防控,复方氯己定应用再评价 |
许汪斌 | 昆明医科大学第一附属医院 |
Symposium |
MDRO prevention and control:Re-evaluation of the application of chlorhexidine |
Wangbin Xu | The First Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University | ||
4 | 10:00-10:20 | 专题发言 |
MDRO防控,床单位的管理 |
顾秋莹 | 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院 |
Symposium |
MDRO prevention and control:Management of ICU beds |
Qiuying Gu | |||
5 | 10:20-10:50 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 08:00-08:20 | 专题发言 |
Micronutrient supplementation in critically ill patients: What is the evidence? |
Arthur Van Zanten | Wageningen University |
Symposium |
Micronutrient supplementation in critically ill patients: What is the evidence? |
Arthur Van Zanten | Wageningen University | ||
2 | 08:20-08:30 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
Discussion |
3 | 08:30-08:50 | 专题发言 |
Novel evidence in nutrition and metabolism) |
Arthur Van Zanten | Wageningen University |
Symposium |
Novel evidence in nutrition and metabolism) |
Arthur Van Zanten | Wageningen University | ||
4 | 08:50-09:00 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
Discussion |
5 | 09:00-09:20 | 专题发言 |
Target feeding: How to reach the target? |
于凯江 | 哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院 |
Symposium |
Target feeding: How to reach the target? |
Kaijiang Yu | Department of Ophthalmology, the First Affiliated Hospital, Harbin Medical University, Harbin, China, | ||
6 | 09:20-09:25 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
Discussion |
7 | 09:25-09:40 | 专题发言 |
Actively implementing an evidence-based feeding guideline for critically ill patients (NEED): a multicenter, cluster-randomized, controlled trial |
柯路 | 中国人民解放军东部战区总医院 |
Symposium |
Actively implementing an evidence-based feeding guideline for critically ill patients (NEED): a multicenter, cluster-randomized, controlled trial |
Lu Ke | Jinling Hospital | ||
8 | 09:40-09:55 | 专题发言 |
Different definitions of feeding intolerance and their associations with outcomes of critically ill adults receiving enteral nutrition: a systematic review and meta-analysis |
许媛 | 清华大学附属北京清华长庚医院 |
Symposium |
Different definitions of feeding intolerance and their associations with outcomes of critically ill adults receiving enteral nutrition: a systematic review and meta-analysis |
Yuan Xu | Tsinghua Changgeng Hospital affiliated to Tsinghua University, Beijing | ||
9 | 09:55-10:00 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 10:00-10:20 | 专题发言 |
ICM: The best picks of the last 12 months |
Giuseppe Citerio | ICM主编 |
Symposium |
ICM: The best picks of the last 12 months |
Giuseppe Citerio | University Milano Bicocca | ||
2 | 10:20-10:40 | 专题发言 |
Fluid management in ARDS |
Jean-Louis Teboul | Bicetre Hospital, Paris-Saclay University France |
Symposium |
Fluid management in ARDS |
Jean-Louis Teboul | Bicetre Hospital, Paris-Saclay University France | ||
3 | 10:40-11:00 | 专题发言 |
Diversity In ICM:what can we learn from a national survey? |
马朋林 | 贵黔国际总医院 |
Symposium |
Diversity In ICM:what can we learn from a national survey? |
Penglin Ma | Guiqian International General Hospital | ||
4 | 11:00-12:00 | 讨论点评 |
Discussion 1. Does a negative RCT really mean the intervention is ineffective? 2. How to disseminate your paper effectively? 3. How to better use Electronic Medical Records for clinical research? 4. How to use clinicaltrials.gov to inspire research idea? 5. How to get idea from the database? |
Comment |
Discussion 1. Does a negative RCT really mean the intervention is ineffective? 2. How to disseminate your paper effectively? 3. How to better use Electronic Medical Records for clinical research? 4. How to use clinicaltrials.gov to inspire research idea? 5. How to get idea from the database? |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 09:00-09:05 | 致辞 |
主持人开场与评委介绍 |
2 | 09:05-09:15 | 致辞 |
参赛队伍亮相 |
3 | 09:15-09:20 | 致辞 |
主席兼裁判长致辞 |
4 | 09:20-10:20 | 比赛 |
第一轮 舍我其谁 |
5 | 10:20-11:10 | 比赛 |
第二轮 生死时速 |
6 | 11:10-12:00 | 比赛 |
第三轮 巅峰对决 |
7 | 12:00-12:10 | 总结 |
主席总结 |
summary |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 09:00-09:15 | English Corner |
Comparison of the clinical efficacy and toxicity of nebulized polymyxin monotherapy and combined intravenous and nebulized polymyxin for the treatment of ventilator-associated pneumonia caused by carbapenem-resistant gram-negative bacteria: a retrospective cohort study |
吴振平 | 浙江大学医学院附属第一医院 |
English Corner |
Comparison of the clinical efficacy and toxicity of nebulized polymyxin monotherapy and combined intravenous and nebulized polymyxin for the treatment of ventilator-associated pneumonia caused by carbapenem-resistant gram-negative bacteria: a retrospective cohort study |
Zhenping Wu | |||
2 | 09:15-09:30 | English Corner |
Documenting the immune response in patients with COVID-19-induced acute respiratory distress syndrome |
卢俊宇 | 广西医科大学第二附属医院 |
English Corner |
Documenting the immune response in patients with COVID-19-induced acute respiratory distress syndrome |
Junyu Lu | |||
3 | 09:30-09:45 | English Corner |
RES-Xre toxin-antitoxin locus knaAT maintains the stability of the virulence plasmid in Klebsiella pneumoniae |
王晓丽 | 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院 |
English Corner |
RES-Xre toxin-antitoxin locus knaAT maintains the stability of the virulence plasmid in Klebsiella pneumoniae |
Xiaoli Wang | |||
4 | 09:45-10:00 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
Discussion |
5 | 10:00-10:15 | English Corner |
Machine learning-derived blood culture classification with both predictive and prognostic values in the intensive care unit: A retrospective cohort study. |
张金 | 安徽医科大学第二附属医院 |
English Corner |
Machine learning-derived blood culture classification with both predictive and prognostic values in the intensive care unit: A retrospective cohort study. |
Jin Zhang | the Second Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University | ||
6 | 10:15-10:30 | English Corner |
Recruitment of regulatory T cells with rCCL17 promotes M2 microglia/macrophage polarization through TGFβ/TGFβR/Smad2/3 pathway in a mouse model of intracerebral hemorrhage |
邓水香 | 复旦大学附属华山医院 |
English Corner |
Recruitment of regulatory T cells with rCCL17 promotes M2 microglia/macrophage polarization through TGFβ/TGFβR/Smad2/3 pathway in a mouse model of intracerebral hemorrhage |
Shuixiang Deng | |||
7 | 10:30-10:45 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 09:00-09:15 | English Corner |
Functional metagenomic and metabolomics analysis of gut dysbiosis induced by hyperoxia |
邢周雄 | 遵义医科大学附属医院 |
English Corner |
Functional metagenomic and metabolomics analysis of gut dysbiosis induced by hyperoxia |
Zhouxiong Xing | |||
2 | 09:15-09:30 | English Corner |
The utilization of nanopore targeted sequencing proves to be advantageous in the identification of infections present in deceased donors |
张凯旋 | 武汉大学人民医院 |
English Corner | Kaixuan Zhang | Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University | |||
3 | 09:30-09:45 | English Corner |
Systemic infammation indicators and risk of incident arrhythmias in 478,524 individuals: evidence from the UK Biobank cohort |
张诗涵 | 山东大学齐鲁医院 |
English Corner |
Systemic infammation indicators and risk of incident arrhythmias in 478,524 individuals: evidence from the UK Biobank cohort |
Shihan Zhang | |||
4 | 09:45-10:00 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
Discussion |
5 | 10:00-10:15 | English Corner |
Brain-Derived Exosomal miRNA Profiles upon Experimental SAE Rats and Their Comparison with Peripheral Exosomes |
肖琦 | 青岛大学附属医院 |
English Corner |
Brain-Derived Exosomal miRNA Profiles upon Experimental SAE Rats and Their Comparison with Peripheral Exosomes |
Qi Xiao | |||
6 | 10:15-10:30 | English Corner |
ShockSurv: A machine learning model to accurately predict 28-day mortality for septic shock patients in the intensive care unit |
王陆豪 | 中山大学附属第一医院 |
English Corner |
ShockSurv: A machine learning model to accurately predict 28-day mortality for septic shock patients in the intensive care unit |
Luhao Wang | |||
7 | 10:30-10:45 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
Discussion |
编号 | 时间 | 类型 | 题目 | 讲者 | 单位 |
1 | 09:00-09:15 | English Corner |
Lnc_000048 Promotes Histone H3K4 Methylation of MAP2K2 to Reduce Plaque Stability by Recruiting KDM1A in Carotid Atherosclerosis |
朱晓岩 | 青岛大学附属医院 |
English Corner |
Lnc_000048 Promotes Histone H3K4 Methylation of MAP2K2 to Reduce Plaque Stability by Recruiting KDM1A in Carotid Atherosclerosis |
Xiaoyan Zhu | |||
2 | 09:15-09:30 | English Corner |
Dynamic expression analysis of peripheral blood derived small extracellular vesicle miRNAs in sepsis progression |
毕杨 | 山东第一医科大学附属省立医院 |
English Corner |
Dynamic expression analysis of peripheral blood derived small extracellular vesicle miRNAs in sepsis progression |
Yang Bi | |||
3 | 09:30-09:45 | English Corner |
The risk factors and predictive modeling of mortality in patients with mental disorders combined with severe pneumonia ORIGINAL RESEARCH Front Psychiatry |
李夏亚虎 | 成都市第二人民医院 |
English Corner |
The risk factors and predictive modeling of mortality in patients with mental disorders combined with severe pneumonia ORIGINAL RESEARCH Front Psychiatry |
Xiayahu Li | |||
4 | 09:45-10:00 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
Discussion |
5 | 10:00-10:15 | English Corner |
Comprehensive analysis of senescence-associated genes in sepsis based on bulk and single-cell sequencing data. |
陶林峰 | 苏州市立医院 |
English Corner |
Comprehensive analysis of senescence-associated genes in sepsis based on bulk and single-cell sequencing data. |
Linfeng Tao | |||
6 | 10:15-10:30 | English Corner |
Integrin β3 Mediates Sepsis and Mechanical Ventilation-Associated Pulmonary Fibrosis Through Glycometabolic Reprogramming |
梅舒雅 | 上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院 |
English Corner |
Integrin β3 Mediates Sepsis and Mechanical Ventilation-Associated Pulmonary Fibrosis Through Glycometabolic Reprogramming |
Shuya Mei | |||
7 | 10:30-10:45 | 讨论点评 |
讨论 |
Comment |
Discussion |